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Front Page Last Updated: Jun 10th, 2008 - 00:54:00

Elections & Voting
The US vs. Obama, McCain, and AIPAC
By Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph.D.

Some one million Arab and Muslim Americans, including some in my own family, voted for Obama in the primaries. I was not one of them and I will likely vote for a third party candidate in November.

Jun 6, 2008, 00:12

TV show epitomises anti-Arab feelings
By Linda S. Heard

Recently broadcast on MBC4 were three episodes of the Dr Phil show that initially aired in the US last November. They featured Katherine Lester, a pretty 18-year-old American woman who travelled to the West Bank to be with Abdullah, a 22-year-old Palestinian man she "met" on the Internet when she was 16. This was the second time that Katherine had flown to the Middle East to see the young man; on the first occasion, in response to her family's objections, she got as far as Amman, Jordan, before being picked up by the FBI as a minor and escorted home.

Jun 6, 2008, 00:10

Special Reports
Lisbon treaty: EU democratic process in question
By Laurent Daur� & Dominique Guillemin

On February 4, the French Parliament voted in the bill modifying title XV of the French Constitution in Versailles, and three days later, on February 7, the Treaty of Lisbon was formally ratified.

Jun 5, 2008, 00:20

Special Reports
Libby links Cheney to Plame leak
By Jason Leopold

FBI documents obtained by a congressional committee indicate that Vice President Dick Cheney may have authorized his former deputy to leak the identity of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson.

Jun 5, 2008, 00:18

Poisonous plutocracy pushes economic inequality
By Joel S. Hirschhorn

The biggest political issue receiving no attention by the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates is the powerful plutocracy that has captured the government to produce rising economic inequality.

Jun 5, 2008, 00:16

Watch lists provide false sense of safety and security
By Ahmad Al-Akhras, Ph.D.

Like racial profiling, the so-called Watch List hinges on a false premise that people commit crimes because of their racial, ethnic or religious background. This false premise caused huge suffering to African Americans, Japanese Americans and now Arab and American Muslims. The worst part of this is the assumption that practicing Islam, never mind being an activist at that, gives one an appetite for terrorism. In the process, people who are in good standing who did not commit nor had a criminal record are treated as "posing a threat to civil aviation or national security" or as "potential enemies of the state."

Jun 5, 2008, 00:14

More turds from the "Elephant in the Room�
By Mel Seesholtz Ph.D.

Rick Santorum�s extremist views and abrasive rhetoric were the reasons Pennsylvania voters overwhelmingly booted him out of office in the largest margin of defeat for an incumbent senator since 1980. It seems he didn�t learn anything from the experience.

Jun 5, 2008, 00:12

How Bush and the neocons plan to kill Medicare
By Jerry Mazza

You think they went away when seniors jumped all over them last time? No, they just crawled under their rock for a while then crept back out. In fact, the Bush administration has recently said �unsustainable growth� in spending on programs like Medicare is contributing to �the biggest challenge to the nation�s economic health.� That�s a flat-out lie.

Jun 4, 2008, 00:24

In Afghanistan, US opens the door to opium for the masses (second of a two-part series)
By Eric Walberg

While the current occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq look to be part of an ambitious plan of US domination of the Muslim world, both are proving to be a much greater problem than their shadowy planners supposed. And whatever the conspiracy underlying the jigsaw puzzle Afghanistan forms a key piece in, it is certainly not one made in Russia, despite current US attempts to paint Russia, formerly enemy number one, as enemy number two, after the current enemy du jour -- Islam.

Jun 4, 2008, 00:22

Afghanistan: Propping up an already failed state
By Ben Tanosborn

Europeans live in a fantasy world if they think that this fall's election in the US will change anything with respect to America�s military demands on NATO.

Jun 4, 2008, 00:20

When will Israel quit pretending it wants peace?
By Linda S. Heard

Successive Israeli governments have perfected the art of announcing one thing and doing just the opposite. Almost every member of the Israeli leadership says a two-state solution on the lines of �the road map� is the way forward, yet they do nothing at all to bolster the credibility of the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas except throw occasional smiles and handshakes his way.

Jun 4, 2008, 00:18

Coexistence, not apartheid
By Ramzy Baroud

For the last 60 years, all those who have sought a genuinely peaceful and fair solution for Israel and Palestine have faced the same obstacle -- Israel's sense of invincibility and military arrogance, abetted by the US and other Western governments' unwavering support.

Jun 4, 2008, 00:16

Reality check
By Pablo Ouziel

Sentiments and opinions vary from person to person, city to city and country to country, so one cannot attempt to frame the issue of collective responsibility or awareness towards current affairs, without acknowledging first, that any assumptions or conclusions made cannot in anyway capture the sentiment of every individual in the vast world in which we cohabit. Therefore without assuming that I know what you think, I can however share with you what I am seeing, with the personal hope that we will all wake up to the folly which through our collective collaboration, we are allowing our governments, banks, corporations and the military to perpetrate.

Jun 4, 2008, 00:14

The US is repeating the Soviets� mistakes in Afghanistan, plus showing remarkable creativity in the horrors department (first of a two-part series)
By Eric Walberg

Twenty years ago last week, the Soviet Union began its withdrawal from Afghanistan, eight and a half years after it was invited by the desperate People�s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA), which had degenerated into intra-party squabbling and was beset by Islamic rebels massively financed by the United States. The straw that broke the Soviets� back was when the US began providing Stinger missiles to Osama bin Laden and his friends.

