�Everyday, under the pretext of
either Al Qaeda, insurgents, militants, or whatever imaginary name you coined,
you have not ceased, not even for one day, slaughtering our innocents.
For 4 years, you have not ceased for one single day. Not during holiday
periods, not during religious celebrations, not even during the day your so
called God was born . . . if you have a God that is.� --Layla Anwar �A
Perfect Baby Formula,� An Arab Woman Blues
Retired Lt. Gen Ricardo Sanchez set off a firestorm recently
when he described the occupation of Iraq as �a nightmare with no end in sight.�
He added that US civilian leadership was �incompetent� and �corrupt� and that
the best the US could hope for, given the present circumstances, would be to
�stave off defeat.�
Naturally, Sanchez�s remarks were applauded by liberals and
progressives who oppose the war, but their enthusiasm is unfounded. Sanchez is
neither against the war nor for withdrawal. He simply doesn�t like losing---and
the United States is losing.
It is foolish to look for support where there is none.
Sanchez is just an embittered old soldier whose dream of pacifying the fiercely
independent Iraqi people has fallen on hard times. He even admitted as much
when he said, �After more than four years of fighting, America continues its
desperate struggle in Iraq without any concerted effort to devise a strategy that
will achieve victory in that war-torn country or in the greater conflict
against extremism.�
He�s right. There is no plan and the occupation has been a
complete flop. But, it�s the �incompetence� that bothers Sanchez, not the
decimation of a country that posed no threat to US national security. This is
hardly a �principled stand.� But then why would we expect principles
from a man who oversaw the activities at Abu Ghraib. A new book,
�Administration of Torture,� by two American Civil Liberties Union attorneys,
proves that military interrogators �abused, tortured or killed� scores of
prisoners rounded up since 9-11.
According to the report, �The documents show that prisoner
abuse like that found at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq was hardly the isolated
incident that the Bush administration or US military claimed it was. By the
time the prisoner abuse story broke in mid-2004, the Army knew of at least 62
other allegations of abuse at different prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan, the
authors report.�
Sanchez was in charge of Abu Ghraib in 2004 and is
responsible for what took place there. He is not a man whose moral judgment on
the war or anything else should be trusted. His recent comments should be
dismissed as an empty tirade designed to distance himself from what Lt Gen
William Odom called �the greatest strategic disaster in American history.�
Sanchez�s fundamental mistake is his belief that victory is
possible in an immoral war. It is not; and the longevity of the occupation only
amplifies the magnitude of the crime.
What�s particularly irksome about Sanchez�s remarks is that
they perpetuate a myth about what is really taking place in Iraq and why the US
effort has failed. It wasn�t Rumsfeld�s blundering that sunk the occupation.
Nor was it the lack of soldiers, de�Bathification, lack of body-armour, or the
steady rise in sectarian fighting. The US is losing in Iraq because it is
locked in battle with a resourceful and tenacious adversary that has canceled
out the US military�s technological advantages and superior firepower.
There�s a vast difference between incompetence and getting
beaten. And, by every definition of guerilla warfare, the US is getting
beaten. Is our opinion of ourselves so exaggerated that we cannot admit
the truth?
Let�s stop making excuses. The war was doomed from the
get-go; Falluja and Abu Ghraib just �sealed the deal.� After that, the
resistance claimed the moral high ground and won the support of the people.
(Isn�t there anyone in the Pentagon who understands counterinsurgency?)
A recent article by Ali al-Fadhily summed it up like this:
�The only factor the US did not calculate well was that Iraqis prefer starving
to death to living under the dirty flag of occupiers.� [�Assassination of
Sheikh Shakes US Claims,� Ali al-Fadhily]
No one wants to live under occupation and all of the surveys
conducted since the invasion in 2003 indicate that more than 90 percent of the
Iraqi people want to see the United States withdrawal. Given these results, it
is obvious why the resistance has mushroomed. There will always be a growing
pool of young nationalists eager to join the fray.
The US cannot prevail in Iraq, nor can it impose a
�political solution� -- which is the other great myth currently in vogue. The
only acceptable political solution to occupation is withdrawal, not puppet
regimes, not �oil laws,� not �benchmarks.� Withdrawal. Period.
But Bush will not withdrawal and apparently no one can force
him to do so. So, the killing will continue unabated behind the media�s iron
curtain while the overall situation on the ground continues to deteriorate.
Eventually, after years of ethnic cleansing, sectarian fighting and stepped-up
military operations; the position of the US will become untenable and the
troops will come home. But the cost in human terms will be enormous. Already
one million Iraqis have been killed in the war and 4 million others have become
refugees. Credit the US media for concealing the real savagery of foreign
occupation and its effects on Iraqi society. The country is in ruins.
There are only three problems in Iraq; occupation,
occupation and occupation. Other than that, the Iraqi people are quite capable
of resolving their own problems and plotting their own future.
