When I was a teenager
growing up in Brooklyn, my parents warned me every summer to stay away from
public pools or taking any chances running under opened fire hydrants to cools
us from the brick-and-tar baking heat. Their fear was the epidemic of polio
that haunted the US -- 52,000 cases in 1952 alone. My parents worried that
polio �germs� could be carried in the highly used and abused public waters.
Yet in April 1955, in
my 17th year, lo and behold Dr. Jonas Salk, a funny looking guy from
Pittsburgh, announced from the University of Michigan that he had developed a
polio vaccine for distribution. Eureka. Thousands of families like mine flooded
to the local doctors, clinics, and hospitals. It seemed all those rosaries my
friends� mothers and mine gave up to the Holy Mother paid off. But did they?
As William Carlsen
reports in his SFGATE article �Rogue
virus in the vaccine:� Salk�s
vaccine was produced by actually growing live polio virus on kidney tissue from
the Asian rhesus monkey. The virus was then killed with formaldehyde. Thus,
when the vaccine was injected in humans, the dead virus generated antibodies
that could fend off live polio. What a simple, beautiful idea. Or so it seemed.
What the millions of
people who were injected didn�t know, nor would they until 1959, when Bernice
Eddy, looking in her microscope at the National Institutes of Health (NIH),
found that monkey kidney cells, the very same kind used to make the vaccine,
were dying with no known cause. So she experimented.
She prepared extracts
from kidneys from eight to 10 rhesus monkeys. She then injected tiny amounts
beneath the skin of 23 newborn hamsters. In nine months, �large, malignant,
subcutaneous tumors� showed up on 20 of the animals -- and the world shook. Or
did it?
Eddy tried to spread the word
Horrified that a
monkey virus could be contaminating the famous polio vaccine, on July 6, 1960,
Eddy shared her findings with Dr. Joseph Smadel, chief of NIH�s biologics
division, who summarily dismissed the tumors as harmless �lumps.� Meanwhile at
a Pennsylvania Merck lab, Dr. Maurice Hilleman and Dr. Ben Sweet isolated the
virus. They named it Simian Virus 40 or SV40 for being the 40th virus found in
rhesus kidney tissue. So much for miracle drugs.
Nevertheless, by then
we seemed to be winning the polio war. Sixty percent of the population, some 98
million Americans, had gotten at least one shot of the Salk vaccine and the
number of cases was diving downwards.
Concurrently, an oral
polio vaccine developed by virologist Albert Sabin was in its final trials in
Russia and Eastern Europe. Tens of millions of people had been given it, and it
was ready to be licensed in the US. Its big difference was that unlike the Salk
vaccine, Sabin�s version contained a live but weakened form of polio virus that
�promised� lifelong immunity.
Fortunately, US Public
Health Service (PHS) officials had conducted tests and found SV40 in both the
Sabin and Salk vaccines. The US PHS estimated that a third of the Salk vaccine
was tainted, and that SV40 was causing cancer in lab animals. Picture the
corporate and government panic at this news, which was less than mildly shared
with the public.
Early in 1961, PHS
officials met quietly with the agency�s top vaccine advisers. Strangely, the
agency found no evidence the virus had been harmful to humans. Yet in March,
officials ordered manufacturers to eliminate SV40 from all future vaccine. New
plans to neutralize the tainted polio virus seed stock were adopted and
SV40-free African green monkeys were used to make the bulk vaccine instead of
rhesus monkeys. More monkey business.
Amazingly, officials
didn�t recall the contaminated Salk vaccine, that is, more than a year�s
supply. It stayed in the hands of the country�s doctors. And they didn�t notify
the public of the contamination and SV40�s effect on new born hamsters. Their strange
reasoning was that any negative information could start a panic and put the
vaccination campaign in danger. What about the millions of people who took the
vaccines? Weren�t they being put in danger?
The first disclosure
The Salk vaccine
contamination story crept on cat�s feet on July 26, 1961, onto page 33 of the New York Times. It reported Merck and
other manufacturers had halted production until they could get �monkey virus�
out of the vaccine. Asked for comments, the US PHS said there was no evidence
the virus was dangerous. Except, of course, to the 20 baby hamsters it blew
In 1962, a Harvard
epidemiologist, Dr. Joseph Fraumeni, joined the National Cancer Institute and
was assigned to find out if there was any cancer increase among those injected
with the Salk vaccine. With two Colleagues, Fraumeni tested vaccine samples
from May and June of 1955, the first months of the national immunization
campaign. Then they ranked the samples according to �no,� �low� or �high�
amounts of SV40 they contained.
It was the only time
US health officials would measure such level in the 55-62 vaccine. Stored
samples were later dumped. Fraumeni pinpointed states where contaminated
vaccines were distributed during the key months. California received a vaccine
with a low level of the virus. The study also looked at cancer death rates for
6-to-8-year olds vaccinated during that narrow time frame and tracked the group
for four years.
