One of the most influential figures in the current American
government is Paul Wolfowitz with a history that takes him back more than a
generation to the Reagan era and the renewed militarism of the United States
and its emphasis on nuclear armaments.
Wolfowitz is a Jewish neocon, with strong ties to the
Israeli government and the Jewish lobby in America. He is a student of
Wohlstetter, one of the early academic formulators of a policy supporting the
use of nuclear weapons in an increasingly antagonistic and imperative political
foreign policy. Like most of the other neocons who are adamant war hawks, he
has not seen any active service, nor did he have to invent any excuses to avoid
it. That is one of the fuller ironies of the current crop of American
militarists -- perhaps if they had actually suffered through the horrors of
warfare they might not be so fond of promulgating it. More so, given their
supposed intellect, it is an intellect blinded by narrow egotism and ignorant
hubris that their way is the only way. Wolfowitz appears to fit this
description remarkably well.
One might correct me by saying the Wolfowitz is no longer in
the current government, that he has moved on, up, over to the World Bank. Given
the structure of the World Bank and its voting power dependent on the size of
the participating country�s economic support, the U.S. has an effective veto
over any decisions by the World Bank. That makes it little more than another
agency of the American government, operating not in the military theatre, but
in that other theatre of the absurd, that of economics. Instead of reading this
piece of history forward, let�s read it backwards, beginning with the World
Bank, where his current problems of personal corruption have led to �hissing
and booing World Bank staff� [italics in original][1] when he tried to
apologize to them for the very acts he had condemned in others. An examination
of Wolfowitz�s role within the World Bank makes a good starting point of his �chicken-hawk�
Wolfowitz�s appointment was considered bluntly by John
Perkins, the �economic hit man� who revealed his inside story of corporate
duplicity in setting governments up far a financial fall into debt. Stating
what should be fairly obvious, but not recognized by such in the regular media,
�Wolfowitz�s appointment left no doubt -- if ever any existed -- that it is not
a world bank. It is a U.S. bank. The president of the United states chooses its
president and controls its major decisions.�[2] The most recent achievement for
Wolfowitz has been as the �major architect and symbol of the Bush
Administration�s war in Iraq,� along with his other credentials, his �contempt
for multilateral institutions and general disregard for world public opinion.�[3]
Assessing his role in the Iraqi war, �Wolfowitz�s handiwork as much as the
president�s,� Andrew Bacevich indicates that he has unleashed �a dangerous
combination of hubris and na�vet� . . . exacting an ever mounting cost.�[4]
These are not recommendations that I would want to see on anyone�s resume who
is contemplating a position with the World Bank. The bank and its associated
institutes (IMF, WTO, OECD et al) have failed, but both the bank and its new leader,
also a failure, refuse to see that, delving further into rhetoric and
misrepresented statistics.
His early speeches represent the bland undefined jargon that
is ever present in material put out by these global institutions, extolling
virtues of capitalist free markets without ever defining the reality of the
term and what it means to the way the world is truly governed, not the way the
way they say it should be governed. Speaking on the Middle East governments, he
academically chastised them:
Middle East countries need to adopt structural reforms
across a wide enough front and at a rapid enough pace to create new engines of
growth to replace oil. Oil is not the engine of sustainable growth. The real
engine of growth is the ability and creativity of people and a policy
environment that allows them to apply that energy and talent to provide a
better future for themselves, for their children, and for their countries.
It all sounded well and good along with his insistence,
using the mantra so common to the WTO and World Bank, that their problems stem
from �institutions that lack transparency and accountability,� and that they
could be solved by �three fundamental shifts in their economy: from public
sector to private sector dominance, from closed to open economies and from
excessive reliance on oil to more stable and diversified economies.�
True to his word, Wolfowitz had been a long time instigator
of the war with Iraq, having helped formulate those plans well before Bush ever
came to power. Using Bechtel, and Kellogg, Brown and Root, a subsidiary of
Halliburton and familiar to many of the unelected Bush cabinet and advisory
groups, Iraq is certainly being privatised. Iran is close to being next. The
move away from oil will of course be aided by the requirement of Iraq to pay
for its own reconstruction as the Americans, if they leave, or even if they do
not, will not pay for the rebuilding of all the infrastructure they have
destroyed. As for the earlier comment on oil not being the engine of sustainable
growth, perhaps he had better take that hypocritical and ignorant message back
home to his own government to give it some serious consideration. By this time
I am sure that most Arabic peoples, along with the Iranians, are well aware of
the economic, political, and social disasters that follow on the development of
an oil economy.
