Instead of calling the recent G-20�s brutal austerity
declaration (issued at the conclusion of its annual summit in Toronto last month) an orchestrated
declaration of class war on the people, many progressive/Keynesian economists
and other liberal commentators simply call it �bad policy.� While it is true
that, as these commentators point out, the Hooverian message of the declaration
is bound to worsen the recession, it is nonetheless not a matter of �bad�
policy; it is a matter of class policy.
�Bad� policy for whom?
For the powerful international financial gamblers the
declaration is a good, not bad, policy. Indeed, it represents a monumental
victory for these gamblers -- an economic coup -- as it converts tens of
trillions of their gambling losses into gains by virtue of having their
bought-and-paid-for governments force the people to cut on their bread and
butter in order to pay for the fraudulent credit claims of the financial
moguls. What is bad for the people is, therefore, a boon for the captains of
high finance, who are the main architects of the G-20�s austerity policies.
Viewing the savage class war of the ruling kleptocracy on
the people�s living and working conditions simply as �bad� policy, and hoping
to somehow -- presumably through smart arguments and sage advice -- replace it
with the �good� Keynesian policy of deficit spending without a fight, without
grassroots� involvement and/or pressure, stems from the rather na�ve supposition that policy making is a simple
matter of technical expertise or the benevolence of policy makers, that is, a
matter of choice. The presumed choice is said to be between only two
alternatives: between the stimulus or Keynesian deficit spending, on the one
hand, and the Neoliberal austerity of cutting social spending, on the other.
Experience shows,
however, that economic policy-making is not independent of politics and
policy-makers who are, in turn, not independent of the financial interests they
are supposed to discipline or regulate. Economic policies are often subtle
products of the balance of social forces, or outcome of the class struggle.
Keynesian economists seem to be unmindful of this
fundamental relationship between economics and politics. Instead, they view
economic policies as the outcome of the battle of ideas, not of class forces or
interests. And herein lies one of the principal weaknesses of their argument:
viewing the Keynesian/New Deal/Social Democratic reforms of the 1930s through
the 1960s as the product of the Keynes� or F.D.R.�s genius, or the goodness of
their hearts; not of the compelling pressure exerted by the revolutionary
movements of that period on the national policy makers to �implement reform in
order to prevent revolution,� as F.D.R. famously put it. This explains why
economic policy makers of today are not listening to Keynesian arguments --
powerful and elegant as they are -- because there would be no Keynesian, New
Deal, or Social-Democratic economics without revolutionary pressure from the
A closely related flaw of the liberal/Keynesian �bad policy�
argument against the Neoliberal austerity strategy stems from the optimistic
perception of the State that views its
power as above economic or class interests; a perception that fails to see the
fact that the national policy-making apparatus is largely dominated by a
kleptocratic elite that is guided by the imperatives of big capital, especially
finance capital.
Liberal critics of
the vicious austerity policies passionately argue against such policies as
�bad,� �misguided,� or �unwise� as if the governments that make such policies
do not know what they are doing. Accordingly, these critics offer all kinds of
elegant Keynesian arguments in favor of stimulus deficit spending that could
lead to improved economic conditions, increased tax revenues, and decreased
debt and deficit. What these critics tend to overlook, however, is the fact
that the governments that impose austerity policies are serving as bailiffs or
debt-collecting agencies on behalf of their corporate/financial masters.