Jun 3, 2008, 00:28

The great oil swindle: How much did the Fed really know?
By Mike Whitney

The Commodity Futures and Trading Commission (CFTC) is investigating trading in oil futures to determine whether the surge in prices to record levels is the result of manipulation or fraud. They might want to take a look at wheat, rice and corn futures while they're at it.

Jun 3, 2008, 00:26

More on the real reason behind high oil prices
By F. William Engdahl

As detailed in an earlier article, a conservative calculation is that at least 60 percent of today�s $128 per barrel price of crude oil comes from unregulated futures speculation by hedge funds, banks and financial groups using the London ICE Futures and New York NYMEX futures exchanges and uncontrolled inter-bank or Over-The-Counter trading to avoid scrutiny.

Jun 3, 2008, 00:24

Elections & Voting
GOP contender linked to attorney firing
By Jason Leopold

Though virtually unknown outside the Albuquerque area, Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White is betting that his conservative credentials and close ties to the White House will help Republicans retain the hotly contested New Mexico congressional seat being vacated by Rep. Heather Wilson.

Jun 3, 2008, 00:22

Elections & Voting
Ad-venture capital in American presidential politics
By Ben Tanosborn

Like it or not, in agreement or in disfavor by the populace, our money politics has now entered the era of networking, multi-level-marketing and thorough ad-brainwashing.

Jun 3, 2008, 00:20

George Bush, at sea in the desert
By Michael Winship

President Bush�s recent speech before the Knesset, ostensibly to celebrate Israel�s 60th birthday, was not only a display of political cynicism at its worst -- using a diplomatic occasion to perpetrate an unseemly attack on Barack Obama -- but a microcosm for the disregard with which the president holds the rest of the world. And vice versa.

Jun 3, 2008, 00:18

Special Reports
Rome Diary: Italy�s leap into the dark: Smells, signals and symptoms of fascism
By Gaither Stewart

As a premise to this diary of events, notes and comments covering a period of one month following the whimsical and perverse electoral choice of this country of 60 million people, I remind readers that since the time of Machiavelli, Italy has often been a political guidepost in Europe. Therefore, Italy�s peculiar preference today for an updated form of fascism that once cost them so dearly and, furthermore, is headed by an accused crook is worth a close look.

Jun 2, 2008, 00:23

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The lobbyist whom McCain won't fire
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Beyond media revolutions: Are Arab media truly free?
The Tibet card
For the benefit of Israel, US media stoops to trashing Carter
Economic suicide
Elections & Voting
What is it about the alleged need for military service in order to be a good commander in chief?
GOP dirty tricks machine readies a charge that Obama is not eligible to be president
Needed: A change of direction, not a lane change
The US vs. Obama, McCain, and AIPAC
GOP contender linked to attorney firing
How Bush and the neocons plan to kill Medicare
Pandemic response plan: let the elderly, the sick, and the poor die
How to get universal health care
Despite 5,000 lawsuits, Wyeth and US endocrinologist group hope for HRT comeback
Time to end profit-driven mandatory vaccination racket
U.S. soldiers launch campaign to convert Iraqis to Christianity
The �pro-family� ruse and other Christianist machinations
Lucky Louie and Dour Don: Crazed Christianists on parade
John Hagee: deviant theology, dangerous foreign policy
O'Reilly and Ahmadinejad: We must wipe them off the map
Social Security
Bi-partisan unity on �reforming� Social Security?
Whacking at Social Security again
The Democratic majority and Social Security: Watch what the party says and does
The Washington Post's war on Social Security
Bush bounces back for more on Social Security
Credit Default Swaps the next crisis -- subprime is just a �Vorspeise�
A million questions with one answer
Zionist terror 1946 to 2001
Heart of darkness: Princess Patricia and a Taliban takeover
Poisonous plutocracy pushes economic inequality
Patagonia belongs to the Jews?
A message from Mordechai Vanunu
The torturous truth about Guantanamo�s 9/11 hearing
Focus on Obama's foreign policy adviser
TV show epitomises anti-Arab feelings
Editors' Blog
Reporting from Cairo
It's a question of Congress acting responsibly
What propaganda does �24� have in store this season?
More Dem factionalism on the way
"24" reflects betrayed America
Reclaiming America
Taser jolts on the road toward mutiny; hope is not enough!
Democracy dreaming
Delusion destroys democracy
Energy depletion & the US descent into fascism
The government no longer serves the people
The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 45: How the U.S. engineered the Iraqi holocaust
Part 44: Burning the cradle of civilization
Part 43: The scheme behind the bombardment of Iraq
Part 42: Postwar aftermath or imperialist mutatis mutandis?
Part 41: The choice: obedience or annihilation
The Lighter Side
Galactic Government
Privatization: The key to the coming solar age
The surrogate Votergate
Homegrown terrorism: Keeping your eye on others isn�t sneaky -- it�s patriotic!
A pre-dawn Christmas morning fish tale: Bashing Bush is more fun than baitin' bass
9/11 truth goes pop culture?
Eric Larsen�s "A Nation Gone Blind"
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9/11�s second round of slaughter
Guantanamo detainees' testament to the power of the human spirit
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