Wolfowitz ended his speech with the phrase �If they take
these steps today, when times are good, they will emerge stronger in the long
run.�[5] When times are good? That comment hardly needs comment and I will not
provide it with one.
More specifically on Palestine, Wolfowitz phrases comments
as if there is nothing really bad going on, that problems are political in
nature, that corruption is the problem, �I would like to stress that corruption
is not just a problem for developing countries,� but also for his own country, �the
United States, [has] a responsibility to police such actions with greater
vigour and hold private firms accountable if they export corruption to emerging
economies.� Asked how the World Bank had assisted the Palestinians, he replied,
�our role over the last 10 years has been working to try to improve the life
and conditions of ordinary Palestinians, and I personally believe strongly that
that is an effort that can contribute to hopefully eventually resolving the
difficult political issues that are the underlying causes of this conflict. The
recent elections in the West Bank and Gaza have presented something of a
dilemma.�[6] Ah, yes, the dilemma of democracy and how to avoid its message
that American power is neither wanted nor needed.
The previous ten years have seen nothing but blanket U.S.
acceptance of the delays and stalls and intransigence of the Israeli government
that has allowed them to make more and more incursions into Palestinian
territory and destroy Palestinian life, including all of its economic aspects.
Certainly the elections are a �dilemma,� one of the more transparent[7] and
democratic and open elections the Middle East has ever seen, subsequently
denied validity by the Americans, Canadians, and the British, along with other
renewed puppet governments in Europe, because it did not fit into their long
range plans to allow Israel to do what it wants. The dilemma is one of catching
American rhetoric at variance with its real wants and desires, the rhetoric of
freedom and democracy not wanting to admit that in a free and democratic
election elements hostile to America and Israel gained power.
The underlying motive of hegemonic control of the Middle
East is spiced with systemic and personal conceit and ignorance that allows
American political figures to make statements as meaningless as Wolfowitz on
Out of Africa
For reasons unstated and perhaps unfathomable, Paul
Wolfowitz has been championing the cause of the World Bank in Africa, having
visited over a dozen countries there within his first year. Could it be that he
has been placed in a non-transparent organization so that the public -- at
least those that are aware of his Department of Defense record of entering Iraq
and his overall war hawk tendencies -- will perhaps forget or modify or forgive
the bad aftertaste of the Iraqi insurgency, enabling him to re-enter public
office in the future? Could it be that he is truly bi-polar and needs to
reconcile his own inner conflict between advocating war and slaughter in one
area with words of peace and culture and progress in another? Or has he been
shunted into a role where he can be as equally effective in supporting world
hegemony through economic interventions rather than military interventions?
Perhaps the next presidential election in the U.S. will reveal the answer to
Wolfowitz�s continuing role but until then it seems Africa (among others) has
to suffer from his ministrations for the duration.
When questioned about the World Bank�s record as to �why
there is still so much poverty after 60 years of the World Bank�s existence,�
Wolfowitz responded with a number of statistics that superficially argue for
the effectiveness of the World Bank. Unfortunately, while what he said was true
for a correlation, it was not true for cause and effect.
His first response was �Over the past 40 years, life
expectancy in developing countries has risen by 20 years-about as much as was
achieved in all of human history prior to the mid-20th century.� This
information can be checked out and verified, but it also reveals that over the
past 40 years global life expectancy has also risen about twenty years, in the
rich countries as well as the poor countries. That makes it highly doubtful
that the World Bank has been responsible for the increase, which is more likely
due to other agencies - education and information programs, and/or agricultural
advances, medical advances, or simply better transportation and communication.