If you plead with a
court-appointed bailiff who is about to foreclose a debt-burdened family�s
house, �please, have mercy, don�t you see this poor family is going to be
homeless?� his/her answer would most probably be �I already know that; I am
sorry, but I have no choice, or that�s not my problem.� The difference between
this type of traditional or ordinary bailiffs and today�s governments serving
as bailiffs to collect the fraudulent claims of the international financial
moguls is that while the former honestly admit that they have no choice because
they have orders, the latter pretend that they are independent of special
interests, and that they are simply carrying out policies of national
Liberal/Keynesian critics of the Neoliberal austerity
measures as �bad policies� can also be faulted for their belief that the
Democratic Party is very different from the Republican Party, and that the
blame for the atrocious cuts in social spending should be solely or primarily
placed at the doorsteps of the Republicans. The reality, however, is that both
parties are beholden to powerful financial interests, and that, individual
exceptions aside, their public posturing as opposition parties are essentially
tantamount to the proverbial good cop �
bad cop game. As Shamus
Cooke recently pointed out on this Website, �Both Democrats and Republicans
agree that �financial markets� should dictate the economic policy of the U.S. The two
parties disagree only to what degree and how quickly to implement the same
President Obama himself has frequently stressed fiscal
�responsibility� as a catch phrase to justify cuts in social spending. For
instance, in a news conference at the conclusion of the Toronto G-20 summit,
the President expressed satisfaction at the G-20�s commitment to cut their
deficits by half in three years, arguing that � . . . if financial markets are
skittish and don�t have confidence in a country�s fiscal soundness, that is
also going to undermine our recovery.�
Another major
weakness in the liberal/Keynesian criticism of the Neoliberal austerity
strategy as �bad policy� is that, aside from the contractionary/recessionary
argument, they have not thoroughly explained why this strategy is a �bad
policy�; in other words, they have not vigorously challenged or exposed the
flaws and myths of the Neoliberals� fiscal �responsibility� claim. This claim,
self-righteously touted by deficit hawks, rests upon these theoretical
presumptions: lower social spending would lead to lower deficits; lower
deficits would lead to lower interest rates; lower interest rates would lead to
higher borrowing for investment/spending purposes; which would then lead to
economic growth. In this way, austerity hawks can (and indeed do) claim that it
is their fiscal �responsibility� strategy, not the Keynesian deficit spending
strategy, that is pro-growth.
Despite its prima
facie reasonableness, this theoretical postulate is not as foolproof as it
sounds. Investment decisions depend on more factors than just interest rate.
Business or market environment in terms of certainty, or lack thereof, and the
prospects of sales or effective demand is one such factor. This explains why
despite the extremely low interest rates of recent years
lending/borrowing/spending for productive purposes remains stagnant, if not
frozen. Burdened by too much debt, neither traditional borrowers dare or can
afford to take on more debt, nor lenders dare to part with their cash -- a
classic situation of the so-called �liquidity preference,� or �liquidity trap,�
as Keynes put it.
The claim of the
champions of austerity policies that cuts in social spending would necessarily
lead to lower deficits has also been disproved by the experience of recent
decades. Since the late 1970s and early 1980s, social spending has been
systematically cut while, at the same time, debt and deficit have been rising
-- except, of course, for the second half of the 1990s, when deficits shrank,
not due to cuts in social spending but because of economic expansion of that
As long as the
liberal/Keynesian proponents of deficit spending do not or cannot expose these
flaws and fallacies of the claims of the neoliberal champions of fiscal
�soundness� they are bound to be entangled in an ineffectual, circular
debate with the deficit hawks without much success. These proponents may argue
elegantly and passionately in favor of �bold, additional deficit spending in
order to grow ourselves out of this crisis,� but without compelling grassroots
pressure on policy makers they would not get very far with those arguments.
Furthermore, as was just pointed out, champions of fiscal �responsibility� can
just as forcefully claim to be �the real champions of economic growth� as do
the liberal proponents of additional deficit spending.� Indeed, due to its
prima facie reasonableness, the fiscal �responsibility� argument often wins
over stimulus spending argument -- again, as long as the Neoliberal-Keynesian
debate remains within the narrow circles of the elite policy makers and their
intellectual talking heads on both sides, that is, as long as the broad masses
of people are not actively involved in the fight against the obfuscationist
arguments of fiscal �responsibility.�
Perhaps the most important weakness in the liberal/Keynesian
arguments against the Neoliberal austerity measures is the presupposition (or
the acceptance of the premise) that deficit spending is the only alternative to
cuts in social spending. This weakness, in turn, stems from another flaw in
their arguments: neglect of the issues of accountability and/or culpability.