Findings, published
in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed no significant
difference in cancer deaths in states with high or low levels of SV40 in the
vaccine when compared with cancer deaths in states with no SV40 in the vaccine.
Yet some 14 years
later, after �isolated reports� linking the virus to human cancers, Fraumeni
deemed another group should be looked at that had received contaminated
vaccine. This group was the subject of trials conducted in the early '60s at
Cleveland Metropolitan general Hospital. To see the effect of different amounts
of SV40 in vaccines, hospital researchers inoculated newborns from mostly
lower-income black families. Noticeably, doses ranged up to more than 100 times
the dose recommended for adults, not a nice thing to do to those black kids.
The experiments
spanned three years, involving 1,073 infants. The majority were given Sabin
oral, which later was shown to contain SV40. A 1982 report in the New England
Journal of Medicine hedged the study�s limitations: that a majority of the kids
had not responded; but SV40-realted cancers could take longer than 17 to 19
years to appear; and SV40 appeared less likely to infect humans through the
oral vaccine.
Despite these
critical caveats, the whitewash called the findings �reassuring and consistent
with the prevailing view that SV40 is not carcinogenic in human beings.� Then
they called a halt to the studies, claiming �mountains of complexities and
obstacles in tracing this particular group and the negative results to date.�
This is not to mention their destructive racism, which would remain part of the
government�s position for years.
BOOM, 1988
In Boston, Dr. Robert
Garcea and assistant, Dr. John Bergsagel, used a new tool, a polymerase chain
reaction, PCR, to look for a pair of common human viruses in kids� brain
tumors. A different DNA footprint popped up in more than half the tumors. It
finally hit them that they were seeing SV40.
The PCR was capable
of amplifying the smallest fragments of DNA, making detections far more
credible than earlier more primitive tests for SV40-like proteins in human
tumors. The findings were disturbing, indicating that the children were too
young to have received the contaminated vaccine, yet somehow the virus infected
them and embedded itself in their tumors.
In that same year,
Dr. Michele Carbone found a milky, rind-like tumor in a laboratory at the
National Insitutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. Carbone performed a variety of
experiments showing that sixty percent of hamsters, after having SV40 injected
into their hearts, contracted the fatal cancer, mesothelioma. Something awful
was happening.
Carbone finally used
PCR to test 48 human mesotheliomas stored at the NIH. He was stunned when 28 of
them contained SV40. PCR went on to unleash a wave of SV40 discoveries. By the
end of 1996, dozens of scientists reported SV40 in a variety of bone cancers
and a wide range of brain cancers, a rise
of 30 percent over the previous 20 years.
At the National
Cancer Institute in Bethesda, officials were growing increasingly concerned
about the SV40 discoveries. And these findings were of particular interest to
Fraumeni, who had been promoted to director of the NCI (National Cancer
Institute)�s Division on Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics. His early studies
concluding that SV40 posed little or no health risk were now under challenge .
. .
More about the NCI, National Cancer Institute
The deadly truth is
that the National Cancer Institute
(NCI-Frederick) and 37 mission partners are located at Fort Detrick, about 20
minutes from Bethesda, Maryland. The Fort is home to the United States Army
Medical Research and Materiel Command (ISAMRMC). The primary missions
include biomedical research and development. This is where the AIDS virus was
developed, but not from monkeys.
In my 2005 Online Journal article, The
AIDS virus: Made in the USA?, I reported that �Dr. Robert Strecker indicated that the
AIDS virus was in fact developed by the National Cancer Institute, in
cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), in a laboratory at Ft.
Detrick in Maryland. From 1970�74, this laboratory facility was part of the
U.S. Army�s germ warfare unit, known as the Army Infectious Disease Unit, or
Special Operations Division, also referred to as the Army�s Chemical and
Biological Warfare Laboratory. Post 1974, the facility was renamed the National
Cancer Institute (NCI). According to researcher William Cooper (former Navy
Intelligence officer), noted in Larry Jamison�s article Is The AIDS Virus Man Made?, this work was
supervised by the CIA under a project called MK-NAOMI. [To get to this site
click link, then �All News,� then �Next page�].
�Dr. Strecker has also traced some of the research and researchers at
Ft. Detrick/NCI to a group of Japanese scientists captured at WW II�s end and
given amnesty in exchange for information on racial and ethnic bio-weaponry,
their research dating back to 1930. What�s more, expatriated Russian scientists
were brought in to help as well.
�Dr. Strecker, one of the original and foremost authorities on the AIDS
virus, found that the virus creation was conducted under the leadership of Dr.
Robert Gallo, who later claimed to discover the virus. Dr. Gallo and his team
created the AIDS virus by combining the bovine (cattle) leukemia virus and
visna (sheep) virus, and injecting them into human tissue cultures.
