�This logic of extermination of a society and culture was
inbuilt in the process since March 2003. In fact, the systematic annihilation
of 2-3 percent of the entire Iraqi population, according to a study by The
Lancet, not to mention the 1 million people displaced since March 2003, follow
the more than 500,000 children who died during the 1990s as victims of United
Nations sanctions. Iraq has been systematically destroyed for more than 15
years, non-stop.� --Brazilian writer Pablo Escobar, from his article, �'Stability First:
Newspeak for rape of Iraq�
One of the methods followed by neocon intellectuals to
deceive their readers is narrating events backed by neither analysis nor facts.
For instance, in the following quote, William O.
Beeman, Director of Middle East Studies at Brown University, makes a
statement that when analyzed would prove nothing but a manifest intent to
propagandize historical falsehood.
Beeman: The three regions were incompatible in ethnicity,
religious confession, and interests.
Analysis: before everything, let me argue one important
issue: neither ethnicity, nor religion, or interests make a nation. All of
these attributes are super-structural thus not relevant for nationhood. The
paramount factor in nationhood is language and land. Without common language
(including regional inflections and vernaculars), a nation cannot possibly
form. Language is even more important than land in the sense it stresses shared
origins regardless how distant we are from the land. Both, language and land,
however, are the primordial and indispensable requirement to make a nation. In the
end, language and land can reinforce each other by additional factors such as
economic activities.
Two powerful examples sustain my view: the United States and
Russia. Both countries are hosts to hundreds of groups that share no ethnic
similarity, no religious homogeneity, or interests (in the general sense.) What
distinguish these groups as Americans
or Russians
is a common language and land.
Consequently, language and cultural heritage of any state
are, unavoidably, the same over most of its national territory despite ethnic
diversities since interaction among the nation�s groups becomes a function of
mutual dependency, social recognition, and identifiable identity. For instance,
in matter of national recognition, I can recognize an Iraqi individual among
one hundred million non-Iraqi Arabs solely by his or her phonetic inflection. In
that moment, that is all I need to know about that individual, and, religion,
interests, or ethnicity would have no value to the process of recognition, and
their acknowledgement is conditioned solely by the extent of projected or
established socialization with that individual.
It is redundant to state, that the Iraqi Arab dialect (with
its local variations) has been the dominate dialect from Basra to Amara, from
Nasiriyah to Karbala, and from Baghdad to Mosul, including Kurdish areas. As
such, it has been the unifying force of the Iraqi identity.
Second, Beeman did not explain in which way the province of
Basra is different from that of Baghdad, if both of their natural inhabitants
are entirely Arab! As for the province of Mosul, had Beeman been coherent, he
should have also stated that this province had its own diversity since its
inhabitants include Kurds, Turkomans, Arabs, Assyrians, and Yezidis. Then what
future would Beeman envision for this province?
So, where does this charge of incompatibility come from, and
by what �empirical research� did Beeman decree that Iraqi national groups were
incompatible? It is a fact that Iraq is a land rich with ethnic minorities --
small or large --, as the case in the United States, China, Russia, Italy, Bulgaria,
and every other country in the world. If Beeman�s believes that a multi-layered
society (ethnically or religiously) would necessarily suffer from an inherent
character incompatibility, then all world societies or states should suffer
from endemic, maddening incompatibility syndrome. This is not the case,
regardless of the world diverse political systems.
As for Beeman including religious incompatibility as a
factor in Iraq, this is a standard Zionist fabrication: Iraq is 98 percent
Muslim. So where does incompatibility reside? Since the Iraqi provinces of the
Ottoman Empire: Baghdad, Basra, and large swaths of Iraqi territory along the
Tigris river from north to south were Arabic, confessional diversity does not
mean incompatibility because ethnicity and language communality are predominant
over ideology, in this case, confessional beliefs.
If he, on the other hand, implies by diversity Shiism vs.
Sunnism, then he is scheming. Sunnism and Shiism are Muslim traditions, and as
such, people embrace them across ethnic lines in Iraq, as well as the entire
Arab world. Oddly, I read nowhere that U.S. imperialism pointed to Kurdish
Shiite Muslims, or Turcoman Shiite Muslims. The U.S. applied this political
distinction only on the Arabs. And that has very specific meaning: provoke
confessional schism or antagonism among the Iraqi Arab Muslims.
Beeman, therefore, did not give an informed account of
Iraq�s multiple �incompatibility problems� but only an ideological evaluation.
The basic meaning of such an evaluation, however, is that of a conclusion not
verified empirically nor substantiated positively. Beeman did not clarify by
what sociological, anthropological, or cultural measures he felt entitled to
decree Iraq�s national incompatibility. Nor did he elucidate on his concept of
Iraq�s religious confessions. Does that mean that wherever there are religious
confessions incompatibility must follow? If that were the case, then the United
States is the primary candidate for partition because it contains hundreds of
different religions and confessional denominations. Therefore, Beeman�s
omission to provide substantiation is the elementary proof that he intended to
To debate this further, I do not see the presence of many
ethnical or confessional groups as a problem in Iraq, or in any other country
(let us not forget that the concept of a nation-state is only about 120 years
old, while human societies and settlements have been forming continuously for
the past 25,000 years.) Take France for example; France has many ethnic groups
and descends from many ethnic groups including Celtic, Latin, Teutonic
(German), Slavic, North African Arabs, Africans, Indochinese, and Basque. Yet,
no Western sociologists have ever spoken of French national composition as
being incompatible!
