Back when right-wingers were all atwitter over a stained
blue dress, blowjobs in the Oval Office and what Bill and Monica did with a
cigar, they beat their breasts and wailed, �What do we tell the children?�
Well, what will they tell the children now that Barack Obama
has decreed that the CIA operatives who tortured helpless prisoners won�t be
prosecuted? A crime far worse than a previous president�s sexual peccadilloes.
How will Barack and Michelle explain to Malia and Sasha
Daddy�s blowing off the CIA operatives� crimes with �they were just following
Wasn�t former suspected Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk
just following orders, too? Yet, US immigration officials are bent on sending
the 89-year-old Demjanjuk, despite his ill health, to Germany to stand trial.
What makes Demjanjuk different from the CIA operatives who
were �just following orders� when they tortured prisoners? Is it that he is alleged
to be an accessory to the murder of some 29,000 Jews, while the CIA operatives
were torturing, in secret overseas prisons, just Muslims suspected of being
Did we not hold war crimes trials in Germany and Japan after
World War II? Did we not execute or imprison those judged guilty? Did we not sign
and ratify the Geneva Conventions and a host of international laws that outlawed
torture and crimes against humanity, doing away with the �I was just following
orders� defense?
If a lowly foot soldier is expected to refuse to carry out
an unlawful order -- at great risk to his or her very life -- issued by his or
her commanding officer, what makes a CIA operative any different? Any person
with a modicum of morality and a slight degree of intelligence knows right from
wrong, regardless of the claims of his or her superior.
Morality and intelligence seem to be in short supply these
days. We�re drowning in corruption and greed, and it�s not for a lack of
religion. It seems the more religion we have, the worse things become.
Imagine, the president of the United States, rather the
demanding all the criminals in the previous administration be held to account,
says that �it�s time for reflection, not retribution.� What does that say to
Malia, Sasha, all the other children and the rest of us?
How can we claim to be a nation of laws and not men if we
fail to bring the lawbreakers before the bar of justice? How is doing so
retribution? And how will reflection put things right?
Barack Obama promised the American people change. So far,
we�ve seen little of it, other than a crumb here and a crumb there.
What does it say to the children when war criminals go
unpunished? When banksters and Wall Street that devised convoluted ways to
steal the people blind, destroying the economy in the process, not only go
unpunished but are rewarded with trillions of taxpayer dollars and then are
tasked with fixing what they destroyed? It�s like asking the arsonist who
burned down your house to rebuild it and hand you the bill.
President Obama, do we tell the children that big crimes pay -- not the petty
stuff that lands people in prison, oftentimes for life? And that those who
mastermind the crimes will receive the biggest rewards, while their peons who
carry out the crimes can claim they were �just following orders� to escape
�retribution�? Is that the message you wish to give Malia and Sasha?