His next argument was that �Over the past 30 years, adult
illiteracy in the developing world has been nearly halved to 25 percent.� Once
again this information is verifiable, and once again it also reveals that
global illiteracy has diminished by the same amount, indicating that Canada and
the U.S. and other G-8 countries are following the same path as the
non-developing world. And finally again, while the correlation may be strong
there are many other possible and more probable reasons why illiteracy has
fallen other than through the ministrations of the World Bank.
The statistics that do relate with cause and effect is the
literacy rate of women in relation to the economic health of a country. In a
major study �Growing Public - Social Spending and Economic Growth Since the
Eighteenth Century,� the author Peter Lindert discovered that, statistically,
contrary to what the free market capitalist think tanks will tell you, there is
no support �that higher taxes and transfers [welfare, education, child support,
maternity leave] reduce productivity� but that �the fairest statistical tests
of this argument find no cost at all� and �within the range of true historical
experience, there is no clear net GDP cost of higher social transfers.�[8] In
other words, social benefits generally help, and at worst in a purely economic
sense do not have any negative affects.
With all the emphasis on downsizing government and reducing
social expenditures to get the economy rolling, and then from debt pressures
forcing education and health services to be reduced, and that combined with
reductions in taxes, the World Bank and its affiliates -- the WTO, OECD, NAFTA
et al -- are working against what the long historical record shows us as
working. What about that literacy rate? In states that support women with
generous child benefits, maternity leave, and retraining, along with a strong
educational background, there is a net positive effect on the economy, not just
in the short term, but �it seems likely that this return can be cumulative over
decades and generations.�[9] The latter only makes common sense as educated and
supported women will be productive throughout their lives as well as raising
children that are also well educated and therefore better prepared to
participate in the economy of their state.
It also follows that an educated female population would
also increase life expectancy as they would then be much better informed about
nutrition, child care, and general health issues, as well as being able to make
better decisions within these topics. While illiteracy is dropping globally,
the numbers in Africa are still dismal with many African countries having
literacy rates well below sixty per cent, bottoming out in Niger with fourteen
per cent.[10] Yet in his recent speeches Wolfowitz continues to extol the
virtues of open market capitalism and small government, factors that have led
to some very negative results in Africa as elsewhere.
Wolfowitz�s third argument trying to support the World Bank�s
record is �Over the past 20 years, the absolute number of people living on less
than one dollar a day has begun to fall for the first time, even as the world�s
population has grown by 1.6 billion people.� This is a specious argument on two
counts. First of all, who set the dollar a day limit as defining absolute
poverty? More than likely it was some IMF or World Bank bureaucrat who would
not be able to survive on less then a couple of hundred dollars a day. To place
an arbitrary marker like that as a guideline suits only the statisticians and
those blinded by their numbers. Numbers that small, just as numbers very large,
those that comprise the world�s billionaires, truly have no significance for
the average person. That dollar a day is also by necessity a figure not
adjusted for inflation -- perhaps today�s dollar adjusted amount needs to be
twice that amount if not significantly more -- and behold, the UN Human
Resources Development report indicates that for what was a dollar in 1990, it
is now �$4 a day . . . adjusted for purchasing power parity.�[11] Africa
continues to have a significantly high percentage of people earning less than
this poverty wage.
Secondly, the majority of the people that have risen out of
poverty have been in India and China, where there is a local homegrown economic
surge that has not relied on the dictates of the World Bank (although as seen
previously, it does have some serious local impacts). Containing more than a
third of the world�s population, the involvement of these two countries would
significantly skew any statistical measurement used. This has been accompanied
by an increase in those suffering from poverty in Latin America, the Middle
East, and Africa, mostly as a result of IMF/World Bank imposed deregulation and
restructuring requirements for business loans.[12] Certainly the GDP has been
rising in many of those areas, but that only shows that a few are getting very
rich and many, many more are slowly sinking.
