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Religion Last Updated: Oct 30th, 2006 - 02:18:15

BattleCry; inside the stadium with Ron Luce's Holy War
By Sunsara Taylor

�Do you care more about the pigs around you or God?� BattleCry leader Ron Luce asked the crowd of more than 17,000 youth gathered at Wachovia Spectrum Stadium in Philadelphia on Friday, May 12. No, this wasn't a metaphor. After reading a passage from Luke 15 that mentions pigs, he actually had a bunch of those big, oinking, pink, farm animals on stage with him! Get it, you either get with Luce's hateful, hyperpatriotic, woman-bashing, racist god, or you're a . . . pig?

May 24, 2006, 01:12

"The Da Vinci Code" sends defenders of the faith into a tizzy
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

Even before Ron Howard�s film version of Dan Brown�s The Da Vinci Code hit the theaters, the Catholic Church and the Christian Right were disparaging and preparing �to Defend Against the �Code�.� Interesting how those whose dogma forbids independent thought and embraces only unconscious, unquestioning acceptance and obedience are so fearful of a movie that just might make people think.

May 23, 2006, 01:29

The wholly hypocritical Catholic Church
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

Monday, this report came out on the heels of Pope Benedict�s latest tirade against gays: �The Roman Catholic Church was in the midst of damage control on Sunday following the firing of a key aide to the Cardinal in London for being gay and the reported arrest of a top Vatican official in Rome for trying to pick up a gay or transsexual prostitute.�

May 18, 2006, 10:43

Freaked-out fundamentalists fear "The Da Vinci Code" for its fierce feminism
By Harvey Wasserman

Was Jesus married to Mary Magdalene? Did they have a daughter?

May 18, 2006, 10:41

When discrimination is a religious virtue and civil equality an �anti-religious� attack
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

Mention �gay� and �civil rights� in the same sentence, and some people�s hackles go up. Yet most, if not all, of those same people have no problem acknowledging -- and protecting -- the �civil rights� of every other minority. So what�s the difference?

May 17, 2006, 11:46

Battle Cry for theocracy
By Sunsara Taylor

If you�ve been waiting until the Christian fascist movement started filling stadiums with young people and hyping them up to do battle in �God�s army� to get alarmed, wait no longer.

May 12, 2006, 01:26

Bluegrass bigotry: The case of Gov. Ernie Fletcher (and friends)
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

On Diversity Day 2006, Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher revoked gays� and lesbians� guarantee of �equal treatment� in the workplace.

May 1, 2006, 01:17

Junk mail and religious propaganda: What happened to freedom from religion?
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

When I opened my mailbox the other day, along with the rest of the junk mail was a DVD. I figured it was from some company hawking its wares. It was . . .

Apr 20, 2006, 01:20

The triumvirate that muffles the moderate Muslims
By Abukar Arman

The charges have been loud and vociferous, and sometimes even outlandish. �There is no such thing as moderate Muslims;� �they are dangerous sleeper cells;� �they are in cahoots with the extremists and as such are themselves a ticking bomb;� and my personal favorite, �they have the sudden Jihadist syndrome,� or perhaps the capacity to combust, as in spontaneous human combustion.

Apr 18, 2006, 01:02

�Middat Sdom�: Lou Sheldon, Fred Phelps, and George W. Bush
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

America�s two most flaming homophobes � Rev. Lou Sheldon and Rev. Fred Phelps � now have something else in common: the language they use to describe those they fear and loathe.

Apr 11, 2006, 01:34

Are mainstream churches finally standing up to the GOP�s hateful �Christian� blitzkrieg?
By Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman

Right-wing church movements have been a staple of American politics since well before the 1692 witch trials at Salem. But only in the past few decades has the extremist church served as the grassroots base for a new breed of corporate totalitarianism. That unholy union has been nowhere more powerful than here in Ohio, and it has finally provoked a response from the state�s mainstream churches.

Apr 11, 2006, 01:31

The truly offensive �S words�: Scarborough, Sheldon, Staver, and Scalia
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

Don Wildmon�s American Family Association has been raising its HQ (Hate Quotient) among the radical Christian Right. As Media Matters for America reported, the �American Family Association opened its airwaves to advocate for executing gays, adulterers, abortion doctors.� Those �Christian� suggestions came from the president of American Vision, Gary DeMar, whose organization recently hosted �The War on Christians and the Values Voters in 2006� conference.

Apr 6, 2006, 21:32

Professorial �termites� and the ongoing prosecution of diversity, equality, and civility
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

�Diversity Day.� Sounds like a good idea, but as reported �for the second time Viroqua High School [in Wisconsin] has cancelled Diversity Day�. Speakers were to have included representatives of the African American, Latino, Jewish, Muslim, Native American and gay communities,� as well as speakers from other minority groups such as Hmong (an Asian ethnic group), Buddhists, the physically disadvantaged and the economically disadvantaged. So why was it cancelled again this year?

Mar 31, 2006, 20:23

A snapshot of America: The mayor with principles, the president with a porn star, a proud homophobe, a judge-moralist, and spanking
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

A man of principles: San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom. A life-long Catholic, Mayor Newsom �cancelled a trip to Rome for the installation of the city�s former archbishop as a cardinal reportedly after learning the church is considering a ban on gay adoption in San Francisco. � He was to have attended the ceremony elevating Archbishop William Levada to cardinal and head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.�

Mar 21, 2006, 01:01

Easter Eggs and Equality Riders: The �hypocrisy and intellectual constipation of Bible literalists�
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts, Jr.�s article �Time to stop hiding behind the Bible: Scripture seems to be taken literally only when it�s convenient -- such as with gay issues� put it bluntly and simply: �I�ve had it up to here with the moral hypocrisy and intellectual constipation of Bible literalists.� Mr. Pitts was writing an open letter to Donna Reddick, �a teacher who condemned homosexuality as part of a broadcast at Miami Sunset Senior High.�

Mar 15, 2006, 00:35

�Dr. Dino,� Merrill Keiser, Jr., and Thomas S. Monaghan: Religion goes well with ignorance, hate and pizza
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

�Dr. Dino� is Kent Hovind, whose claim to the �Dr.� and academic credentials is questionable, at best. Appropriately, he�s the founder of Florida-based Creation Science Evangelism, which, among its other quaint novelties, offers Dinosaur Adventure Land:

Mar 10, 2006, 00:34

Unintelligent Design and the Christian Right�s other wars on reality
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

In his article �Rebuking the �Clergy Letter Project,�� Rev. Mark H. Creech harshly criticized the 10,200-plus clergy who �signed a letter stating they rejected a literal interpretation of the creation story.�

Mar 7, 2006, 01:30

Pat Robertson: Raked over the coals while raking in the dough
By Bill Berkowitz

While the Rev. Pat Robertson was recently raked over the coals for suggesting that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was an act of retribution by God for the transfer of land in the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians, the reverend's charitable organization, Operation Blessing, was raking in wads of faith-based money from the Bush administration.

Mar 3, 2006, 01:18

The Christian Right has gone over the edge
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

The Agape Press headline said it all: �Grandmother Gets Help Asserting Preschooler�s Right to Share His Faith.� The story was even more bizarre.

Feb 24, 2006, 22:45

A Christian right catfight over civil rights and another costly Bush initiative to promote discrimination
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.

The Montana News Association headline read �Focus on the Family Founder, James Dobson, Losing Credibility with Christian Conservatives; Dobson Trying to Cover Up His Support of Gay Endorsement of S.B. 166 �Reciprocal Beneficiaries� Bill.� So what�s S.B. 166?

Feb 19, 2006, 17:03

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