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Analysis Last Updated: Oct 30th, 2006 - 02:18:15

Iran's new bourse may threaten the dollar
By Linda S. Heard

In 2000, Saddam Hussein announced that his country would begin pricing its oil in euros. Less than three years later, Iraq was invaded under the pretext it had an ongoing nuclear weapons programme and an arsenal of chemical and biological materials.

Jan 24, 2006, 22:08

Avoiding a war with Iran
By Mike Whitney

The march to war with Iran is continuing apace despite skyrocketing gold prices, a jittery oil market, and the unrelenting chaos in nearby Iraq.

Jan 19, 2006, 00:37

The guerilla war for Iraq's oil
By Mike Whitney

A war is raging in Iraq that will determine the outcome of the present occupation as well as the shape of future conflicts. It is the war for control of Iraqi oil.

Jan 6, 2006, 01:01

Skirmishes in the information wars
By Mike Whitney

There are only two weapons in the imperial tool chest: force and deception. The brutal colonial occupation of Iraq has provided us with a lavish example of the former, but the twin-axel of deception is more abstruse and difficult to pin down. Sure, there's the flagrant propaganda that floods right-wing radio and political talk shows, but that tells us little about the state-sponsored disinformation-programs that permeate every area of American life.

Jan 3, 2006, 15:18

Burying the Lancet report . . . and the children
By Nicolas J S Davies

Over a year ago, an international team of epidemiologists headed by Les Roberts of Johns Hopkins School of Public Health completed a "cluster sample survey" of civilian casualties in Iraq. Its findings contradicted central elements of the narrative of the war that politicians and journalists had presented to the American public and the world.

Dec 14, 2005, 01:26

The importance of determining Alito's brand of conservatism
By Noah Graubart

President Bush"s nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to fill Justice Sandra Day O"Connor"s seat on the Supreme Court has generated a chorus of now-familiar criticisms from Democratic senators, activists, and journalists alike.

Dec 12, 2005, 01:06

9/11 Commission continues cover-up, circles wagons for stumbling empire
By Larry Chin

In a newly issued report card on "national security", the bipartisan Kean-9/11 Commission has dutifully reinforced its official cover-up of 9/11, reinflating the 9/11 "war on terrorism" myth, and restoking terrorism propaganda and mass fear at the precise moment that the Bush administration itself is losing its credibililty and sway over the public, and the flagging US war of conquest is in desperate need of a boost.

Dec 7, 2005, 01:11

America's covert war in Iraq
By Mike Whitney

Max Fuller has written the most disturbing and thought provoking article of the year. In his "Crying Wolf: Media Disinformation and Death Squads in Occupied Iraq,"(Global Research) Fuller painstakingly lays out the details and documentation to prove that the United States intelligence agencies are behind the vast incidents of murder and torture being carried out in Iraq today. If Fuller's thesis is correct, then the War on Terror, that mighty engine of imperial carnage, is nothing more than a public relations scam intended to enlist public support for an unpopular conflict.

Dec 5, 2005, 00:30

The Berlin Wall, Panama and Iraq
By Nicolas J S Davies

Is the illegitimate and unconstitutional defense policy developed by the United States since the end of the Cold War a radical new departure or part of a familiar pattern of international behavior?

Nov 28, 2005, 13:48

The greatest strategic disaster in American history
By Mike Whitney

A few months ago, retired Army Lt. General William Odom called the war in Iraq, "the greatest strategic disaster in American history." Since then, he's added to his criticism saying that, "The army is broken" and "we need a basic strategic change of direction" or "we're going to pay a higher and higher price over a longer period of time."

Nov 28, 2005, 13:43

Bordering autonomy
By Remi Kanazi

Last week, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice brokered a deal between Israelis and Palestinians on the Rafah border crossing which connects the "disengaged" Gaza Strip with the outside world.

Nov 23, 2005, 21:24

The first Thanksgiving: Prelude to genocide
By Mary Shaw

As the American Thanksgiving holiday approaches, our minds wander to idyllic images of Pilgrims and Indians peacefully sharing a feast in celebration of the fall harvest. This November 24, as we break bread with our families and friends, let us take some time to reflect on the fate of Native Americans in the centuries that followed the first Thanksgiving.

Nov 21, 2005, 16:49

Latin America says, "No mas," to America's corporatocracy
By Jason Miller

While he may be dead in the corporal sense, the spirit of Simon Bolivar continues  to wage the struggle for freedom from oppression.

Nov 21, 2005, 16:41

World at tipping point; oil peak arrives
By Larry Chin

The American empire is an energy junkie in its death throes, punching for new veins and final fixes, knowing that the supplies of its drug of choice -- cheap oil -- are virtually depleted.

Nov 17, 2005, 20:42

An Iraq exit strategy, progressivism, and the incorporation of the imperialist lexicon
By B. J. Sabri

Taking notice of the escalating deaths and military failure of the United States to subdue the Iraqi armed resistance after 32 months of a Hitlerian-like occupation, during which the Bush regime used every weapon imaginable except a nuclear bomb, imperialists across Europe and the United States began circulating a buzzword for a fictitious withdrawal from Iraq called, �exit strategy."

Nov 14, 2005, 00:15

Normalising genocide
By Ghali Hassan

So far, 2,000 U.S. soldiers have been killed since the March 2003 illegal and unprovoked U.S. war on Iraq. The number has been meticulously pronounced and printed in every Western media outlet. What about the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi men, women and children who have been needlessly massacred by the combined U.S.-British sanctions and war? It is a deliberate genocide.

Nov 9, 2005, 01:16

Neoconservative disinformation creates a democracy gap
By James Pyland

A number of ideas are currently in circulation in the US regarding the reasons for the recent electoral failures of the Democratic Party. In fact, it is not clear to many liberals, progressives, Greens, or other leftists what any party would do to win against the Republican Party, which currently controls all three branches of the federal government.

Nov 8, 2005, 00:58

The Senate�s closed session: Nothing but a Democratic sham
By Joshua Frank

Oh, what a farce it was. On Tuesday, the Senate Democrats pulled a rare maneuver, kicked the press and the public out of their hallowed chambers, slammed the doors, and for three and a half long hours purportedly took the Republicans to task. The Democrats demanded that the Republicans give them what was promised: an investigation into the Bush administration�s misuse of intelligence leading up to the invasion of Iraq.

Nov 3, 2005, 14:26

Anti-Semitism and Arabs
By Ghali Hassan

To Israel�s friends and supporters of its colonial policy in Palestine, �anti-Semitism� means any criticism of Israel�s brutal policy against the Palestinians, and any criticism of Zionism and its racism that continues to inflict great harm on Arabs and Muslims. The real victims of today�s Western anti-Semitism are Arabs and Muslims, not Jews.

Nov 1, 2005, 20:20

Our greatest criminals are never charged with their greatest crimes
By Robert Higgs

(Independent Institute)�Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has now relieved, for the moment at least, the suspense about where his prosecutorial finger was going to point. At Fitzgerald�s request, a grand jury has indicted Vice President Dick Cheney�s chief of staff I. Lewis �Scooter� Libby on five counts: one count of obstruction of justice, two counts of making false statements to FBI investigators, and two counts of perjury.

Nov 1, 2005, 20:09

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