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Special Reports Last Updated: Feb 2nd, 2010 - 00:49:43

Another deadly fight in Somalia�s capital, Mogadishu
By Nur Hirsi Abdi
Online Journal Guest Writer

Feb 2, 2010, 00:19

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NAIROBI, Kenya -- Mogadishu, Somalia�s capital, Friday witnessed a deadly overnight war in many places in the city between Al-shabab Islamists and Hizbul Islam on one side and government forces and AMISOM force on the other side.

Harsh shelling and nonstop automatic weapon fire which broke out around 2 a.m. in every corner of Mogadishu shook the city and continued through Friday morning after Harakat Al-shabab Islamists, with the help of Hizbul Islam rivals, attacked many strategic places under the control of the Somali government and AMISOM force in Mogadishu.

The fighting was focused on many vital parts in the capital, including EX-control Afgoye, Dharkenley district near the Mogadishu airport; Km 4 AMISOM base at the main roundabout near the presidential palace and its vicinity with AMISOM fired with mortars and tank fire in response to the attack on them. The shelling and counter-shelling between the warring sides have reached places far away from where the fighting was raging and caused many civilian casualties and loss of property.

It was reportedly confirmed that at least 18 people were killed and more than 20 people were injured in the bloody fighting, with the injured later admitted, in daylight, to the capital�s main hospitals for treatment

Friday�s fighting coincides with the first anniversary of President Sheikh Shariif�s government. Islamist rivals launched a massive attack on the government forces and AMISOM to highlight the inefficiency of Shariif�s regime and the weakness of the African peace mission force in Somalia.

Somalis suffer attacks on a daily basis and the continuance of these endless conflicts has claimed the lives of more than 21,000 civilians and displaced 1.5 millionpeople from their homes.

Nur Hirsi Abdi is a somali freelance journalist and may be contacted at

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