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Health Last Updated: Feb 5th, 2010 - 01:02:35

The 2003 Medicare Privatization Act
By Jerry Mazza

Oh, excuse me. It�s the 2003 Medicare Modernization Act. But it was passed in the dead of night back in 2003. And the good old-fashioned forces of privatization had their hands in it then and still do today. Unfortunately, they now have the help of some well-meaning patsies, believe it or not, such as the NAACP and the League of United Latin American Citizens.

Apr 26, 2007, 00:42

Did Abraxis BioScience instruct AstraZeneca to use illegal marketing in their quest to increase sales?
By Peter Rost, M.D.

In a February 2007 press release, Abraxis BioScience reported record revenue of $765 million in 2006 versus $521 million for 2005. They made that money selling a new version of an old cancer drug at $4,200 per dose.

Apr 20, 2007, 00:47

Activists take on Eli Lilly over off-label sale of Zyprexa
By Evelyn Pringle

On February 23, a new grassroots advocacy group issued a press release to rally support for attorney Jim Gottstein in his legal battle with Eli Lilly over his role in providing secret company documents, obtained in litigation, to the media to alert the public about the health risks associated with Zyprexa that were kept hidden since the mid-90s.

Mar 8, 2007, 10:26

More Zyprexa postcards from the edge
By Evelyn Pringle

On Tuesday, Judge Jack Weinstein of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York issued a permanent injunction prohibiting attorney Jim Gottstein and Dr. David Egilman, an expert witness in litigation involving Zyprexa, from further disseminating certain Eli Lilly documents that were sealed with a court order until Mr. Gottstein released them to the media in December 2006.

Feb 16, 2007, 00:31

Judge in Zyprexa secret document case invites New York Times reporter to hearing
By Evelyn Pringle

The judge in the Zypexa secret document case has sent a New York Times reporter an invitation to attend a hearing in the on-going Eli Lilly fiasco in the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York.

Feb 1, 2007, 01:01

Drug reimportation is back in the news: It should happen. But it won't.
By Peter Rost, M.D.

Drug reimportation is back in the headlines.

Jan 16, 2007, 01:30

FDA runs protection racket for Big Pharma
By Evelyn Pringle

Why would Americans trust the FDA to regulate the pharmaceutical industry? Since the Bush administration took office the FDA has become the industry's partner in crime.

Jan 11, 2007, 00:43

JAMA's Fosamax study funded by Merck
By Martha Rosenberg

Let no one say the studies in JAMA are funded by hidden drug company money. The funding is right out in the open.

Jan 9, 2007, 00:46

Criminal prosecution of Lilly sought over Zyprexa
By Evelyn Pringle

California attorney Ted Chabasinski is calling for the criminal prosecution of Eli Lilly executives for hiding the adverse effects of Zyprexa, based, in part, on articles last month in the New York Times which quote internal company documents that revealed that Lilly knew about the adverse effects for a decade but kept the information hidden.

Jan 5, 2007, 00:52

Cutting Medicaid drug payments?
By Jerry Mazza

The Bush Administration is proposing �sweeping reductions in payments to pharmacies� to save money for Medicaid, the health program for more than 50 million low-income (and poor) people. God help them, the pharmacies and beneficiaries . . .

Dec 28, 2006, 01:27

Study: Kicking Wyeth habit saves women's lives
By Martha Rosenberg

An editorial cartoon from the summer of 2002 shows a TV announcer leading a newscast with: "A major US drug maker is warning women if they stop hormone therapy abruptly, its stock price will fall."

Dec 19, 2006, 00:31

SSRI experts head to Washington to testify before FDA panel
By Evelyn Pringle

On December 13, the FDA�s Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee will hold a public hearing to review the suicidality data from the adult selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) studies.

Dec 8, 2006, 01:36

Flu vaccines -- open season
By Sinead Dumigan

For all the frantic, unvaccinated citizens fearing the �upcoming� peak of flu season rest assured that coming down with a flu infection is the least of your worries.

Dec 7, 2006, 00:16

Clueless Pfizer executives
By Peter Rost, M.D.

Last Thursday, Pfizer�s executives conducted a well rehearsed dog-and-pony show at Pfizer�s research facilities in Groton, Conn. All interest was focused on torcetrapib; the most important new drug in Pfizer's pipeline, which boosts good cholesterol.

Dec 5, 2006, 00:50

Federal government launches marketing campaign for psychiatric industry
By Richard A. Warner

Under the guise of combating the stigma of mental illness, the U.S. government will soon begin a massive campaign of psychiatric indoctrination, designed to increase the acceptance of psychiatric chemical imbalance theories and labeling, and to pave the way for national psychiatric screening, driving more Americans into seeking psychiatric drug treatment.

Nov 29, 2006, 01:17

We're drinking WHAT? U.S. consumers reject milk adulterated with Monsanto's rBST
By Martha Rosenberg

Look at photos of the gigantic udders on rBST treated dairy cows and it's not hard to imagine the artificial hormone's role in increasing U.S. rates of breast and prostate cancer, precocious puberty and obesity.

Nov 20, 2006, 01:10

Science, medicine, and the gullible Left
By Mickey Z.

In a recent National Football League game, Tampa Bay Buccaneer quarterback Chris Simms suffered a ruptured spleen. Simms was rushed to the hospital, his spleen was removed, and he is now on the road to recovery. This much talked about injury inspired Robert N. Jenkins of the St. Petersburg Times to declare that Simms, in reality, "didn't need his spleen." In an article called "Humans have body parts to spare," Jenkins went on to pronounce that we also do not need our appendix, gall bladder, tonsils, esophagus, stomach, and adrenal glands because those organs, according to conventional wisdom, are "vestigial."

Oct 26, 2006, 00:43

Alaska Supreme Court rules forced drugging is unconstitutional
By Evelyn Pringle

For all people who oppose forced psychiatric drugging a major legal victory recently occurred in the highest court in the state of Alaska. In a resounding affirmation of personal liberty, the Alaska Supreme Court issued a decision in the case of Myers v Alaska Psychiatric Institute and found Alaska's forced drugging regime to be unconstitutional.

Oct 4, 2006, 02:17

Nursing home fraud neglect & abuse much too common
By Evelyn Pringle

Residents in nursing homes are some of the most vulnerable and helpless citizens in the US, with nearly 1.7 million elderly and disabled persons residing in about 17,000 facilities. And as difficult as it is to believe in this day and age, there is indisputable evidence to show that many nursing home residents are being neglected and abused on a daily basis.

Sep 29, 2006, 00:52

"Those in power are poisoning children" (Mussels not flexed?)
By Mickey Z.

According to a study presented at the recent national meeting of the American Chemical Society, "remnants of Prozac are flushed from the body and travel in wastewater that reaches streams and rivers . . . (and) cause female mussels to release their larvae before they're able to survive on their own."

Sep 22, 2006, 01:34

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