That leads directly to Wolfowitz�s final argument supporting
the World Bank, �Over the last decade, growth in the developing world has
outpaced that in developed countries, helping to provide jobs and boost
revenues poor countries� governments need to provide essential services.� China
and India, as seen above, are a major component of this growth in the
developing world, while other areas are suffering from increased poverty. Much
of the income that has boosted the growth statistics comes from natural
resources, �the doubling in world prices for all commodities since 2003 --
especially petroleum, copper, silver, zinc, nickel, and the like -- that the
developing nations traditionally export. While there will be fluctuations in
this upsurge, there is also reason to think it may endure because rapid
economic growth in China, India, and elsewhere has created a burgeoning demand
that did not exist before, when the balance-of-trade systematically favored the
rich nations.�[13]
Another factor is the trade relationship between the
developing countries, �as early as 2003 developing countries were already the
source of 37 percent of the foreign direct investment in other developing
nations. China accounts for a great part of this growth.�[14] It does not
appear that the World Bank can take too much credit for this growth. The wealth
generated by this growth hardly stays in the country of origin -- while it may
count within their statistical analysis as it passes by, the money is largely
accumulated by the trans-national corporations and very little of it finds its
way to those �essential services� left undefined by Wolfowitz. The current 2006
surge in oil prices and the related huge profits made by the petroleum industry
provide good evidence of that.
This relates to back to Africa, whose �share of world trade
declined from 6 per cent in 1980 to less than 2 per cent in 2002. Africa is the
only region of the developing world where food production fell over the past 20
years.�[15] In contrast to Wolfowitz�s wonderful statistics above, life
expectancy, especially in sub-Saharan Africa has fallen dramatically, in large
part due to AIDS, but that again is another economic statistic as much as it is
a medical one. The GDP per capita in five out of nine of the states in the
report declined over the same period. Those that have increased recently did so
because of conditions as mentioned above, the rising price of commodities, as
indicated by Zambia�s economy in which �copper mines are reopening as mineral
prices push higher.�[16] Not quite the pretty picture that Wolfowitz tries to
Generally, the world�s major financial institutions, the
World Bank included under the lead of Paul Wolfowitz, have created numerous
disasters around the world yet refuse to see that it is as a result of their
efforts, calling for more and more liberalization and more and more
deregulation. Unfortunately, the contrary appears to be more evident, as �financial
liberalization has produced a monster, and resolving the many problems that
have emerged is scarcely possible for those who deplore controls on those who
seek to make money.�[17]
After all that, perhaps it is Wolfowitz�s abilities at
making war that have led directly to his appointment at the World Bank, as wars
are very profitable for those corporations that are on the U.S. government�s
list of favourites. Perhaps �it makes perfect sense to have Wolfowitz at the
World Bank. He�s terrific at doing wars, and wars are much more profitable than
nickel-and-dime industrial projects. That�s the way the world works. Always has
been.�[18] As seen by Maude Barlow, the chairperson for the Council of
Canadians, �Wolfowitz is the perfect man for the job. He embodies the Bush
administration�s unilateralism and contempt for international law. We can
expect to see his neoconservative views reflected in World Bank policies and
applied . . . to the conditions attached to World Bank loans in Third World
countries.�[19] Or, as Noam Chomsky sees it, �he can do much less damage in the
World Bank than in the Pentagon.�[20]
Wolfowitz still insists that he is a man of peace, as at a
recent event in Freetown, Sierra Leone, he said, �I think peace is perhaps the
most valuable national resource. It�s certainly more valuable than oil or
diamonds.�[21] Wolfowitz was second in command under Dick Cheney in the
Department of Defence during Bush II�s first administration. While he was
within the Bush administration, Wolfowitz was the grand theorist of military
strategy, providing the intellectual impetus behind the �full spectrum
dominance� and the unilateral pre-emptive first use of nuclear weapons. His record
for peace is non-existent before he hit the World Bank and as the leopard
cannot change his spots, neither can Wolfowitz change his politics that go back
many decades to his days in university.
