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Front Page Last Updated: Oct 30th, 2006 - 02:18:15

A journey through the mind of contemporary conservatism: Clutching our values aboard the death train of empire
By Phil Rockstroh

Day-to-day life within an empire consists of the deceitful leading the disengaged. Although when the artifice shielding a nation�s populace from the ruthlessness of their leaders begins to fall away, hysteria and displaced rage rises in the land. Ergo, in the American empire, we�re witnessing these demented days of congressional boy love and despotic rockets.

Oct 13, 2006, 01:14

North Korea's bomb
By John Chuckman

You might think from all the political noise that something extraordinary happened when North Korea conducted an underground nuclear explosion. But let's put the test, apparently a small-yield, inefficient device, into some perspective.

Oct 13, 2006, 01:08

Eroding freedom: From John Adams to George W. Bush
By Mickey Z.

Put a frog into a pot of boiling water, the well-known parable begins, and out that frog will jump to escape the obvious danger. Put that same frog into cool water and heat the pot slowly, and it will not react until it's too late. The survival instincts of a frog, we're told, are better designed to discern abrupt changes. Gradual transformation�like the measured raising of water temperature�can sneak up on the little croaker.

Oct 13, 2006, 01:03

Abusing the Arab Peace Initiative
By Nicola Nasser

The failed Qatari mediation in the still unresolved inter-Palestinian divide was, in practice, an American success in turning the Arab Peace Initiative (API) into a pressure tool that further exacerbates fractures both in Arab and Palestinian ranks, less than two weeks after the U.S. aborted a move by the Arab League to revive an overdue comprehensive approach to the Arab and Palestinian-Israeli conflict on its basis through the United Nations.

Oct 13, 2006, 00:57

Elections & Voting
The politics of "F" words
By Frank Scott

The most recent strategy of our rulers has been to reactivate and heighten the f___ factor in prepping for the elections. The opposition has retaliated by initiating its own f___ factor. As a result, the nation is being f______ anew.

Oct 12, 2006, 01:07

Piercing the simulacrum: Of faux democracy, petty tyrants, and painful realities
By Jason Miller

A caricature of a man who has wrought havoc in virtually every endeavor throughout his miserable existence has found his calling. Exuding false bravado and contrived machismo, he has swaggered his way into the deepest recesses of America's collective psyche, fulfilling the inculcated need for a "manly" patriarch. Chest thumping, bullying, and ultimately unleashing the Hell of the Pentagon's death machine upon those brazen enough to resist conversion to the American Way, King George IV has succeeded the tyrant American Revolutionaries toppled over 200 years ago.

Oct 12, 2006, 01:00

A subtle kind of fascism
By John Chuckman

The word fascism is used a lot, often pejoratively. The image that immediately comes to mind is Mussolini in a steel helmet, hands on hips, head tipped back, jaw thrust out. It is an image that influenced other fascists. Young Hitler was a great admirer.

Oct 12, 2006, 00:54

The conversion factor
By Bill Berkowitz

As Christian evangelicals in the United States grow their support for Israel, conversion of Jews to Christianity continues to be a thorny issue for both Christians and Jews.

Oct 12, 2006, 00:53

California: I'm going to Darfur where it's safer!
By Jane Stillwater

How come nobody ever gets tired of watching TV commercials? How come nobody ever protests?

Oct 12, 2006, 00:49

The bully pulpit, sanctimonious Santorum, and the meaning of �zero�
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

As the November elections near, the Christian Right is again using the pulpit to bully (and scare) people into voting as they want them to vote.

Oct 11, 2006, 01:22

Elections & Voting
Record your vote this November: the election riggers don't need to show a hand if you've already folded
By Jed Shlackman

As the November 2006 elections approach, there is growing concern about the integrity of elections with the expanded use of electronic voting systems.

Oct 11, 2006, 01:20

Special Reports
DHS, DOJ brass turned a blind eye to House of Death murder, federal prosecutor confirms
By Bill Conroy

It�s official: High-level officials within the departments of Justice (DOJ) and Homeland Security (DHS) did know about the activities of a U.S. government informant who supervised and participated in murder in Ju�rez, Mexico, and yet they allowed that informant to continue his bloody assignment in what is now known as the House of Death case.

