As expected, the G-20 Economic Summit in Washington
turned out to be a total bust. None of the problems which have pushed the
global economy to the brink of disaster were resolved and none of the main
players who gamed the system with their toxic securities were held accountable.
Instead, the visiting dignitaries gorged themselves on
stuffed quail and roast rack of lamb before settling on a toothless �Statement
on Financial Markets� which accomplished absolutely nothing. The one noteworthy
clause in the entire document is a two-paragraph indictment of the United
States as the perpetrator of the financial crisis. At least they got that
From the text:
Causes of the Current Crisis: During a period of strong global growth, growing
capital flows, and prolonged stability earlier this decade, market participants
sought higher yields without an adequate appreciation of the risks and failed
to exercise proper due diligence. At the same time, weak underwriting
standards, unsound risk management practices, increasingly complex and opaque
financial products, and consequent excessive leverage combined to create
vulnerabilities in the system. Policy-makers, regulators and supervisors, in
some advanced countries, did not adequately appreciate and address the risks
building up in financial markets, keep pace with financial innovation, or take
into account the systemic ramifications of domestic regulatory actions.
�Major underlying factors to the current situation were, among others,
inconsistent and insufficiently coordinated macroeconomic policies, inadequate
structural reforms, which led to unsustainable global macroeconomic outcomes.
These developments, together, contributed to excesses and ultimately resulted
in severe market disruption.�
Bingo. The contagion started on Wall Street and that�s where
the responsibility lies. It was the result of the Fed�s reckless low interest
rates and lack of government oversight. This allowed market participants to
create massive amounts of leverage via speculative bets on under-capitalized
debt-instruments. The resulting collapse in value of all asset-classes across
the spectrum has created a gigantic multi-trillion dollar capital hole in the
global financial system which has precipitated violent swings in the stock markets,
tightening credit, currency dislocations, soaring unemployment and deflation.
Almost all of today�s economic woes can be traced back to legislation that was
promoted by key members of the Clinton and Bush administrations. (Many of whom
will now serve in the Obama White House) The G-20�s statement puts the blame
squarely where it belongs; on the Federal Reserve and Wall Street.
But this is old news. There�s no point in rehashing the past
unless there�s a real interest in bringing the guilty parties to justice or
unless the gathered leaders are serious about establishing the rules for a new
economic regime. But they�re not, which is why the confab was just another
political gabfest devoid of any serious reforms.
It was interesting, though, to hear Bush, in a rare,
unscripted moment, acknowledge that the extreme steps taken by the Fed and US
Treasury -- since Bear Stearns defaulted 17 months ago -- were intended to
avoid what he called �a depression greater than the Great Depression.� That�s
quite an admission for Bush, as well as a vindication of the left-wing web
sites which have been making the same prediction for more than two years. And
although Bush rejected any personal responsibility for the policies which led
to the crisis, it�s clear that he has some rudimentary grasp of its gravity.
That�s a start. As he opined to the press, �This sucker could go down.�
Despite the outcry for meaningful reform, the summit only
reinforces the status quo; the same old American-led financial system. In fact,
there appears to be growing consensus that the IMF should spearhead the
programs that provide liquidity to the developing countries that are getting
pounded by the downturn. This is a major setback. It restores the IMF -- which
is the �iron fist� of the US Treasury -- to its former glory so it can once
again use its extortionist loans to thrust faltering nations into structural
adjustment, privatization and slave wages. The meetings are breathing new life
into the failed neoliberal policies that should be done away with once and for
The G-20 statement invokes the same �pro-growth,� free
market mumbo jumbo that permeates all far-right documents. Pro-growth is code
for low interest credit which allows market speculators to benefit from the
steady flow of cheap capital while workers are stuck trying to make ends meet
on stagnant wages and a falling dollar. It�s a way of making sure that the
playing field is always tilted in favor of Wall Street. Pro-growth does not
mean strengthening productive activity or manufacturing goods that consumers
want to buy. It means expanding credit through derivatives contracts and other
leveraged investments to maximize profits on borrowed money. The long-term
objective is to put the financial sector above the productive sectors of the
real economy. It is a blueprint for maintaining dollar hegemony and Wall Street�s
continued dominance over global finance.
The G-20 statement also rejects protectionism which defends
the interests of labor and crucial national industries. Again, this just
illustrates the blatant pro-Wall Street bias of the meetings where none of the
leaders represented the interests of labor or unions. To hell with the workingman.
The group called for more government stimulus to minimize
the effects of the frozen credit markets, unemployment and deflation. They also
demanded greater �transparency and accountability,� although it will probably
amount to nothing. Wall Street is not about to give up the Golden Goose: its
off balance sheets operations, its Level 3 �marked to fantasy� assets, its �dark
pool� trading, and its opaque, convoluted accounting methods. These are the
alchemists� best friends which allow investment gurus with little talent and
even fewer scruples to weave exotic debt-instruments into pure gold. Expect
plenty of lip service from Paulson and his brood about transparency, while
revealing next to nothing about their shady activities.
