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The Splendid Failure of Occupation Last Updated: Dec 31st, 2009 - 01:49:28

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 25: Dick Cheney, the inferior art of bulldozing reality
By B.J. Sabri

Occasionally, jokes can be instructive. The following is an example: Three patients in a mental hospital find a large book. They decide to read it to make sense of its content. After the first one read it, he decreed, it was a great love story. And, when the second one read it, he announced, it was a study of mathematics. But after the third one read it, he insisted, it was a cookbook. Squabbling to prove who was right, they went to the head doctor to ask for his opinion. When the doctor saw the book, he exclaimed, �So�It was you three who took my telephone directory!�

Jan 14, 2005, 19:57

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 24: Dick Cheney, rewriting history with a shovel
By B.J. Sabri

What is the status of occupied Iraq 20 months after the U.S. invasion? Considering the magnitude and intensity of the uprising that turned the optimistic invasion into a protracted war, the answer is but one: Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and George Bush have massively miscalculated. They looked at the coveted conquest of Iraq through the rusted eye of the Zionist needle.

Dec 23, 2004, 16:58

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 23: Dick Cheney, reshaping history with an ax
By B.J. Sabri

Association of ideas is a marvelous mechanism of the mind. You may be thinking about how intriguing tap dance is, and suddenly, you remember the first time you saw Gene Kelly doing it in a film. The same phenomenon could happen when we think about Vice President Dick Cheney. It is possible that the moment we think of him, the name of Halliburton (Cheney�s former company that is making billions of dollars from the war on Iraq) jumps to the foreground.

Dec 10, 2004, 20:28

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 22: Colin Powell, epilog
By B.J. Sabri

Colin Powell�s hollow knowledge on the issue of liberation is a masterwork of self-importance. He cites the case of Europe during WWII as proof of American �liberation enterprise�. Powell pompously related that experience to the invasion of Iraq, but in doing that, he tripped on pertinent methodical differentiation. For instance, he interchanged the concept of �liberation from occupation� which is noble, with the concept of �occupation as liberation�, which is colonialist.

Nov 20, 2004, 17:08

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 21: Colin Powell, procedure for conquest
By B.J. Sabri

Powell�s �theories� on Iraq�s occupation, sovereignty, and election are not disconnected subjects, but one unified theme detailing the procedure for conquest. Although Powell is clever at using colloquial imagery to buttress those �theories�, the absence of convincing arguments inescapably leads him to trivialize all issues before him.

Nov 9, 2004, 23:21

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 20: Colin Powell, the emissary of colonialist slavery
By B.J. Sabri

Colin Powell is a master theorist on the future of Iraq, except that his theories are incoherent and lack corroboration. As U.S. secretary of state, Powell feels the pressure of having to clarify issues he is not adept at debating. Despite the voids in his arguments, he is still an invaluable asset�he describes U.S. mechanisms for converting Iraq into an American colonial protectorate.

Oct 30, 2004, 20:09

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 19: Colin Powell, the delirium of empire
By B.J. Sabri

�You left me to suffer for four months in that damn Iraqi prison,� exclaimed actor Richard Dean Anderson�s character Jack O�Neill of the TV-series Stargate SG-1 at one of his former comrades. Of course, Jack O�Neill told a fabricated story that the authors of the show put in his mouth. Critically, it is not relevant whether the story of O�Neill has roots in events experienced by a real or imaginary character. What was relevant, however, is that the writers and producers of SG-1 inserted it intentionally to communicate two messages through fiction.

Oct 2, 2004, 21:41

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 18: Colin Powell, a small myth inside a bubble
By B.J. Sabri

Fox News, the rabid voice of U.S. militant fascism and bugle of war hysteria, bombastically informed its viewers on August 9 that the U.S. army killed over 300 �terrorists� in the Iraqi city of Najaf. The station was referring to an attack conducted by U.S. occupation forces against supporters of the Iraqi leader Moqtada al-Sadr, otherwise derogatorily referred to by the occupiers as a �cleric�, which he is.

Sep 4, 2004, 14:01

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 17: Colin Powell, a cool doctrinaire of hyper-imperialism
By B.J. Sabri

In the vocabulary of hyper-imperialism, the slogan, �regime change�, through the concocted doctrine of military preemption� has acquired a specific meaning: access to colonialism. The concept works like this: If a non-nuclear country is of a strategic importance to the economics and ideology of hyper-imperialism, the U.S. could fabricate a ruse to invade it, change its regime, and establish military bases on its territory. Iraq is the first sovereign state to fall consequent to this doctrine.