On the inside
Wolfowitz� career has long been within the government,
working within the Pentagon through the 1970s, where his strong anti-communist
views led to a large over-estimate of Soviet capabilities in �worst-case
scenarios.� During the eighties, he moved over to the Republican camp where in
1983 he took over as Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific
Affairs. During that time he oversaw three dictators in South Korea, the
Philippines and Indonesia and he �played a key role in defining US policy
toward South Korea and the Philippines at a time of intense repression and
growing opposition to authoritarian rule.�[22] He claimed that his plan was to
get rid of the dictatorships, but as usual with American foreign policy, it was
a matter of hanging on to old reliable tyrants until their grip on the country
was no longer tenable and then switching support to someone new.
�Wolfowitz was rewriting history, implying that the Filipino
people, like the South Koreans, ignored two decades of massive US military and
financial support for Marcos. In both countries, US policy toward these
dictators (which in Korea would include Park Chung-hee, Chun�s assassinated
predecessor) only began to weaken when US officials decided that their
continued hold on power would lead to further instability, thus threatening US �interests.��
His attempts to �whitewash the likes of Chun, Marcos, Suharto, and Wiranto
illustrate the bankruptcy of US foreign policy from Reagan to Bush. Americans
concerned about what is being done abroad in their names need to watch
Wolfowitz� every move, from Korea to Iraq to Colombia.�[23] In Indonesia, �he
was one of the strongest and most vocal supporters of one of the worst
murderers and tyrants of the late 20th century . . . the murderous . . . aggressor
Suharto.� As for his influence on the World Bank to date, Chomsky says, �there�s
no indication of any shift in World Bank policy that I�ve seen, and I wouldn�t
particularly expect any.�[24]
Well before the 9/11 tragedy, the knowledge was already
available and self-evident that Wolfowitz was an advocate of nuclear war with
interests against the soon to be �axis of evil.� After Reagan and Bush I,
Wolfowitz was temporarily out of Washington, spending some time again in
academia, where he authored the �Project for a New American Century� letter to
President Clinton which among other things identified Iraq and Saddam Hussein
as major obstacles to American hegemony, although put into different terms.
Wolfowitz and the other neocon signatories to the letter advocated, �The only
acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the possibility that Iraq will be
able to use or threaten to use weapons of mass destruction. In the near term,
this means a willingness to undertake military action as diplomacy is clearly
failing. In the long term, it means removing Saddam Hussein and his regime from
power. That now needs to become the aim of American foreign policy.�[25] With
the renewed Bush II administration, and his close relationships with Dick
Cheney and Donald Rumsfield, he came back to directly influence the corridors
of power in the White House.
During his educational years, he received his education
under the tutelage of Albert Wohlstetter, a disciple of Leo Strauss.
Wohlstetter could be designated as Wolfowitz� strategist, from which Wolfowitz
gained powerful positions that enabled Wohlstetter�s ideas to become plans of
action. Wohlstetter�s influence did not wane because of that. Wohlstetter�s
intellect worked on the idea of superior technology allowing a �form of highly
discriminate nonnuclear warfare.� Part of this involved being an �ardent
advocate of ballistic missile defenses.�[26] The theoretical application of
deterrence changed such that it �had now collapsed into warfighting. The two
had become indistinguishable.�[27] The first war in Iraq, its quick military
success, its lack of political success in that Hussein remained in power, �sitting
on the world�s second largest pool of low-cost oil,� took Wohlstetter even
further to the current position of preventative war: �by their very existence
dictatorship constituted an unacceptable threat[italics in original]�[28]
During the 1990s, this position had no real impact, simmering behind the
scenes, until the opportune moment came from the 9/11 World Trade Tower
attacks. After that �the Pentagon shifted from the business of theorizing about
war to the business of actually waging it.� The U.S. was no longer bound by
conventional military theory and could now advocate unilateral action against a
series of �rogue� states that irritated more than threatened them, but provided
the excuse to proceed with their new methodology.
