smell of the dead pours into the street through the air-conditioning ducts.
Hot, sweet, overwhelming. Inside the Baghdad morgue, there are so many corpses
that the fridges are overflowing. The dead are on the floor. Dozens of them.
Outside, in the 46C (114F) heat, Qadum Ganawi tells me how his brother Hassan
was murdered . . ." British journalist Robert Fisk reporting from
"It's really difficult to exactly delineate who our enemies are, but they
number in millions. They're Arab and Muslim . . . Our enemy is the majority of
the people who live in what we think of as the large Arab nations, plus certain
other groups. Our enemy is concentrated in Egypt, Libya, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi
Arabia and Syria, plus the Palestinians are part of it."�Ralph Peters, a
former lieutenant-colonel responsible for "future warfare" at the
Office of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and deputy chief of staff for
intelligence before he retired . . ." Quoted by Pepe Escobar, Asia Times.com
What is the status of occupied Iraq 20 months after the U.S.
invasion? Considering the magnitude and intensity of the uprising that turned
the optimistic invasion into a protracted war, the answer is but one: Dick Cheney,
Paul Wolfowitz, and George Bush have massively miscalculated. They looked at
the coveted conquest of Iraq through the rusted eye of the Zionist needle.
The disorientation of the United States as it moves inside
the Iraqi maze is a two-sided reality. On one side, it provides a glimpse of
the splendid failure of Bush-Cheney to pacify the �prize� despite fire, steel,
and genocide. On the other, it points to the equally splendid failure of
hyper-imperialism as a supremacist ideology to revive colonialism through bogus
wars of �preemption.�
However, regardless of how the Nazi-like occupation of Iraq
would continue or end, the U.S., seen in a future historical perspective, will
forever bear the burden of mayhem it deliberately inflicted on Iraq, and the blood
it spilled to pillage a land it may not succeed to conquer after all. Moreover,
contrary to the expectations of U.S. Zionists, the occupation of Iraq neither
produced anything tangible for Israel, nor made the prospects of Israel ruling
over the Middle East more plausible than before the war, or ended the struggle
of the Palestinian people for liberation from their Zionist captors.
More than anything else, while the war did not advance the
project for building an Israeli-American Empire, the occupation degraded U.S.
perceived military omnipotence despite awesome technology, and paved the way
for the inevitable demise of hyper-imperialism.
The immediate result of Bush-Cheney�s war is palpable.
Instead of shocking and awing the world with its war machine, the U.S. shocked
and awed itself for failing to force the Iraqis into submission, and the world
to come to its rescue despite showy U.N. resolutions and regional conferences.
As the budding collapse of Iraq�s conquest is in progress, a significant byproduct
of failure, the U.S. is now facing many world governments (excluding the
pathologically decadent, corrupt, and servile Arab regimes) that are no longer
inhibited from challenging its imperialist hegemony.
In short, the war on Iraq produced two related outcomes. On
one hand and aside from the immense human toll, reconstituting colonialism in
the 21st century is impossible. On the other, the fierceness and extent of the
anti-occupation revolt turned Cheney�s prewar prediction that Iraq will greet its
invaders/occupiers as �liberators� and shower them with roses and rice turned
into the most disastrous prediction in history.
Emphatically, the failure of hyper-imperialism is multiform
and goes beyond the political or military inability to subjugate Iraq. For
instance, world disobedience to the U.S. diktat is an outcome that Cheney did
not include in his prewar calculations. The pillar of failure however is this:
once U.S. rationales to invade Iraq tumbled down like 10 million tons of
bricks, the true imperialist intent of the United States came out naked:
recycled colonialism backed by violent ideologies of empire.
In sum, the enormous U.S. Iraqi debacle denotes a much more
complex situation: (1) the failure of Kristol and Cheney�s belief that America�s
military power can restart colonialism unopposed; (2) the conversion of the
U.S. to a police state through the mechanisms of democracy; and (3) the revival
of Nazism but with an American identity. Moreover, as the U.S. is failing in
Iraq, so is Zionism in the United States. You can feel this failure by touching
the pulse of American Zionists as they analyze America�s �wars of
As a presumptuous Zionist, Thomas Friedman, sings praise for
the upcoming farcial Iraqi election and calls it, �fair� and �balanced,�
another Zionist, Steve
Weissman (an author who once warned the world against the �Islamic bomb,�
but failed to mention the threat posed by the Jewish bomb,) writes:
The Neo-Cons sold their pitch
first to Don Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, and then to President George W. Bush,
who is proving now in Iraq how self-defeating preemption can be. It has
turned off nearly half of American voters, scared away most of our traditional
allies, and caused large majorities in Western Europe to see the United States
as a greater threat to world peace than Osama bin Laden.� [Italics added]
While Friedman tries to disguise the Zionist failure in Iraq
with an �American engineered election,� Weissman shrewdly insinuated that the
neocons are just individuals who sold their cause to gullible men residing in
the White House. Naturally, with this approach, Weissman discarded the role of
Zionist think tanks, advisory boards to the government, and collaborating
media, who, effectively, are the decision makers of U.S. foreign policy.