�They discovered, as Strecker did, that bovine leukemia virus is lethal
to cattle, but not to humans. And the visna virus is deadly to sheep, but not
to man. However, when combined, they produce a retro-virus that can
change the genetic composition of the cells they enter. In fact, as Larry
Jamison points out, early field tests on prison convicts led to sickness then
death, which inspired Gallo and friends to bigger and more terrible things,
including injecting brothers and sisters with the tainted vaccine to see who
died first. This was done to study HLA (human leukocyte antigen processing), to
see how related people reacted. Frighteningly, whole families got sick at once!
And there was worse to come.
�The AIDS retro-virus works, as Dr. Strecker states, by causing the
destruction of the immune system, fundamentally the body's white blood or
T-cells essential to the effectiveness of the immune system particularly
against opportunistic infections diseases. The B-cells deal with more benign,
bacterial infections. AZT, the drug which is a kind of junk food that starves
the AIDS virus, often kills the patient as well. It provides dubious
consolation. . . ."
As an updating underscore, I quote from Dr. Alan Cantwell�s 11/4/04
article at Rense.com, The Man-Made Origin Of AIDS --
Important Notes . . . in which he
unqualifiedly states: �VISNA
� . . . The
capital-lettered statement above is uncontestable. It is a fact.�
The polio virus was monkey-derived, but
AIDS was not . . .
I repeat the above so
that the idea of a monkey biting an African�s butt or of Simian Virus 40 being
the culprit for HIV-AIDS is not the case. There is a desire to surrender to
this idea because it seems convenient. African populations live in jungle areas
and are largely black and may be in contact with monkeys. Unfortunately, to a
lesser degree AIDS has struck white communities in America as well, either
white and/or gay in addition to black and/or Latino, i.e. minorities, ergo
expendable to the elites. The question is, was the CIA/NCI behind the polio
virus as well? It�s timeline flows into and parallels the AIDS virus.
Again, the AIDS virus
was weaponized at Fort Detrick. As Cantwell reports, �I believe, based on now
some 16 years of investigation of this whole thing that HIV is a strategic
biological weapon designed to kill billions of people in a slow-unfolding
relentless holocaust which was released in two different vaccination programs:
a) the smallpox vaccination program in Africa commencing in the late 1960s, b)
the hepatitis-B vaccination program in the United States in the mid-to-late
�Moreover, so it is
perfectly clear, this contamination was no accident. It was done on purpose
with the goal of �thinning the herd� in a Nazi-like mindset that has covertly
governed population control politics since the 1870s. These same politics had
pervaded the WHO [World Health Organization] and most of western medical
experimental science throughout the 20th century. And, to be very pointed: the
same political ideology is still there. Non-whites [and gay whites] are
detrimental to the gene pool's evolution so says the political philosophy. To
see a bit of this in history, go here:
�This belief system
is pervasive in the molecular sciences as it is at the heart of eugenics,
cloning, evolution, and heritability.�
Yet, little did my
Brooklyn family, friends, myself and America know what darker forces were
lurking about us in the 50s and 60s, especially in the post WW-ll surge in our
economy, military strength, intelligence community and the confidence that
America was the best, safest, the most noble place to grow up in and ultimately
In fact, was the
polio vaccine weaponized from the get-go with SV40 the way the World Health
Organization laced a smallpox vaccine for millions of Africans with the AIDS
virus? Or was the polio virus a Pandora�s box opened by a well-meaning Salk? If
so, why did it take so long to unearth and never really correct it? And how
many millions of Americans have paid with their lives via the SV40 cancer-link?
Here is one doctor�s answer, again from my article . . .
�Also, concerning
green monkeys, Dr. William Campbell Douglass, MD, writes in 1987 in W.H.O. Murdered Africa: �This
is the origin of the green monkey theory. The polio vaccine was grown on green
monkey kidney cells and the geniuses who brought us polio vaccine said: �We got
away with it once so let's use it again.� But they didn't get away with it and
in spite of the fact that polio was rapidly disappearing without any medical
intervention, 64 million Americans were vaccinated with SV-40 contaminated
vaccine in the 60s. An increase in cancer of the brain, possibly multiple
sclerosis and God only knows what else is the tragic result. The delay between
vaccination and the onset of cancer with this virus is as long as 20�30 years.
Nineteen sixty-five plus 20 equals 1985. Get the picture?�
Unfortunately, it�s a
rather grim picture, but as close as the truth as I can get on this awful
subject. I suggest you read the entirety of my first AIDS article, including all links. Knowledge is power
as they say. And even back in 2005, I reported Bilderberger involvement in all
this, the power beyond the powers that rule, going about its deadly business.
Jerry Mazza is a freelance writer living in New York.
Reach him at gvmaz@verizon.net.