Wolfowitz has a Ph.D. in political science (of which there
is very little to be scientific about), and being in familiar territory with
Cheney and Ashcroft, has �no experience of either war or the military.�[29]
From this educational background he has a �wide ranging network of travellers
and sympathisers, commonly referred to in Washington as the �Wolfowitz cabal.��
Although denied by Wolfowitz and his entourage, the idea is supported in a
study of Strauss that says Wolfowitz studied with the Strauss cabal, �This
[denial] is a little disingenuous, for if he ate lightly of the main dish,
there were others on the table.� Those others include Wohlstetter who made his
reputation �by advocating limited use of nuclear weapons� with Wolfowitz
following on that �suggesting that the Pax Americana is dependent on the
willingness and ability to use nuclear weapons�[30] Never mind the irony of the
Latin �pax� in association with nuclear war (which also recalls the ballistic
missile dubbed the �Peacemaker�), Wolfowitz, in association with others, is the
author of the American pre-emptive strike policy, �turning the iron laws of
necessity in nuclear strategy into foreign policy� creating a �quagmire� of �endless
war across a vast stretch of the earth�a war from which extrication will be
next to impossible.�[31] That impossibility obviously delights the corporations
that feed off government military largesse and delights the politicians who
find a welcoming revolving door to their boardrooms.
Along with the exhortations for global hegemony, Wolfowitz,
as a fully educated member of the neocon group, uses the �export of American
values as the main prop and justification for an American global mission.�[32]
This fills the second wing of the American eagle, the values of democracy being
paramount, with the always underlying theme of Christian supremacy. �The
Presbyterian cant of Woodrow Wilson� and its �enlightened self-interest under
which free markets and democracy shall flourish� rides along with the �big
stick� of Theodore Roosevelt, now seen as global military supremacy under the
pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons.[33]
As a member of the neocons, Wolfowitz was ushered into power
in the Pentagon under Donald Rumsfield as Undersecretary of defence for policy.
His role arises frequently in James Carroll�s excellent history of the
Pentagon, House of War. His defence policy centred on the role of nuclear
weapons in the American arsenal. Previous to this role Paul Nitze, the arms
negotiator under Nixon in 1969 (SALT I) brought Wolfowitz into the discussions
(along with Richard Perle) in what �amounted to a baptism in defense policy�
where they saw the rationale supporting the ABM agreement �because it protected
the U.S. advantage in the next round of offensive weapons development. [italics
in original]�[34] Wolfowitz helped create the myths of the missile gap, nuclear
superiority, and �predicted that Moscow was aiming for first strike capability.�[35]
Always looking for the advantage against the Soviets, Rumsfield�s move to the
Pentagon with Wolfowitz would �ultimately accomplish the restoration of America�s
overwhelming military dominance, a supremacy unapologetically based on nuclear
weapons.�[36] Wolfowitz served in the Bush I government (he served in all
governments from Nixon through to the present except Clinton�s) but would
reveal his misperceptions in warning that glasnost was just another example of �Soviet
chicanery� two days before Gorbachev let the Berlin Wall crumble: �Wolfowitz
had missed the significance of what Gorbachev was doing.�[37] History, as
previously seen by Fukuyama, had come to an end.
After the first Iraq war, Wolfowitz penned a Defence
Planning Guide (1992) that denied other nations the aspirations to �protect
their legitimate interests� and to �discourage them from challenging our
leadership� by maintaining the �mechanisms for deterring potential competitors
from even aspiring� to a larger role.[38] Wolfowitz had been �indiscreet� but
his message carried through to the younger Bush regime.
Combined with the rationalizing intellect for the irrational
use of nuclear weapons, Wolfowitz carries his Jewish heritage, and his
acknowledged interest in a strong Jewish state. In a pro-Israeli rally speech,
Wolfowitz closed by praying, �May God bless America, may God bless Israel, and
may God bless all the peacemakers in the world.�[39] Too many ironies and
hypocrisies abound in all these characters about their professions for peace
and their advocacy of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear) and terror
(missiles and bombs) that they hardly need to be pointed out. While he is �circumspect
in public. . . . it is clear that at bottom Israel is a major interest and may
be the principal reason for his near obsession with the effort . . . to dump
Saddam Hussein, remake the Iraqi government in an American image and then
further redraw the Middle East by accomplishing the same goals in Syria, Iran
and perhaps other countries.�
Israel�s true enemy is Syria, not that Hussein would have
been very friendly, but the Israelis are still engaged with the Syrians in the
Golan Heights, valued for its militarily advantageous position as well as its
access to water supplies. There are dissenting opinions as the �neoconservative
clique [think cabal] seeks to ensnare our country in a series of wars that are
not in America�s interest� seeing that �Israel�s enemy remains Syria, but the
road to Damascus runs through Baghdad.�[40] Current events with Hezbollah in
Lebanon and the renewed Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon in the summer of
2006 may yet prove this statement to be foresightful.