To skip discussing the arrangement of power in Washington,
Weissman treated the neocons as an external party with influence, while deeming
Rumsfeld and Cheney as an insider party that had nothing to do with the
neocons, yet was persuaded by them. But Cheney and Rumsfeld are neocons
and were among the founders of the Zionist �Project for the New American
Why did Weissman opt for such an obvious gimmick? First,
although he appeared critical of the notion of �preemption,� he was keen to
salvage the Iraqi enterprise by placing an unqualified blame on individuals
called �neocons.� Second, he did not specify that the neocons are members of a
new political coalition that binds Christian Zionists and Jewish Zionists, be
they Republican or Democrat. Weissman had a purpose. By shifting the blame away
from Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld, Weissman clearly tried to find a way to
rehabilitate the neoconservative ideology that continues to be represented in
the person of Cheney, Rumsfeld, and others.
But Cheney is more than a force inside the neocon camp. As a
framer of hyper-imperialist issues and an �expert� on the ideological
reinterpretations of Middle Eastern and world events, he is �The Man� inside
the Bush administration. Unlike Bush who lacks the elementary intellectual
requirements to perform the job of a professional imperialist, Cheney is the
embodiment of imperialism. To investigate how Cheney frames the events I just
mentioned I must introduce the subtexts on imperialist colonialism.
Transmitted by cultural and indoctrinating mechanisms, colonialism, as a
racist expression of imperialist ideologies, is like a deep-seated addiction
that can never be rehabilitated. In fact, all powers that practiced colonialism
still crave it despite progress. We can see this clearly when some major
European former colonial powers, notwithstanding �passionate� objections, did
not rise against the American Iraqi colonialist expedition or try to punish the
United States. Can we explain that?
Aside from double standards, it is the covenant for
colonialist solidarity. Take France for example. While, officially, an opponent
of the war on Iraq, France was actually for the war but only if the U.S. were
to include it as a partner rather than a vassal. In essence, France had only
opposed U.S. imperial unilateralism, but not its underlying colonialist drive
and long-term objectives.
The point of this: justifications for American and European
colonialism had not changed throughout time. Having this in mind, the ongoing
American experiment in Iraq is the culmination of an entrenched western
colonialist tradition. This time is different however; instead of traditional
western colonialism with a Christian matrix, we have Zionist colonialism with
mixed Christian and Jewish matrixes. It follows that when Dick Cheney and
George Bush talk about the war against Iraq as a response to 9/11, or
�liberating� Iraq from dictatorship, they are not deviating from established
historical patterns of colonialist imperialism.
For instance, during World War One, when Gen. Stanley Maud entered Baghdad on
March 19, 1917 as a British conqueror, he proclaimed the conquest of Iraq from
the Ottomans, who were ruling it, in terms that Bush copied on March 19, 2003�my
belief is that the date, March 19, is not a coincidence. Maud,
whose statue once adorned the gates of the British Embassy in Baghdad until the
anti-colonialist revolution of July 14, 1958, where the populace toppled it and
dragged it through the streets of Baghdad, proclaimed:
Our military operations have as their object the defeat of the enemy, and
the driving of him from these territories. In order to complete this task, I am charged with
absolute and supreme control of all regions in which British troops operate; but
our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies, but
as liberators. Since the days of Halaka your city and your lands have
been subject to the tyranny of strangers, your palaces have fallen into ruins,
your gardens have sunk in desolation, and your forefathers and yourselves have
groaned in bondage. Your sons have been carried off to wars not of your seeking,
your wealth has been stripped from you by unjust men and squandered in distant
places. [Italics added]
Compare Maud�s
British colonialist proclamation with that of Bush
when he announced his war on Iraq:
�My fellow citizens, at this
hour, American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military
operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from
grave danger. . . . The people you liberate will witness the honorable and
decent spirit of the American military . . . We come to Iraq with respect for
its citizens, for their great civilization and for the religious faiths they
practice . . . We have no ambition in Iraq, except to remove a threat and
restore control of that country to its own people.� [Italics added]
Let us see that in sequence: Maud, a British
imperialist, justified the conquest of Iraq by forwarding established and
experimented lines of British colonialism; Bush, an American hyper-imperialist,
justified the second attempt at conquest of the same in less than 100 years by
advancing the new lines of American colonialism.
What remains to be seen, is how does Bush�s deputy,
Dick Cheney see the conquest?
