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The Lighter Side Last Updated: Dec 31st, 2009 - 01:49:28

The Lighter Side
A pre-dawn Christmas morning fish tale: Bashing Bush is more fun than baitin' bass
By Sheila Samples

I have a cold. And I got it the only way I know how to do things -- the hard way. On Christmas Eve, I decided I'd give myself a present. I had this bright idea to get a head start on the new year by testing the strength of the Equal Rights Amendment -- you know, the ERA, the free pass that enterprising women have used for years to back stubborn men into corners . . .

Dec 28, 2007, 00:14

The Lighter Side
What if we had a White House press conference that wasn�t a scam (questions i am dying to ask the commander guy)
By Jack Balkwill

The following are questions I asked The Decider at the White House Press Conference. Or was it just a dream?

Dec 5, 2007, 00:32

The Lighter Side
Making our restrooms safe for democracy
By Paul Rogat Loeb

It isn't often that a senator changes how I see the physical world, but Larry Craig did.

Oct 12, 2007, 00:50

The Lighter Side
Can only a Dolt love America?
By Mark Drolette

�Is this a great country or what?�

Sep 4, 2007, 00:53

The Lighter Side
Getting caught with your pants down may be costly
By Bev Conover

Forget all that wimpy stuff about illegal wars, a crumbling economy and unelected madmen in the White House, we've got more important stuff to deal with: boxer shorts peeking above baggy pants and thongs.

Aug 27, 2007, 01:04

The Lighter Side
Potter at the trough
By Michael Silverstein

As a professional writer, I'm naturally impressed by large book sale numbers. And nothing has ever been as impressive as first day sales of the new Harry Potter book, $72 million worldwide, $8 million in the United States alone.

Jul 31, 2007, 00:25

The Lighter Side
Slaves to Christ and compassion unite: Free markets must prevail
By Jason Miller

If you�re nodding your head in agreement with Keynes and expecting validation of your opinion as you read this piece, you�re in for a rude awakening.

Jul 18, 2007, 01:19

The Lighter Side
Don�t even start calling things Bushian
By Mark Drolette

I�m sick of lefties snidely comparing the grim totalitarian society of George Orwell�s 1984 to today�s freedom-spewing United States, a country few Americans would dare call dystopian, even if they could define it. The following analysis exposes these aspersions as utterly specious.

Jul 17, 2007, 00:48

The Lighter Side
Poll results reveal contradictions: Who pays for poll may make difference
By Frank Scott

Recent poll results give conflicting images of the American public, sometimes causing authorities from the world of science and religion considerable confusion. But recent studies sponsored by the Center for the Study of Centers reveal that striking and even shocking differences in polling results seem to be based on who pays for the survey.

Jul 5, 2007, 01:08

The Lighter Side
Political Attention Deficit Disorder, a new psychiatric condition
By Joel S. Hirschhorn

According to a report not yet released, the Council on Science and Public Health of the American Medical Association has recommended that a chronic and widespread affliction of Americans be officially declared a psychiatric disorder. It has been named Political Attention Deficit Disorder (PADD).

Jun 26, 2007, 01:21

The Lighter Side
Democrats demand complete withdrawal from Iran by 2025!
By Frank Scott

Showing a boldness and determination that made many political observers gasp, the Democrats demanded that Bush evacuate the troops from Iran by the year 2025.

Apr 3, 2007, 01:09

The Lighter Side
Obscure provisions
By Jack Doman

It seems like the announcement of every other Washington scandal lately includes a reference to some �obscure provision� of one of our laws.

Mar 29, 2007, 01:05

The Lighter Side
Bush adopts �stick and lead carrot� approach on Iran
By Adam Blakeley

FORT MEADE, Md. (ABP) -- Speaking before members of the military on Wednesday, President George W. Bush outlined his new strategy for containing Iran�s nuclear ambitions. The details of the plan involve using repeated threats of military action against the Islamic Republic, in order to establish the grounds for multiparty talks aimed at expanding the threat of force.

Mar 23, 2007, 00:54

The Lighter Side
A �pattern sensor� alert!
By Kerry Tomasi

As a certified pattern sensor, I�ve detected a certain pattern involving the Bush administration and the corporate media. It appears to be Rovian in nature, which means it�s complex and can be difficult to detect, unless you�ve been trained to detect such things, as I have.

Mar 15, 2007, 01:08

The Lighter Side
What Dick really means . . . Neocon terrorists have ambitions of empire, says Cheney
By Dr. June Scorza Terpstra

The US War of Terror�s ultimate aim is to establish �a stronghold for the New World Order, covering a region from Spain, across North Africa, through the Middle East and South Asia, all the way to Indonesia -- and it wouldn�t stop there,� US Vice President Dick Cheney warned yesterday. He said the war of terror �had ambitions of empire.�

Mar 6, 2007, 01:30

The Lighter Side
A television snow job
By Walter Brasch

With more than a foot of snow, sleet, and ice falling over much of Pennsylvania, the television news teams went into overdrive. This may be an accurate description of one of those minute-by-minute broadcasts.

Mar 5, 2007, 01:29

The Lighter Side
The new attack on the new Iraq, after all, it has joined the Axis of Evil
By Dan Lieberman

It has become obvious to any international crime watcher that the new Iraq has entered a dangerous phase of anti-American activities and must suffer the consequences. In effect, the Nouri al-Maliki government has allied itself with the dreaded Axis-of-Evil. Just look at the record.

Feb 13, 2007, 00:28

The Lighter Side
Give war a chance
By Walter Brasch

From the tumbleweed towns of Texas to urban Houston and Galveston, from the Rust Belt to the Bible Belt, Americans have taken to the streets to protest.

Feb 7, 2007, 01:05

The Lighter Side
The voice of the people
By Jack Doman

Following is the text of George W. Bush's Presidential Address to the Nation that he may or may not deliver, via television, on or about January 16, 2007.

Jan 10, 2007, 00:10

The Lighter Side
Winning our way out of Iraq with the math weapon
By W. O. Coach

Perhaps we've been a tad too hard on Bush and his stratergery for winning the war he started in Iraq. Simple math suggests he might have known what he's doing all along.

Dec 19, 2006, 00:25

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