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Front Page Last Updated: Apr 30th, 2008 - 00:48:15

Special Reports
Halliburton bribe case haunts Cheney
By Jason Leopold

Dick Cheney�s tenure at Halliburton ended eight years ago, but a federal investigation of alleged bribes from a company subsidiary to Nigerian officials lingers from the Cheney era, raising questions about what the vice president knew or should have known.

Apr 30, 2008, 00:22

Elections & Voting
Fastened to a dying animal: A jeremiad regarding that affront to the nation's dignity known as the US election process
By Phil Rockstroh

Here in this crumbling empire once known as the American republic, here in a nation that, at present, for all practical purposes, only produces Cheetos and killer drones, whose architecture is being winnowed down to thriving rural meth houses and foreclosed upon suburban McHouses, whose corrupt corporate culture has bequeathed upon our suffering planet dying oceans and the hyper-caffeinated tsunami of Red Bull Capitalism -- the essential question confronts us -- how does one retain (not retail) one's humanity amid the catastrophic machinery and inane accouterment of our age?

Apr 30, 2008, 00:20

Urgent request for funding
Since our ancient mailing list server is on its last legs, we had to take the plunge and order a new one and we also have to upgrade some software. The whole tab comes to $1,545 that has to be paid by the end of May, in addition to our usual monthly expenses. So, once again, we appeal to our readers for help. Please make a secure credit card donation  or if you prefer to send a check or money order, email for a mailing address.
Apr 30, 2008, 00:18

Anthony Julius and a journey to the dark Zionist world
By Gilad Atzmon

Anthony Julius is a prominent British lawyer and academic, best known for his actions on behalf of academic Nazi hunter Deborah Lipstadt. It was Julius who perpetrated the destruction of history revisionist David Irving�s career.

Apr 30, 2008, 00:16

The Iraq war morphs into the Iranian war
By Paul Craig Roberts

It is 1939 all over again. The world waits helplessly for the next act of naked aggression by rogue states. Only this time the rogue states are not the Third Reich and Fascist Italy. They are the United States and Israel.

Apr 30, 2008, 00:14

Elections & Voting
Wright delivers the knockout punch
By Mike Whitney

Reverend Jeremiah Wright appeared on PBS Bill Moyers Journal last Friday night and delivered a knockout punch to the bully-boys in the corporate media.

Apr 30, 2008, 00:12

First came Vietnam, then Iraq, now Iran lies directly in the crosshairs
By Michael Payne

History has a way of repeating itself but does anyone really pay any attention? First there was the horror of the Vietnam War that took the lives of more than 55,000 American troops and several million North and South Vietnamese. Did we as a nation learn anything from that bloody debacle? Apparently not much. Then shock and awe was brought down upon the nation of Iraq in March 2003 in what has been described as one of the worst foreign policy blunders in the history of America. This time, have we finally learned our lesson? Maybe not as Iran appears to be directly in the crosshairs of the perpetrators of endless war.

Apr 30, 2008, 00:10

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A must read: Daniel Estulin's The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

Apr 30, 2008, 00:08

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Apr 30, 2008, 00:06

Links to other sources of news and commentary
Cheney lawyer claims Congress has no authority over vice-president ● Doubt cast on Colombia's seizure of 'evidence' linking Venezuela to FARC ● Lawyers fear feds eavesdrop on talks with terror suspects ● Ex-prosecutor calls Guantanamo tribunals tainted: reports ● The McCain health plan: Millions lose coverage, health costs worsen, and insurance and drug industries win ● More . . .
Apr 30, 2008, 00:04

At the court of the caliph in Washington
By Abbas J. Ali, Ph.D.

Middle East experts argue that history repeats itself in Iraq. In fact, the ongoing blood bath in Iraq resembles, although on a larger scale, the scene in 680 AD when the Caliph in Damascus, Yazid, ordered the slaughter of members of the Prophet Mohamed�s family, including his immediate grandson, Hussein, in Karbala. The tragedy in Karbala has been forever engraved in the collective mind of Iraqis and has become a symbol uniting the masses against tyranny, political deception, corruption and brutality.

Apr 29, 2008, 00:21

Global famine? Blame the Fed
By Mike Whitney

The stakes couldn't be higher for Ben Bernanke. If the Fed chief decides to lower rates at the end of April, he could be condemning millions of people to a death by starvation.

Apr 29, 2008, 00:19

Yinon's prophecy: Is the US waging Israel's wars?
By Linda S. Heard

Many throughout the Muslim world and beyond are asking this question: What are the real reasons behind the US invasion of Iraq and its wish to overthrow the governments of Syria and Iran?