Of course, there was the usual high-minded gibberish about �fostering
innovation,� preserving market �dynamism� and striving for �poverty reduction.�
Some of the leaders even called for the creation of �supervisory colleges�� for
bank regulators and limits on executive pay to �avoid excessive risk-taking.�
(Oh, please) It�s a wonder that the developing nations, many of whom have been
the victims of the IMF�s heavy-handed policies, would allow this type of
capitalist claptrap to be inserted into the final copy. It�s like something out
of Milton Friedman�s memoirs. No one in the penthouse suites in downtown
Manhattan will be taking a cut in pay anytime soon nor do they lose any sleep
over �poverty reduction.� These guys are riverboat gamblers whose lifework is
picking the pockets of unwitting investors.
What�s really needed instead of all this diversionary
nonsense is strict compliance to a basic set of rules . The rules for financial
institutions have been articulated by many market analysts including Karl
Denninger (Market Ticker) in his �Genesis Plan�:
1. Force all off-balance sheet �assets� back onto the
balance sheet, and force the valuation models and identification of individual
assets out of Level 3 and into 10Qs and 10Ks. Enact this requirement beginning
with the 3Q 2008 reporting period which begins next month. (ed. -- All assets
must be accounted for on the banks balance sheet)
2. Force all Over the Counter (OTC) derivatives onto a
regulated exchange similar to that used by listed options in the equity
markets. This permanently defuses the derivatives time bomb. Give market
participants 90 days to get this done; any that are not listed in 90 days are
declared void; let the participants sue each other if they can�t prove capital
adequacy. (ed -- This creates a public exchange so that regulators know whether
derivatives contracts are sufficiently capitalized)
3. Force leverage by all institutions to no more than 12:1.
The SEC intentionally dropped broker/dealer leverage limits in 2004; prior to
that date 12:1 was the limit. Every firm that has failed had double or more the
leverage of that former 12:1 limit. Enact this with a six-month time limit and
require 1/6th of the excess taken down monthly. (ed -- The five largest
investment banks claimed an aggregate asset-value of $4 trillion before Bear
Stearns defaulted. Many, if not most, of those worthless assets are now on the
Fed�s balance sheet underwritten by the US taxpayer. Too much leverage, simply
means that the taxpayer pays the difference when the bank fails)
That�s the bulk of it right there. Follow the rules or go to
jail. Period.
Of course, Glass Steagall will need to be reenacted -- to
separate commercial from investment banks -- and the ratings agencies will have
to be freed from any conflicts of interest. They cannot be paid by the same financial
institutions that commission them to provide ratings; that�s a non-starter. The
main thing is to restore confidence in the markets through transparency. Right
now, the Obama camp is amassing the same collection of Wall Street sharpies who
pushed to repeal Glass Steagall and allow derivatives to be traded off of a
public exchange. They believe they can keep the same financial regime in place
with just a slight face-lift using Obama�s credibility to conceal their
activities. That�s why it is critical for the nations with the largest capital
reserves to establish an independent model for providing relief for developing
countries that are hurting from the financial crisis. Otherwise, the IMF (US
Treasury) will entangle them in their web of debt.
In his latest article, �The
Great Depression of the 21st Century: Collapse of the Real Economy,� author
and economist Michel Chossudovsky sheds some light on the agenda of the banking
giants led by their standard-bearer at Treasury, Henry Paulson:
�Once they have consolidated their position in the banking
industry, the financial giants, including JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, et
al, will use their windfall money gains and bailout money provided under TARP
to further extend their control over the real economy. The target of these
acquisitions are the numerous highly productive industrial and services sector
companies, which are on the verge of bankruptcy and/or whose stock values have
collapsed. As a result of these developments, which are directly related to the
financial meltdown, the entire ownership structure of real economy assets is in
�In a bitter twist, the new owners of industry are the
institutional speculators and financial manipulators. They are becoming the new
captains of industry, displacing not only the preexisting structures of
ownership but also instating their cronies in the seats of corporate management.�
Chossudovsky sums it up perfectly. The financial crisis is
being used by Wall Street bigwigs to restructure the economy and create a
permanent class of working poor.
The world doesn�t need a new Bretton Woods or a new world
order; it needs a competing vision of global finance. One that will put an end
to dollar tyranny, superpower politics and �beggar thy neighbor� economic
policies. A system that strengthens national sovereignty, cooperation, and
international law. That�s what the G-20 should have been talking about, instead
of wasting their time trying to prop up a system that�s rotten to the core.
Whitney lives in Washington state. He can be reached at