Oct 11, 2006, 01:09

Foleys Berg�re: Political entertainment al�Americain
By Ben Tanosborn

Yes . . . come to Washington�s Capitol Cabaret. Whether your preference is for a morality play or a musical, that�s where its at; running the entire gamut in popular taste from stupidity to prudishness. And now the cabaret is running this pre-election play, a well-choreographed Foleys Berg�re, with the entire Republican chorus line in drag.

Oct 11, 2006, 01:06

The Case for Impeachment: A thunderous cry for Bush�s removal and why
By Frank J. Ranelli

Richard M. Nixon, a president with imperial conquests of his own, once stated in 1973 that he failed to notice the 400,000 plus protesters outside the White House while he watched a ball game. Arrogance and an infallible belief that he was beyond the reach of not only those patriotic citizen�s redresses and grievances, but the laws of this nation proved his political demise. Thirteen months later, amid lies, spying and scandal, Nixon resigned in order to stave off an inevitable impeachment that had already begun in the House Judiciary Committee.

Oct 11, 2006, 01:02

Who�s really preying on teenagers?
By David Howard

The scandal of former US Representative Mark Foley hitting on teenage boys pales in comparison to the Pentagon�s serial penetration of our high schools and the Armed Forces� barely-legal attempted seduction of every 16 to 18-year-old male and female, Congressional page or not.

Oct 10, 2006, 00:30

Was Moon behind timing of N. Korea nuke test to sway vote on next UN chief?
By Wayne Madsen

(WMR) -- WMR's intelligence sources with links to North Korea report that some media sources are hyping the kilo-tonnage of North Korea's underground nuclear weapons test. Although some outlets are reporting that the bomb tested by North Korea was 5 to 15 kilotons, in fact, it was between 1.5 and 2.4 kilotons, considered a surprisingly low yield by Western scientists. By comparison, the bombs dropped by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were 22 kilotons.

Oct 10, 2006, 00:26

They lied about Iraq�s WMDs; they�re lying about Iran�s
By Luciana Bohne

In the pre-dawn hours of Saturday, 30 September, the US Senate approved a bill authorizing sanctions that target foreign countries continuing (completely legal) nuclear cooperation with Iran. The bill stipulates �not to bring into force an agreement for cooperation with the government of any country that is assisting the nuclear program of Iran or transferring advanced conventional weapons or missiles.� Unmentioned in the bill, the intended targets are Russia and China. The previous day, the bill was approved by the House of Representatives.

Oct 10, 2006, 00:22

Foley�s folly -- or the closet can be a dark, dark place
By Jerry Mazza

Well, we�ve got another Republican stepping out of office and the closet, Republican Congressman Mark Foley of Florida, this one sending hot emails to a 16-year old congressional page. Well, the meek are always game for predators, especially the ones who sanctimoniously preach against gay marriage and such. Like our president, Karl Rove, even George Bush Sr. Yet a hard look will reveal there�s a history of Brokeback Mountain and more in this administration and party.

Oct 10, 2006, 00:18

Ambling towards disaster: Bush�s North Korea policy
By Mike Whitney

It took six years of relentless threats, sanctions and belligerence, but Bush finally succeeded in pushing Kim Jong-Il to build North Korea�s first nuclear bomb. Now, Kim can just add a few finishing touches to his ballistic-missile delivery system, the Taepo-dong ICBM, and he�ll be able to wipe out nine western states with a flip of the switch.

Oct 10, 2006, 00:15

Columbus, the gold, and phony Italians
By Luciana Bohne

"One who has gold," observed Christopher Columbus in his travel log, "does as he wills in the world, and it even sends souls to Paradise." The man was not only a cynical practitioner of "real-politick" (a la today's and yesterday's Neocons), but he was also a psychic.

Oct 9, 2006, 01:40

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Theo-political prostitution: Bush and the Christian Right
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For Bush faction, �Scalito� completes criminal circle
Reclaiming America
Energy depletion & the US descent into fascism
The government no longer serves the people
The "F" word and how to escape from its clutches
Within the gated subdivision of the American mind: A monument to my comfort zone
Blame It on the Hundredth Monkey
The Splendid Failure of Occupation
Part 45: How the U.S. engineered the Iraqi holocaust
Part 44: Burning the cradle of civilization
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