A Writing Journal for Your Personal Thoughts
We have worked hard to create the best online journal in the marketplace. Our journal allows you to upload pictures and videos. You can even import videos from YouTube! Not only that, but it doesn't matter where you are in the world or what device you are on, you always have access to your Online Journal. For example, you could be in China on an iPad or in South Africa on your mobile phone - doesn't matter - you have the same level of secure, full access no matter where you are.
Privacy - And you never have to give a second thought to the privacy of your journal entries as OnlineJournal.com is always 100% secure and encrypted.

Journal Examples - What to Write About
Daily journals, diet journals, travel journals, dream journals, hobby journals, expressive journals - these are just a few examples of the types of different diaries and journals you can create at OnlineJournal.com. A daily journal is used to document the moments of your life. A travel journal is an incredible tool to ensure you never forget your travel experiences. Got some deep emotions, feelings and thoughts? Then an expressive journal may be more your style. Trying to gain or lose weight? Or perhaps you have started hitting the gym and want to track your progress. Then a diet journal is the way to go. Perhaps you want to get in better touch with your inner spirit via your nightly dreams...then each morning you when you wake up you could enter your dream details into your OnlineJournal dream diary. Love rockhounding or collecting things or sports? Then enter your diary entries into a hobby diary.

Why Journal?
There are a lot of emotional and creative benefits to journaling. If your mind is healthy then your overall well being will be too! This is true even if you are the only one to ever see your writing. Just jotting down a few positive ideas or things you are thankful for is immensely impactful on your life. A journal or diary is your very own private place for you to escape to and say anything you would like. You can use it to record and vent your frustrations. Or to list out your to-dos. Or to document your bucket list even. In essence, a journal is your very own private space of freedom and liberty do or say whatever you want.