The US controls no ground in Iraq and has no popular base of
support. Oil production is down, the Iraqi people are overwhelmingly against
partition, and the Al Maliki government�s authority extends no further than the
walls of the Green Zone. None of these bode well for the ongoing occupation. In
fact, the US is doing everything in its power just to hang on in Iraq. Baghdad
has undergone a massive campaign of ethnic cleansing which has transformed a
city that was originally 70 percent Sunni to nearly 70 percent Shia. As
journalist Nir Rosen stated, �The Shias own Iraq now. The Sunnis can never get
it back. There�s nothing Americans can do about this.�
�We have destroyed Iraq and Americans need to know
In an interview with �Democracy Now�s� Amy Goodman, Rosen
also made this sobering prediction: �You�ll find a day when there are no Sunnis
left in Baghdad. Saudi Arabia and Jordan are of course panicking about this,
and they are hoping that the US will in some way arm or support Sunni militias.
It�s hard for me to imagine that Sunni nations in the region will stand by and
watch Sunnis pushed out of Baghdad. . . . So you'll see greater support from
Saudi Arabia, from Jordan, perhaps from Yemin, from Egypt, for Sunni militias.
Funding, things like that. And the civil war will spread and become a regional
"There is no solution. We�ve destroyed Iraq and we�ve
destroyed the region, and Americans need to know this. . . . There was no civil
war in Iraq until we got there. And there was no civil war in Iraq, until we
took certain steps to pit Sunnis against Shias. Now it is just too late. But,
we need to know we are responsible for what�s happening in Iraq today. I don't
think Americans are aware of this. . . . This is going to spread and the region
won�t recover from this for decades. And Americans are responsible�
Entire cities -- Samarra, Tal Afar, Ramadi -- have been
surrounded with razor-wire so that entry and exit are limited to the
heavily-guarded checkpoints. In Falluja -- where 65 percent of the city was
flattened in a brutal reprisal for the deaths of four mercenaries -- all car
traffic has been banned, residents must carry US-authorized IDs at all times,
and the city cannot be entered without full-body searches and retinal scans.
It�s a prison.
All of Iraq is under de facto martial law consistent with
Bush�s promise to �democratize� the Middle East. Another lie. US troops are
engaged in a five-year long low-intensity conflict against a loosely configured
nationalist army skilled at urban warfare. We won�t prevail.
As Rosen says, �Every single American who dies in Iraq, dies
for nothing. He didn�t die for freedom; he didn�t die to defend his country. He
died to occupy Iraq.�
Rosen�s analysis of the Iraqi nightmare is markedly
different from Sanchez�s. He understands that victory was never possible and
that the knock-on effects of the invasion-occupation will destabilize the
entire region and upset the present balance of world power.
Rosen: �Iraq has
been changed irrevocably. I don�t think Iraq even -- you can say it exists
anymore. . . . What you�ll see is basically Mogadishu in Iraq -- various
warlords controlling small neighborhoods. And those who are by major resources,
such as oil installations, obviously will be foreign-sponsored warlords who
will be able to cut deals with us or the Chinese. But Iraq is destroyed, and I
think we�ll see that this will spread throughout the region.�
While Nir Rosen has provided the most insightful and searing
analysis of the Iraq war, Iraqi poet Layla Anwar has given voice to the war�s
many victims. Anwar is a prolific blogger and her writings are not for the
squeamish. Her web site, �An Arab Woman Blues, Reflections in a sealed bottle�
is frequently attacked. Her candor, cynicism, humor, intelligence and
sensitivity makes her Iraq�s finest blogger as well as an outstanding writer.
Her observations give us what the media has taken away -- a window into the
suffering of average Iraqis who are being crushed by US aggression.
Layla Anwar: �My father (bless his soul) and my mother kept
reminding me. They said:
'Layla, Iraq is the Backbone of the Arab World.'
"To be honest, I did not quite understand the full
implications of such a statement, then. Today, I do.
"Iraq was not only the Cradle of Civilization; it was
indeed the Pillar, the Column, The Spinal Vertebrae, the Backbone of the Arab
world. Now that it has crumbled, now that it has broken up, the rest will
follow . . .
"One by one . . . the other countries will come
tumbling down . . . one by one, a ripple effect from Baghdad . . . to the rest
of the World.�
Anwar�s prediction is similar to Rosen�s. The
destruction of Baghdad is just the beginning of a great unwinding that will
topple capitals across the Middle East, creating an entirely new and
unforeseeable world order. How stupid and vain our leaders are.
Anwar�s prose and poetry are frequently a mix of compassion
and rage. No one is spared -- particularly not Americans. She puts a face on
the millions of people who�ve been either killed or displaced by the fighting:
Come and see our overflowing morgues
and find our little ones for us . . .
You may find them in this corner or the other, a little hand poking out,
pointing out at you . . .
Come and search for them in the rubble of your "surgical" air raids,
you may find a little leg or a little head . . . pleading for your attention.
Come and see them amassed in the garbage dumps, scavenging morsels of food . .
Well over half of our little ones are under-nourished or dying from disease.
Cholera, dysentery, infections of all sorts. . . .
Under-nourished does not mean on a diet like your fat little kids. . . . . It
means starved.
Come and see, come. . . ." [�Flying Kites� Layla Anwar]
Sanchez should accept Anwar�s invitation and visit the
�overflowing morgues� that he helped to create. At least then we might be able
to take his ranting more seriously.
Whitney lives in Washington state. He can be reached at fergiewhitney@msn.com.