Aug 11, 2004, 21:57

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 16: American Modified and Accepted Hitlerism: Comparisons and conclusions (4)
By B.J. Sabri

Including the system of government, i.e., the political order, in the comparison between Nazi imperialism and U.S. imperialism is neither crucial nor necessary. In fact, the nature, philosophy, institutions, and practice of any political system are not relevant to its objectives. Historically, Soviet communism, British imperialism, Japanese imperialism, South African apartheid, Iraq�s Baath, the Egyptian bureaucratic system, Israeli Zionism, etc., all acted in accordance with an established ideology rather in conformity with the system of government they devised to implement it.

Jul 26, 2004, 23:13

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 15: American Modified and Accepted Hitlerism: Comparisons and conclusions (3)
By B.J. Sabri

as I stated in part 13, comparing two political systems with seemingly different backgrounds and history could present theoretical difficulties. The reason being, we tend to accept that the resulting dissimilarities might be evidence that similarities have no relevance. However, similarities have their own logic, and if methodically analyzed, they may neutralize or even cancel any other consideration. Consequently, comparing an entrenched and historically durable U.S. imperialism with the short-lived Nazi-imperialism is straightforward�both imperialisms thought and acted similarly in specific ideological and practical areas.

Jul 9, 2004, 19:52

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 14: American Modified and Accepted Hitlerism: Comparisons and conclusions (2)
By B.J. Sabri

Because the word �violence� is comprehensive of countless meanings, I limited its use here to all acts of military aggressions as motivated by policy, ideology, imperialistic expansion, or colonial conquest.

Jun 22, 2004, 21:24

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 13: American Modified and Accepted Hitlerism: Comparisons and conclusions (1)
By B.J. Sabri

In discussing U.S. military employment of depleted uranium in Iraq, I framed the issue in a precise ideological setting, which is premeditated violence to implement conquest. Indeed, aside from launching an unprovoked war of aggression, the U.S. displayed unwavering willingness to inflict unspeakable death and destruction for fabricated reasons.

Jun 10, 2004, 13:17

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 12: American Modified and Accepted Hitlerism: Domestic considerations
By B.J. Sabri

In debating how ideologies or ideas could find their way to the public psyche, I selected institutions, indoctrination, and thought contagion as the main factors. However, I consider thought contagion by repetition and spreading, the preponderant factor among the three. The reason being is that we could challenge and change institutions; we could fend off indoctrination, but we cannot stop ideas from spreading.

May 27, 2004, 20:27

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 11: American Modified and Accepted Hitlerism: Elaboration
By B.J. Sabri

The American philosophy of colonialist imperialism under George W. Bush has reached such low standards of consistency and comprehension that trying to guess its logic is futile.

May 24, 2004, 16:01

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 10: American Modified and Accepted Hitlerism: Discussion
By B.J. Sabri

Discussing the concept of �American Modified and Accepted Hitlerism� (AMAH) is an avenue to understand the working mechanisms of U.S. imperialism. Although I tend to accentuate violence as the most prominent expression of the concept, violence is only a co-factor in the multiple layers of U.S. ideological make-up. Any dedicated reflection on the ideological announcements of U.S. power holders would distinctly spell out all other factors including the desire for limitless imperialistic expansion, acquired or innate tendency for fascism because of unaccountability and supremacist mentality, lust for colonialism in all forms, and entrenched racism, all arranged into a corollary that U.S. imperialists affectionately call the �American experience.�

May 21, 2004, 16:08

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 9: American Modified and Accepted Hitlerism: General dynamic
By B.J. Sabri

As per my task to illustrate the failure of U.S. enterprise to colonialize Iraq, I systematically committed my resources to delineate the entire fabric of that enterprise and to link it, dialectically and historically, to the essence of what has become a sadistic-fascist empire.

May 14, 2004, 19:41

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 8: American modified and accepted Hitlerism
By B.J. Sabri

We have tentatively established that mentality is a precursor to ideology, which in turn acts as a unified system of thought, action, and alibi. In view of that, ideology and stringent capitalistic control is the locomotive that has been guiding U.S. power from its early continental colonialistic expansions, through global imperialistic domination, to its current hyper-imperialistic consolidation of empire.

May 12, 2004, 15:39

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 7: Is Hitlerism a mentality?
By B.J. Sabri

Is �depleted� uranium toxic? The US says no. However, �depleted uranium� radioactivity causes a host of deleterious side effects including depression of the immune system, male sterility, leukemia, uterine, ovarian, thyroid, and prostate cancers, in addition to birth defects and mutation of DNA.

May 10, 2004, 16:10

The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 6: Deliberation or Isaac Newton and the naughty apple
By B.J. Sabri

Two contentions emerged at the end of part five. First, U.S. infatuation with its own military power is such that inflicting an unprecedented mass killing is only a way to demonstrate that power. Second, the U.S. deliberately used radioactive material on Iraq, on Serbia-Kosovo, as well as in Afghanistan for reasons that go beyond military imperatives.

May 7, 2004, 14:32

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