Apr 29, 2008, 00:15

�Blood diamonds,� �blood oil� and �blood food�
By Pablo Ouziel

For awhile now, I have been thinking about what George W. Bush signifies from a socio-political perspective. Looking at the world from the time of the �Big Bang� of September 11, 2001, until today almost seven years later, one can clearly observe how monstrous our human interaction has become. After much reading and analysis, I now understand that September 11 was not the starting point of a new world order, but to the contrary, it was purely the end of a specific human state of affairs.

Apr 29, 2008, 00:13

Simple steps towards change
By Mickey Z.

Whenever I write an article or give a talk about the state of global affairs, the first question asked is this: �So, what can/should we do?� My inevitably stammering reply involves a combination of three factors:

Apr 29, 2008, 00:11

Elusive peace: 60 years of pain and suffering
By Louay Safi

George W. Bush, who proposed the boldest peace initiative of any American president to solve the Palestine issue, managed to deliver only the most meager results during his two-term presidency.

Apr 28, 2008, 00:18

Special Reports
The Bush team's Geneva hypocrisy
By Jason Leopold

Newly released U.S. government documents, detailing how Bush administration officials punched legalistic holes in the Geneva Conventions' protections of war captives, stand in stark contrast to the outrage some of the same officials expressed in the first week of the Iraq war when Iraqi TV interviewed several captured American soldiers.

Apr 28, 2008, 00:16

Elections & Voting
Riding the warhorse: Introducing President McCain
By Missy Comley Beattie

First, allow your brain to conceive of John Sidney McCain as president of the United States. Then, form in your mouth the proper noun, President John McCain, and let it roll off your tongue into the room and ears of those nearby. Practice it because it is what you will be saying when George Bush leaves office although you will know that George and John are one and the same. President John McCain.

Apr 28, 2008, 00:14

Mixed priorities: Why Palestinian unity is not an option
By Ramzy Baroud

Just days after the Hamas-Fatah clash last June in Gaza, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas looked firm and composed as he shook hands with members of his new emergency government. He made sure his move appeared as legitimate as possible, issuing decrees that outlawed the armed militias of Hamas, and also suspended consequential clauses in the Palestinian Basic Law, which had thus far served as a constitution.

Apr 28, 2008, 00:10

America�s political trinity
By Ben Tanosborn

In the United States, if you aspire to occupy an elective office, from the lowest position at the municipal level to the imperial quarters of the White House, you must have been cleared beforehand as a defender of the American faith, and that entails acceptance and devotion to the dogma of a political trinity: Capitalism, Individualism and Israelism.

Apr 28, 2008, 00:08

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Special Reports
Halliburton bribe case haunts Cheney
The Bush team's Geneva hypocrisy
The Palestinians are coming
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News Media
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Elections & Voting
Fastened to a dying animal: A jeremiad regarding that affront to the nation's dignity known as the US election process
Wright delivers the knockout punch
Riding the warhorse: Introducing President McCain
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Social Security
Bi-partisan unity on �reforming� Social Security?
Whacking at Social Security again
The Democratic majority and Social Security: Watch what the party says and does
The Washington Post's war on Social Security
Bush bounces back for more on Social Security
Anthony Julius and a journey to the dark Zionist world
Global famine? Blame the Fed
Yinon's prophecy: Is the US waging Israel's wars?
Elusive peace: 60 years of pain and suffering
Europe�s roots in social justice: The European Idea
The Iraq war morphs into the Iranian war
First came Vietnam, then Iraq, now Iran lies directly in the crosshairs
At the court of the caliph in Washington
�Blood diamonds,� �blood oil� and �blood food�
Simple steps towards change
Editors' Blog
Reporting from Cairo
It's a question of Congress acting responsibly
What propaganda does �24� have in store this season?
More Dem factionalism on the way
"24" reflects betrayed America
Reclaiming America
Taser jolts on the road toward mutiny; hope is not enough!
Democracy dreaming
Delusion destroys democracy
Energy depletion & the US descent into fascism
The government no longer serves the people
The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 45: How the U.S. engineered the Iraqi holocaust
Part 44: Burning the cradle of civilization
Part 43: The scheme behind the bombardment of Iraq
Part 42: Postwar aftermath or imperialist mutatis mutandis?
Part 41: The choice: obedience or annihilation
The Lighter Side
Galactic Government
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A pre-dawn Christmas morning fish tale: Bashing Bush is more fun than baitin' bass
9/11 truth goes pop culture?
Eric Larsen�s "A Nation Gone Blind"
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9/11�s second round of slaughter
Guantanamo detainees' testament to the power of the human spirit
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