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Health Last Updated: Dec 31st, 2009 - 01:49:28

Fragile: Handle with Risperdal
By Martha Rosenberg

The email did not beat around the bush.

Jan 20, 2009, 00:19

With mad cow disease, the only thing cattlemen have to fear is the press itself
By Martha Rosenberg

�Texas has had one variant CJD case,� the Texas Department of State Health Services Infectious Disease Control Unit assures the public on its web site after a November mad cow scare. �Investigators have concluded that the patient was a former resident of the UK where exposure was likely to have occurred.�

Dec 9, 2008, 00:22

Mother�s Act promotes pregnancy as lucrative market for Big Pharma
By Evelyn Pringle

Women of childbearing years represent the most lucrative market for the makers of psychiatric drugs. The knowledge that infants were being born with birth defects and suffering a withdrawal syndrome when these drugs were used during pregnancy was hidden for decades. Knowledge of these terrible risks would have caused a major drop in sales to this customer base.

Dec 5, 2008, 00:27

Big Pharma attacks black boxes as antidepressant sales fall
By Martha Rosenberg

In April, Dr. Catherine DeAngelis, editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), wrote that pharma�s influence on medicine �is so blatant now you�d have to be deaf, blind and dumb not to see it,� adding, �We should all get together and say, �Enough!��

Sep 19, 2008, 00:20

The House syndrome
By Jacobo Dib, Jr., MD

Recently at my office a patient, at the end of his first visit, showed me a high grade of disappointment when he realized that he was leaving without a definite and sound diagnosis. I had spent 40 minutes questioning and giving him a complete physical exam, and, yet, with laboratory and radiologic orders in his hands, he did not have a �verdict.�

Aug 14, 2008, 00:15

The FDA guerillas of wonky DrugWonks -- part 1
By Evelyn Pringle

Former Bush administration officials have formed a pharmaceutical industry guerilla group called the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest (CMPI), described on its website as �a non-partisan, non-profit educational charity,� and a �new vital force in health care policy.�

Aug 8, 2008, 00:18

Bush Medicare veto gets a final trouncing by Congress!
By Jerry Mazza

Tuesday Congress showed some bipartisan backbone, once more overriding George Bush�s veto of a bill to prevent cutting doctors� Medicare fees by 10 percent, which would seriously impact on the health care of millions of beneficiaries. Phyician fee cuts would also inspire Medicare insurance HMOs to follow suit and reduce co-pay coverage.

Jul 18, 2008, 00:28

Strontium and osteoporosis: A treatment not offered to American women
By Sara S. DeHart, MSN, Ph.D.

The purpose of this article is to provide a summary of current published research on the mineral strontium and its purported function in preventing osteoporotic fractures in postmenopausal women. This mineral is available through regular medical sources in Europe and is approved for use in 21 European countries. A case study of my own journey through this morass of data and treatment options is included for comparative purposes of what happens to postmenopausal women in the United States.

Jul 7, 2008, 00:17

Will women give hormone maker Wyeth a second chance?
By Martha Rosenberg

Can Wyeth win back the 40 million Premarin and Prempro users it's lost since 2002 -- along with $1 billion a year in profits -- with a new menopause drug?

Jun 25, 2008, 00:13

Report: Rising health care costs causing serious economic woes
By Jason Leopold

Skyrocketing health care costs are taking a toll on the nation�s long-term economic well being, requiring an immediate �multipronged solution� before the �window of opportunity� to address the issue closes, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress.

Jun 24, 2008, 00:18

Meat wars: Why are those wacky Koreans dissin' our beef?
By Mike Whitney

You wouldn't know it from reading the newspapers, but the streets of Seoul are packed with tens of thousands of angry protesters who've brought business and government to a grinding halt. The demonstrations have dragged on for more than a month and show no sign of ending anytime soon. President Lee Myung-Bak's decision to lift the ban on US beef imports has set off a political firestorm that is likely to bring down the government and put the kibosh on free trade agreements for years to come.

Jun 23, 2008, 00:13

How Bush and the neocons plan to kill Medicare
By Jerry Mazza

You think they went away when seniors jumped all over them last time? No, they just crawled under their rock for a while then crept back out. In fact, the Bush administration has recently said �unsustainable growth� in spending on programs like Medicare is contributing to �the biggest challenge to the nation�s economic health.� That�s a flat-out lie.

Jun 4, 2008, 00:24

Pandemic response plan: let the elderly, the sick, and the poor die
By Larry Chin

The Bush-Cheney administration�s Department of Homeland Security, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have collectively set guidelines that recommend in the event of a "pandemic" or mass crisis that the elderly, the sick, the severely injured, and the poor will be denied life-saving medical treatment.

May 6, 2008, 00:20

How to get universal health care
By Joel S. Hirschhorn

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama say they believe in giving Americans universal health care. I don�t believe them. Anyone who takes the time to understand universal health care should conclude that only a simple single payer system will reform the current outrageous system that benefits the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

May 6, 2008, 00:12

Despite 5,000 lawsuits, Wyeth and US endocrinologist group hope for HRT comeback
By Martha Rosenberg

A reduction in a jury award for a drug that caused cancer from $134 million to $58 million would not normally be cause to rejoice. But it has not been a normal year for hormone maker Wyeth.

Feb 27, 2008, 00:47

Time to end profit-driven mandatory vaccination racket
By Evelyn Pringle

The push to keep adding more vaccines to the mandatory schedules comes directly from a purely profit motivated industry and a recent investor report estimates that the worldwide market will quadruple from about $4.3 billion in 2006 to more than $16 billion in 2016, with the biggest boost coming from kids in the US.

Feb 13, 2008, 00:13

For-profit health care: More than one way to scan a CAT
By Mickey Z.

Since just about every refrigerator automatically comes with a meat drawer, butter shelf, and egg rack, it should come as no surprise that most homes are predictably equipped with a medicine chest. Taking such inevitability further along its natural progression, those in the health care . . . I mean, disease care field fully expect to be regularly treating patients with a fair amount of body fat.

Jan 30, 2008, 01:09

Accused of hiding drug dangers again, Big Pharma starts 2008 defending itself
By Martha Rosenberg

If Hillary and Obama think the press is picking on them, they should look at Big Pharma.

Jan 22, 2008, 00:09

Medical researchers patented AIDS cure in 1990
By Juris Doctor Boyd Graves
Forward by Jerry Mazza

I can�t think of any more fitting time than the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther�s birthday to submit this article by Boyd Graves, an African American who has first-hand knowledge of AIDS and has sustained his life by his own research into viable cures. He has also persistently contributed to combating AIDS by submitting his findings to those in power to bring about �positive� changes in attitude towards cures at home and around the world.

Jan 21, 2008, 00:18

The polio vaccine, AIDS, and their US-made viruses
By Jerry Mazza

When I was a teenager growing up in Brooklyn, my parents warned me every summer to stay away from public pools or taking any chances running under opened fire hydrants to cools us from the brick-and-tar baking heat. Their fear was the epidemic of polio that haunted the US -- 52,000 cases in 1952 alone. My parents worried that polio �germs� could be carried in the highly used and abused public waters.

Jan 11, 2008, 00:43

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