Conclusively, ascribing an incompatibility problem to Iraq
uncovers a precise plan for the structural destabilization of the occupied
country to strengthen the imperialist rationalizations on the incompatibility
concept thus preparing for partition as a solution.
Is the partition of Iraq a new idea? No. Zionist historian
Bernard Lewis advocated it, Zionist Leslie Gelb embraced it, Imperialist Joseph
Biden teamed up with Gelb to write a blueprint, and, recently, two veteran traditional
imperialists: James Baker and Lee Hamilton (the ongoing: Iraq Study Group)
endorsed it. But, as you can see, the origin of the idea to partition Iraq is
exclusively Zionist.
Moreover, yes, the Kurds are ethnically different from the
Arabs, but they share with them religion, three quarters of their vocabulary,
over 2,000 years of neighboring, over 86 years of shared statehood, and all
that, besides marriage and countless other social habits, culinary taste, and
culture. In addition, as for the Arabs, why should there be incompatibility
just because Iraqi Arab Muslims follow Islam but with different interpretations
of events that surrounded early Islamic history? Discussing the Kurdish
Question, however, goes beyond the scope of this series.
Beeman then speaks of different interests. It is evident
Beeman has only one purpose: divide the Iraqis, since he did not explain what
these interests are and what makes them different. Is he talking about
differences as hobbies, religious rituals, leisure time, marriage, attire, or
what else? How can any one define interests by a nation? If African-Americans,
Hispanic, Arab-Americans, and American-Polish Jews have different interests,
would that make them lose their American identity?
To refute Beeman�s theory on Iraqi incompatibility, take
another example: India. India has over 120 different
ethnic groups, and, while 70 percent of the people speak Hindi, the
rest speak many different languages and associated dialects.
In Iraq, linguistically and ethnically, the ratios are similar but with 80
percent of the population from Arabic stock, while the rest divides between
Kurds, Turkomans Assyrians, Yezidis, and other small minorities. This is very
normal in a land as ancient as Iraq. Now, can Beeman declare that India suffers
from incompatibility problems?
Through out history, from Iraq to China, from North Africa
to its south, and from Northern Europe to its south, no land ever existed
without ethnic or religious mosaics. Human races and their development are not
canine shows where breeders groom and exhibit the selected few, but dynamic
phenomena made of struggle to accomplish two feats: survive the rapacious
looting by other humans and experience life fully.
Furthermore, is Beeman of the opinion that to �correct� past
European colonialist experiences in the world the U.S. should redistribute the
populations of occupied or to be occupied non-European-nations according to
specific U.S. or Israeli objectives?
Beeman appears to supply affirmative answer by theorizing
what if Britain had made different choices in Iraq. In doing so, he also
supplies implicit ad hoc alibis to dismantle accepted historical legacies and
re-shape them according the objectives of the United States and Israel: 1)
control of world resources, and 2) expand the frontiers of the American and
Israeli powers to rule, unopposed, the planet.
About the issue of reshaping nation-states by imperialist
violence, it mandatory to state that any project, even minimalist, by any state
to reshape the national assets and populations of any another state is slavery
in form and substance. The life of people, their emotions, family ties, and all
things that make existence a unique experience are not the property of
aggressive nations to theorize on or remake.
In one such theorization on Iraq�s occupation, Dan Froomkin
(a Washington Post Columnist) put on display a rare Zionist show that, after
three and a half years of brutal, genocidal occupation, would provoke nothing
but a scornful laughter. In his recent article, The Ugly Truth,
Froomkin writes, �Bush's goal is a stable, secure, democratic Iraq. His
strategy is for American troops to stay there until that happens. The tactics
are getting those troops killed.�
Froomkin well knows that these �noble goals� never figured
in Bush�s neocon agenda for Iraq. It is not conceivable that Bush, who killed
hundred of thousands of Iraqis and destroyed their cities, entertains such
lofty ideals for Iraq and the Iraqis � history, actions, and culture of
colonialist domination is diametrically opposed to such ideals. Conquest is
predation, but predation is an act of supreme violence where the predator
destroys the existential fabric of the prey. How stability could come out of
invasion, occupation, and mass destruction? How security could come of daily
bombardments, raids, electronic bombs, and white phosphorous? How could
democracy come out of foreign military dictatorship and its dialogical and
economic agenda?
Froomkin also well knows that calling the U.S. protracted
occupation, including the building of permanent military bases, as a strategy
based on the notion, �to stay there until that happens� is not a strategy but a
tactic to stay in Iraq indefinitely. Dialectically, every proposition that
Froomkin advanced is antithetical to what the U.S. is doing in Iraq beginning
with Bush�s fake war on terror.
Last, using an ideological gimmick, Froomkin, called the
strategy to conquer Iraq, �tactics." Of course, nowhere in his article you
could find that neocon Froomkin proffered any word on the calamitous Iraqi
human cost because of the U.S. aggression, but he made sure to pay cold lip
service to American fatalities by saying, �The tactics are getting those troops
killed.� In other words, he is only critical of the tactics, but not of the war
or its objectives.
Having briefly discussed Froomkin�s deceit on the purpose of
Iraq�s occupation, we shall discuss next, how Froomkin�s ideological relative
Beeman views Iraq under the British occupation in 1917, and how he intends to
resolve what he sees as Iraq�s main problem (social, religious, and ethnical
mosaics) after the occupation.
Next: Part 18 of 20
B. J. Sabri is an Iraq-American antiwar activist. Email: bjsabri@yahoo.com
Previously published
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16