Yours truly had a bit of an accident yesterday that required
16 stitches to close the gash. In addition, my hubby may be facing back surgery
-- with any luck, the minimally invasive kind. Bottom line: I may not be posting
as many articles per day and may even be skipping some days altogether,
something that would make my hubby happy, because he feels I need a break.
In the interim, I hope Online Journal's readers will bear
with me and that those who can will continue to support Online Journal with
their donations.
The monthly expenses to maintain Online Journal keep coming, whether or not I
am going at full speed.
September 5 will mark Online Journal's eighth anniversary. I
could not have kept it going this long without the help of its readers and all
the writers who contributed their work. Despite the hate mail and death threats
from the enemies of freedom, it is the words of encouragement from readers, their
financial support and spreading the word that there are alternatives to the
corporate media that have helped me carry on the fight against the fascists of
every stripe -- political, religious and corporate -- who have seized our
country, murdered countless thousands of innocent people, disgraced us around
the world, humiliated us at home, stolen many of our freedoms and will enslave
us unless we stop them.
enemies of freedom -- they know who they are and they know we know who they are
-- have slandered those of us fighting them as "conspiracy
theorists," anti-Semites, anti-Christian, unpatriotic, un-American, "evil
secular humanists" and even "terrorist sympathizers," and the
list goes on. The labels are laughable, but their end game is serious. So, I
for one will keep fighting them as best I can and for as long as you are
willing to help. We can defeat them and rebuild the United States of America
into a country of which we can truly be proud.