Last Updated: Jun 10th, 2008 - 00:45:16 |
Elections & Voting
What is it about the alleged need for military service in order to be a good commander in chief?
By Eric Arnow
One of the themes of this presidential campaign is the
issue of the respective candidates� military service or lack thereof. Somehow
it seems that military service is as seen some sort of litmus test for whether
a candidate is qualified for the job of president, with the attendant
responsibility as commander in chief.
Jun 10, 2008, 00:14
Elections & Voting
GOP dirty tricks machine readies a charge that Obama is not eligible to be president
By Wayne Madsen
WMR --
GOP dirty tricks operatives dispatched to Kenya to dig up any useful
"dirt" on Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, Jr., and his
late Kenyan father Barack Obama, Sr., believe they have found a "smoking
gun." In this case, it is a birth certificate from the Kenyan city of
Mombasa registering the birth of Barack Obama, Jr., on August 4, 1961. However,
the registration is a common practice in African countries whose citizens
abroad have families with foreign nationals. Obama was born in Honolulu,
Hawaii, to his Ann Dunham of Wichita, Kansas, and Barack Obama, Sr., of
Nyangoma-Kogelo, Kenya. Obama's parents were enrolled at the University of
Hawaii. They divorced when Barack Obama was two years old.
Jun 9, 2008, 00:19
Elections & Voting
Needed: A change of direction, not a lane change
By Ben Tanosborn
And the beat goes on. Sorry . . . I too have added
�and� to that song title that takes us to those antediluvian college days (for
me) and the music of �Sonny and Cher,� mini skirts and men marching off to war.
Nothing much has changed in four decades, not in those areas that would make us
a better nation, a better people. And so . . . the beat goes on.
Jun 9, 2008, 00:17
Elections & Voting
The US vs. Obama, McCain, and AIPAC
By Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph.D.
Some one million Arab and Muslim Americans, including
some in my own family, voted for Obama in the primaries. I was not one of them
and I will likely vote for a third party candidate in November.
Jun 6, 2008, 00:12
Elections & Voting
GOP contender linked to attorney firing
By Jason Leopold
Though virtually unknown outside the Albuquerque area,
Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White is betting that his conservative
credentials and close ties to the White House will help Republicans retain the
hotly contested New Mexico congressional seat being vacated by Rep. Heather
Jun 3, 2008, 00:22
Elections & Voting
Ad-venture capital in American presidential politics
By Ben Tanosborn
Like it or not, in agreement or in disfavor by the
populace, our money politics has now entered the era of networking, multi-level-marketing
and thorough ad-brainwashing.
Jun 3, 2008, 00:20
Elections & Voting
America�s ongoing nightmare: Electing the next CINC
By Ben Tanosborn
This past week saw �never-give-up� Hillary establish mileposts in her
own Oregon Trail, this time without covered wagons or the many difficulties of
an overland migration route. However, to some members of the Democratic Party
her campaign appeared to arrive here not to settle but, disturbingly, to
unsettle things.
May 20, 2008, 00:14
Elections & Voting
Bush operative pushes voter ID law
By Jason Leopold
A senior legal adviser to the Bush-Cheney 2004
reelection campaign is working behind the scenes to help enact a Missouri state
constitutional amendment that critics say would suppress the vote in the key
battleground state this November by requiring voters to show proof of
May 15, 2008, 00:12
Elections & Voting
Stop obliterating yourself!
By Reza Fiyouzat
If it was unclear to most American observers of the
U.S. presidential elections, it was clear to most Middle Easterners, of whom I
am one. I am talking about the recently solved mystery about what one
Democratic candidate, Hilary Clinton, would ultimately be willing to do to us
Middle Easterners of the Iranian variety, if elected.
May 6, 2008, 00:18
Elections & Voting
Man overboard! Obama Wrights-off a drowning friend
By Mike Whitney
Obama is "outraged."