The three major factors that are largely responsible for the colossal debt and
deficit are: the multi-trillion dollar Wall Street bailout, the out-of-control
military/security expenditures, and the huge supply-side tax giveaways to the
wealthy since the early 1980s. Doggedly focused on additional deficit spending,
Keynesian partisans (like Neoliberal deficit hawks) let these culprits of the
global debt crisis go scot-free, so to speak. They either do not mention these
real sources of debt and deficit, or mention them only in passing -- just for
the record! Unwilling to challenge these sacred cows (their election/reelection
benefactors), they tout deficit spending as the only viable alternative to cuts
in social spending.
The Neoliberal fiscal responsibility vs. the Keynesian
deficit spending debate thus seems more like a trap, or diversion, than an
effective strategy to replete the public purse and bring about an economic
recovery, as it sidetracks the root causes of debt and deficit, and accepts the
Neoliberal argument that blames social spending as the culprit -- in effect,
blaming the victims (the people) for the crimes of the perpetrators: the Wall
Street gamblers, the military/security spending, and the supply-side tax cuts.
This insidious argument and the fake debate between the Democrats and the
Republicans pursue two objectives: first, to absolve the real perpetrators of
their responsibility for the colossal debt and deficit; and second, to
restructure the debt and the economy in ways that would dismantle the welfare
state, and throw back the working conditions, living standards, inequality and
class divisions more than a century earlier -- the late 19th and
early 20th centuries.
Therefore, it is time to change the premises or parameters
of the debate from �when or by how much social spending should be cut� to �why
should the people pay for something they are not responsible for?� It is time
to turn the tables and start asking: Why should the Wall Street gamblers not
pay to rebuild the economy they drove to ruins, or pay the debt they accumulated?
Why can�t a part of the hugely redundant and destructive military spending be
reallocated to non-military public spending? Why do we need to have over 800
military bases around the world? Why can�t unearned incomes (capital gains,
interest, dividends, rents from property) be taxed at least as much as earned
incomes, income from work and profit from real production? What are the
benefits of the numerous tax shelters (tax-free bonds, family trusts, oil
depletion allowances, etc.) to national or public interests?
Obviously, there is not much room for these kinds of
questions to be raised within the two-party political machine. It is,
therefore, time for the broad masses of the working people, that is, not just
the traditional blue color workers but also perhaps over 90% of the so-called
white color workers and �professionals,� especially public-sector employees, to
mobilize and organize independently of the two-party system in order to fend
off the brutal Neoliberal offensive against their living and working conditions.
It is abundantly clear that the illusions over Obama�s message of change have
turned to nightmares as he has betrayed the grassroots who voted for him. More
generally, the policy of working and pleading with the Democratic Party in the
hope of reversing or containing the relentless attack of capital on labor (and
other disenfranchised social strata) must be abandoned, since Democrats are
only slightly less Neoliberal than Republicans -- they may as well be called
stealth Neoliberals.
When the workers and other grassroots will gain the
necessary consciousness and determination to actually appropriate and utilize
the existing technology and resources for a better organization and management
of the world economy in the interests of the majority of world citizens no one
can tell. One thing is certain, however: to play such a role, the working class
needs entirely new visions and new politics. The new, independent labor
politics will need to (a) go beyond trade unionism, (b) go beyond national
borders, and (c) operate through coalitions and alliances with non-labor
grassroots opposition groups. There is definitely no shortage of material
resources for this purpose, certainly not in the US and other industrialized
countries. What is lacking is the political will and/or capacity to reorient
the society�s priorities and reallocate its resources. The feasibility of these
proposals (and the fate of capitalism), ultimately, comes down to the
relationship of social forces and the balance of class struggle.
Ismael Hossein-zadeh,
author of The
Political Economy of U.S. Militarism (Palgrave-Macmillan 2007), teaches economics at Drake University, Des Moines,