The 9/11 Rationale and Iraq�s Conquest
Because the purpose of
Iraq�s occupation is achieving the combined objective of colonialism,
imperialism, crusading Christian theology, and Zionism, the U.S. road to it was
punctuated by numerous contradictory rationales that, as they never contained
any reference to conquest, were filled with arcane references to our �goodness�
and their �evilness.� By comparison, while Britain, France, or Italy never hid
their lust for colonial possessions, the United States follows extremely
tortuous routes to colonialism that could never disguise, however, its ultimate
objective: empire building. The denial of imperialism and/or colonialism often
pushes U.S. politicians and thinkers to hide behind futile idealistic
dissertations that never reflected the ultimate intention: Imperium.
How did Cheney
rationalize the imperialist takeover of Iraq? Cheney, holding his twisted
ideological shovel, depicted a picture that had no equal:
mission in Iraq is a great undertaking and part of a larger mission that the United States accepted now more than two years
ago. September 11, 2001, changed everything for this country. We came
to recognize our vulnerability to the threats of the new era. We saw the
harm that 19 evil men could do, armed with more than airline tickets and box
cutters and driven by a philosophy of hatred. We lost some 3,000 innocent lives
that morning, in scarcely two hours� time. [Italics added]
To be sure, Cheney announced three
programs: (1) a triple-pronged paradigm comprising daring U.S. objectives� (2)
a justificatory platform for their enactment; and (3) an example supporting the
decision for empire:
- U.S.
imperialistic objectives: with a series of repetitive linguistic tics
(Cheney�s trademark) such as �our mission,� its synonym: �a
great undertaking,� and again, �a larger mission,� Cheney
designed the future path of Zionist hyper-imperialism in Iraq [mission],
in the Middle East [great undertaking], and in the world [larger
- Hyper-imperialism
justificatory platform for universal empire: the U.S. �vulnerability
for the threats of the new era.�
- Supporting
argument: the U.S. �saw the harm that 19 evil men could do, armed with
more than airline tickets and box cutters and driven by a philosophy of
hatred. We lost some 3,000 innocent lives that morning, in scarcely two
hours� time.�
By critically understanding
Cheney�s reference to the invasion of Iraq as a loop in a longer chain, we can
immediately identify the principal ruse that led to it: U.N. resolutions. With
his �mission,� Cheney directly admitted that U.N.�s Iraq resolutions
were only a convenient pretext. In fact, the invasion and protracted occupation
of Iraq had an original strategic purpose.
To what mission was Cheney
From studying U.S. involvement in
the Middle East, this mission cannot be but imposing a new model of conquest on
Iraq and on the region, that is, refracturing the Middle East and turning
established states that once were one land into new protectorates, colonies,
and semi-colonies. The so-called Islamic threat in this case is nothing but the
irrelevant, ideological superstructure that underpins the project of conquest.
Nevertheless, are Cheney�s
�mission,� �great undertaking,� and �larger mission� a sudden idea created by
the event of 9/11? Or did 9/11 provide the right atmosphere to reprise the
interrupted yet long historical process for building an American Universal
Empire, the dream of U.S. imperialists and biblical Zealots and visionaries?
And how does Zionism enter into this formula?
It is academic to state that since
the end of World War II, U.S. imperialists have been prospecting the takeover
of Iraq and the Middle East. There were four fundamental reasons that nourished
that ambition: (1) oil, (2) confrontation with the Soviet Union, 3) Israel, and
(4) as a stage in the building of a universal empire. Expressions such as �our
legitimate interests in the Gulf� or �our national interests in the region,�
reinforced and made successive American generations think of the Middle East as
a doormat for the United States whose sole function is supplying cheap oil to
American consumers.
As we shall see in the upcoming
parts, the idea that the U.S. must physically control the sources of Arab oil
had existed long before well-defined ideological manifestos of U.S. Zionism
became known. Consequently, the �Clean Break� of Richard Perle, the �Project
for the New American Century� of Cheney, Kristol, et al, and the �National
Security Strategy of the United States� of Condoleezza Rice were the most
Invariably, to control the oil
resources of the Middle East, U.S. imperialists have always presupposed
implementing direct military presence in the region. Three recent regional events facilitated that objective. First, the Iraq-Iran war as
coordinated between the U.S., Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. Second, the
invasion of Kuwait by Iraq as coordinated between Iraq and the United States.
Third, the opportunity offered by 9/11 to cement that presence by the takeover
of Iraq.
After this introduction, the
question is how did Dick Cheney use his triple-pronged paradigm to implement
hyper-imperialist colonialism starting with Iraq?�
Next: Part 25: Dick Cheney, the
inferior art of bulldozing reality
B.J. Sabri is an Iraqi-American anti-war activist. Email: