Last Updated: Dec 31st, 2009 - 01:49:28 |
The Lighter Side
New loan promises to save USA, global capital
By Frank Scott
The international banking firm of Soros, Tsuris &
Soros has joined with Goldman, Ponzi & Sachs in announcing plans to finance
a one hundred-fifty trillion dollar ($150,000,000,000,000) loan to the USA,
made possible through a complex arrangement involving OPEC, the Bulgarian
Central Bank, Cosa Nostra, the Colombian Drug Cartel, Albania, the Vatican
Zionist Minion, and the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Aug 12, 2009, 00:15
The Lighter Side
Mocha Revolution in New York!
By Frank Scott
New York prep school students at the prestigious
K. Wiford Ditzworthy Academy rose up in what they called a Mocha Revolution
after a planned luncheon was canceled by a delivery service which decided they
weren�t paying enough.
Jul 27, 2009, 00:12
The Lighter Side
Bulletins from Konsciousness Kontrol
By Frank Scott
The USA has lessons to teach the bloody,
repressive, fanatic, murderous, anti-Semitic totalitarian Iranian dictatorship
about real, true democracy. Independent American presidential candidate Ralph
Nader was not allowed to participate in any debates with ruling party
candidates in both the 2004 and 2008 elections, while Iranian president
Ahmadinejad debated no less than three opposition candidates on Iranian TV
during their presidential campaign. See? . . . SEE?
Jun 24, 2009, 00:09
The Lighter Side
The real criminals
By Pubali Ray Chaudhuri
In these hard economic times, it is crucial that
we hunt down and punish those responsible for the mess we�re in today. Looking
around for culprits, however, I found myself hard put to it. For as we all
know, the American Way of capitalism, profiteering and imperialism is a
fundamentally sound one. So we can forget about pointing at Wall Street, Big
Oil, and the military-industrial complex, which represent the sacred apogee of
our great capitalist system and as such are above reproach.
Apr 28, 2009, 00:21
The Lighter Side
Just say no (to medical marijuana in NH): An open letter to Gov. Lynch
By Carmen Yarrusso
Once again, left-wing extremists are trying to
get New Hampshire to join liberal druggie states like California, Maine and
Vermont to allow so-called �sick� people to grow and possess marijuana for
medical purposes. Should the NH Senate pass HB 648 (already passed by the NH
House), I urge you to veto this outrageous bill ASAP.
Apr 3, 2009, 00:10
The Lighter Side
What to do with 1,200 pounds of bull and other handy lessons from Women�s History
By Laura Flanders
You can learn a lot from obituaries -- and
recently there have been some great ones.
Mar 6, 2009, 00:12
The Lighter Side
The beeper cacophony
By Walter Brasch
Barack Obama was determined that the only way
anyone was going to take away his BlackBerry was if they pried it from his cold
dead hands. Or, something to that effect.
Mar 2, 2009, 00:12
The Lighter Side
Skoda: Car of the ordinary citizen
By Paul O�Sullivan
I don�t give a s#%t what Jeremy Clarkson says .
. .
Feb 13, 2009, 00:14
The Lighter Side
Christian settlers expel Jews from Holy Land
By John Doraemi
News Service) � The fledgling State of Christendom (formerly �Israel,�
formerly �Palestine�) was declared at the United Nations earlier this week with
Jerusalem selected to serve as its capital city.
Jan 20, 2009, 00:13
The Lighter Side
Nation rearing the old fashion way
By R. Peter Valentine
Hi, I am Mr. Archie
Isrolie Bunker, but you can call me Isrolie. Here is my story. I can�t
understand my meat-headed step-children -- all 12 of them. They are demanding
their own independence from me, citing all kinds of �regulations� and �rights�
and other wild notions. Hammy is the worst, a true case of independent
thinking. Anyway I don�t know about these �rights� but I do know the kids are
all over 18, so it is time for them to stop behaving badly. I will acquiesce to
their demands and teach them a lesson at the same time.
Jan 7, 2009, 00:23
The Lighter Side
The holiday formerly known as Thanksgiving
By Kerry Tomasi
I�ve been thinking about what the Thanksgiving
holiday has come to represent for many families.
Nov 27, 2008, 00:24
The Lighter Side
What�s in a middle name?
By Kerry
One of my ongoing academic hobbies is
researching historic origins of biblical and apocryphal books, and trying to
determine how and why various stories and doctrines relating to Christianity,
and other religions, came about.
Oct 22, 2008, 00:09
The Lighter Side
Sarah Palin wins debate -- by darn
By Walter Brasch
The vice presidential debates proved one thing.
At the very least, Sarah Palin can be trained.
Oct 6, 2008, 00:09
The Lighter Side
Meditation upon a broomstick (an allusion to Jonathan Swift)
By Eric Walberg
With the insufferable increase in �security�
measures at airports, I�ve come to dread air travel, though, in this day and
age, we simply cannot do without it, so I make do. Still, could someone please
tell me why a transit passenger at Charles de Gaulle airport must go through
the humiliating experience of removing his shoes and having a guard stick a
hand down his trousers, when this was all very diligently done in Toronto just
hours earlier? And heaven forbid you shows even the slightlest soupcon of
irritability, lest the attack dogs jump on you, delighted to latch on to a
potential terrorist.
Sep 10, 2008, 00:12
The Lighter Side
Something you might not know about John McCain
By Kerry Tomasi
I do a lot more research than most, far more
than I should, actually, and I recently came across something on John McCain
that took me by surprise; something I'm sure the vast majority are unaware of.
Sep 4, 2008, 00:09
The Lighter Side
The rocket�s red glare may be Chinese
By Walter Brasch
Wearing a pith helmet and brandishing a blunderbuss,
Marshbaum burst into my office and ordered me to the floor. I looked at my faux
friend and media foil, about to ask him what his latest scheme was. With
Marshbaum, who was fed �Honeymooners� episodes by IV when he was a child,
everything is a scheme to make money. But, in the fraction of time I had before
he yelled for me to get under my desk and cover my head, I quickly determined
he was serious.
Jul 4, 2008, 00:12
The Lighter Side
Galactic Government
By Jeff Zervas
days it seems, almost everyone wants to nurse at the breast of big government.
Even �right wingers,� �conservatives,� and Republicans have devolved so far
towards socialism that they crave their security blankets just as their
�opposites� cry for the nipple. Either way, nowadays big government is on the
menu, front, back, up, down, right, left and center.
Apr 15, 2008, 00:12
The Lighter Side
Privatization: The key to the coming solar age
By Ernest Partridge
How is industrial civilization to deal with the end of
the petroleum age and the onset of global warming?
Apr 4, 2008, 00:30
The Lighter Side
The surrogate Votergate
By Walter Brasch
�Vote for Marshbaum! Get your vote recorded early!�
Mar 26, 2008, 00:11
The Lighter Side
Homegrown terrorism: Keeping your eye on others isn�t sneaky -- it�s patriotic!
By Mark Drolette
Well, it�s about time.
Feb 27, 2008, 00:39