American democracy, its vital signs fading away, received January
21 its political extreme unction from America�s highest priestly body, the
United States Supreme Court. In what will turn out to be the biggest yet
landmark decision affecting an �intended government� of the people by the
people and for the people, the highest court in the land decided by a ruling of
5 to 4 -- clearly alongside ideological lines of both right and center -� that
money and power cannot be held back. Not when defining what democracy is or
should be, thus determining our fate; clearly, and unashamedly, telling us
that, Constitution aside, we are committing first degree mockery when we tout
to the four winds that we are a free people living under democratic rule.
After so many efforts in vain to limit the influence of
money on our elections -- McCain-Feingold reform legislation in 2002 represented
a small isolated success -- this decision by the court has made any future
campaign finance reform, and the prospect of two branches of government
somewhat uninfluenced by special interests, an improbability if not an
Under the pretense that the public has the right to be
exposed to a multitude of ideas, the doors have been blown open to allow
Corporate America to impose its influence first, and then strangle democracy. While
the two elective branches of government are now under special interests�
continuous assault, this decision will go far beyond and render them captive. Placing
unions with companies in the same light, both able to promote and spend freely
on any particular candidate, is a bad ruse when we are all aware business has a
manifold capacity to garner money for political action than labor.
Purely coincidental, if very apropos, on the very same day
that the US Supreme Court was rendering its devastating decision for working
democracy, Air America was shutting down its operations, ceasing to supply
programming to approximately 100 radio stations nationwide. This progressive,
low tone liberal voice, just a murmur relative to the ultra-conservative
strident noise ruling the airwaves, and the sick, fascistically-exuberant
patriotism of the iconic Limbaugh-Hannity ilk, did not meet its demise solely
on ideology, but the sad fact that Americans must be entertained at all times
whether the topic deals with mundane affairs, religion or politics. Fortunately
for progressive talk radio, some of the best talent available delivering the
center-left message -- a few, former Air America hosts -- were already
broadcasting via syndication through other networks. It is a sad realization,
nonetheless, that in this nation of ours, entertainment value ranks above information
What has happened to Air America may be thought of as
irrelevant to politics, just one more case of poor business decision-making,
and there is some truth to that. But when the abyss between the interests of
business and those of the non-corporate people is so great -- no better
institution to reflect that than the US Chamber of Commerce -- the exit of
organizations such as Air America brings in front of us that monstrous reality:
that the Right has an undeserving advantage to influence . . . no, brainwash . .
. all Americans.
For years I have thought of the State of Oregon, if not a
microcosm of America, at least a leading political indicator as to where
America was going. Across the Columbia from where I reside, I get to observe
the sister-state where independent thinking, a la Tom McCall or Mark Hatfield,
always seemed to cleanse Republican politics to an acceptable humane standard .
. . at par, at least, with Democratic politics. And that brings me to the most
important issue of the day in Oregon politics, one that has much to do with
this article�s critique of the recent decision by the United States Supreme
Last Tuesday evening, while writing this column, I am
watching on TV the early returns of the election held that day; two issues on
the ballot, propositions 66 and 67, representing a referendum on the funding
for much needed educational and social services strangled by smaller budgets
during this economic crisis. In simplistic terms, source of funding was placed
on the backs of those who up to now had benefited from a more regressive form
of taxation (top 2 percent of wage earners and corporations). One would think
that the outcome of such an election would be a no-brainer, both propositions
passing with 70 to 80 percent of the vote . . . but here is where advertising
money enters politics, with plenty of room for half-truths, lies and innuendo. So
far, tallies are indicating a close race, both propositions passing with 55-plus
percent of the vote. (Someone close to me whose career is in providing
vocational support for disabled adults is probably on pins and needles watching
these results!) And all this is happening even prior to any impact by the
ill-fated decision of the US Supreme Court!
And while I am watching the election results, I am reading
an article by Jeff Manning of The Oregonian (1-24) covering an analysis
of Oregon wages, and what has happened in the state since 1990 . . . with the
top 2 percent of earners having had their income increase by 29.5 percent
(adjusted for inflation) while workers at the 50 percentile had only seen an
increase of 2.4 percent in that same almost two-decades period. Oregon�s rich
getting richer and all others falling behind! The gulf between rich and poor
continues to widen not just in Oregon but throughout America.
Did I say that America�s moribund democracy had been given
the last rites by this court decision? A more appropriate depiction than last
rites would have been burial services, for the life support systems keeping
democracy alive in America have been ready to be disconnected for a very long
� 2010 Ben Tanosborn
Tanosborn, columnist, poet and writer, resides in Vancouver, Washington (USA),
where he is principal of a business consulting firm. Contact him at