May 2, 2008, 00:20
Elections & Voting
Affirmative action for capitalism
By Frank Scott
In November of 2008, an endless and disgracefully
expensive campaign will end with the selection of a new president of the United
States. We can safely assume that person will continue representing and working
to sustain the menace the above quoted presidents criticize and urge ending:
May 2, 2008, 00:14
Elections & Voting
John McCain won�t be looking for the union label
By Walter Brasch
Don�t expect any labor union to endorse John McCain
for president in the general election. The wounds from the Bush�Cheney
administration are just too deep. Their reasons aren�t because of social
justice issues that once pervaded the labor movement, but on bread-and-butter
issues that have dominated unions the past five decades.
May 2, 2008, 00:12
Elections & Voting
Did the US Supreme Court just elect John McCain?
By Bob Fitrakis
& Harvey Wasserman
The US Supreme Court has just dealt a serious blow to
voters' rights that could help put John McCain in the White House by
eliminating tens of thousands of voters who generally vote Democratic.
May 1, 2008, 00:18
Elections & Voting
Fastened to a dying animal: A jeremiad regarding that affront to the nation's dignity known as the US election process
By Phil Rockstroh
Here in this crumbling empire once known as the
American republic, here in a nation that, at present, for all practical
purposes, only produces Cheetos and killer drones, whose architecture is being
winnowed down to thriving rural meth houses and foreclosed upon suburban
McHouses, whose corrupt corporate culture has bequeathed upon our suffering
planet dying oceans and the hyper-caffeinated tsunami of Red Bull Capitalism --
the essential question confronts us -- how does one retain (not retail) one's
humanity amid the catastrophic machinery and inane accouterment of our age?
Apr 30, 2008, 00:20
Elections & Voting
Wright delivers the knockout punch
By Mike Whitney
Reverend Jeremiah Wright appeared on PBS Bill Moyers
Journal last Friday night and delivered a knockout punch to the bully-boys in
the corporate media.
Apr 30, 2008, 00:12
Elections & Voting
Riding the warhorse: Introducing President McCain
By Missy Comley Beattie
First, allow your brain to conceive of John
Sidney McCain as president of the United States. Then, form in your mouth the
proper noun, President John McCain, and let it roll off your tongue into the
room and ears of those nearby. Practice it because it is what you will be
saying when George Bush leaves office although you will know that George and
John are one and the same. President John McCain.
Apr 28, 2008, 00:14
Elections & Voting
Coming to your town -- but only until Tuesday -- a Clinton
By Walter Brasch
The Clintons are patrolling Pennsylvania as if they�re
border collies herding all the stray sheep into the flock.
Apr 21, 2008, 00:14
Elections & Voting
The political leanings of white-skinned mutants
By Kerry Tomasi
One of the more interesting books I've read recently
is "Survival of the Sickest" by Dr. Sharon Moalem. The book explores
various maladies and adaptations that exist within modern humans, and proposes
various hypotheses, based on scientific studies, to explain what evolutionary
pressures may have led to things like diabetes, hemochromatosis, and high blood
pressure. The mechanism by which evolutionary pressure becomes adaptation is
through the hypermutation of genes known as transposons, or "jumping
genes," which scientists studying the human genome have determined make up
a significant percentage of our DNA.
Apr 18, 2008, 00:14
Elections & Voting
Is the Hillary Clinton campaign being deliberately sunk?
By F. William Engdahl
American presidential politics are at best a cynical
business. The outcome is typically determined, at least since the ill-fated
campaign of George McGovern in 1972, by major corporate lobbyists and
behind-the-scenes money interests who have little interest in national issues
other than their own. Now, with the sudden departure of Hillary Clinton�s main
campaign strategist, Mark Penn, it is clear that the powerful interests
originally backing Clinton have decided to end the game with her.
Apr 16, 2008, 00:18
Elections & Voting
Political log rolling in Clinton country
By Walter Brasch
It was just an old-fashioned case of political log
rolling. In this case, the Clinton campaign approached a Democratic county
commissioner and held up a political carrot -- if the commissioner, the only
Democrat of the three commissioners, would endorse Sen. Hillary Clinton for the
Democratic presidential nomination, they would do their best to provide
President Bill Clinton as a speaker in the commissioner�s county.
Apr 16, 2008, 00:10