Paul Wolfowitz carries the strongest of the worst -- a
sanctimonious conservative worldview couched in the wonderful terms of peace
and democracy accompanying the hawkish pre-emptive nuclear capability that he
is author of, both directed at the preservation of Israel. We may be lucky that
he resigned from government; we may be luckier than we know that he is know �in-progress�
of creating his own retirement from the World Bank; because it is unfortunate
that his World Bank position of influence and power also has a global reach,
and while not militaristic on the surface, still works within the values of an
American global hegemony.
[1] �Notes
and Quotes�, Asia Times on Line, April 14, 2007.
[2] Perkins, John. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Plume
Book, Penguin Group, N.Y. 2004. p. 275
[3] Weisbrot, Mark. �Development, Debt and
Obedience to Empire, The World Bank: a Bigger Problem Than Wolfowitz�,
Counterpunch, March 19-20, 2005.
[4] Bacevich, Andrew J. �Trigger Man - In Paul
Wolfowitz, messianic vision meets faith in the efficacy of force.� The
American Conservative, June 6, 2005.
[5] Wolfowitz, Paul. �Germany and the Middle East: Change
and Opportunities� Keynote, Main Session on Cooperation and Development June 1,
[6] Wolfowitz, Paul. Press Conference -- Foreign
Correspondents Club of Japan. May 29, 2006, Mita Conference Hall, Tokyo.
[7] visible for all to see, �easily understood; free from
affectation or disguise� -- much unlike the secret negotiations and tribunals
of the WTO and IMF, the World Bank�s cohorts in collusion - or �fraudulent
secret understanding� - of governance.
[8] Lindert, Peter. Growing Public -- Social Sending and Economic
Growth Since the Eighteenth Century. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
2004. p.227.
[9] Ibid, p. 256
[12] See Bellows, Chua, Gibbons et al, Grandin, Johnson,
Stiglitz for various references on this idea.
[13] Kolko, Gabriel. �The Demons of Greed are Loose -- Why a
Global Economic Deluge Looms.� Counterpunch, June 15, 2006.
[14] Ibid.
[15] Nolen, Stephanie. �The African state: an AIDS survivor,�
The Globe and Mail, Toronto, Thursday, August 10, 2006
[16] Ibid.
[17] Kolko, Ibid.
[18] Wanniski, Jude. �A Perfect Fit
Wolfowitz at the World Bank.� Counterpunch, March 17,
[19] Barlow, Maude. too close for comfort -- Canada�s Future
within Fortress North America. McCLelland & Stewart, Toronto, 2005. p. 244.
[20] Chomsky, Noam. �On
Capitalism, Europe, and the World Bank,� Znet. April 2, 2007.
[21] Wolfowitz, Paul. Cited at .
July 21, 2006.
[22] Shorrock, Tim. Paul Wolfowitz: A man to
keep a close eye on. Asia Times, March 21, 2001.
[23] Ibid.
[24] Chomsky, ibid
[25] Wolfowitz, Paul, et al. Correspondence to the Honorable
William J. Clinton, January 26, 1998.
[26] Bacevich, Andre J. The New American Militarism -- How
Americans are Seduced by War. Oxford University Press, N.Y., 2005. p. 162,
[27] Ibid, p. 163
[28] Ibid, p. 165
[29] Johnson, Chalmers Sorrows of Empire Metropolitan Books
NY 2004.
[30] Norton, Anne Leo Strauss and the Politics of the
American Empire Yale University, 2004.
[31] Husain, Khurram �Neocons, the Men Behind the Curtain�
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Nov/Dec 2003.
[32] Khurram, ibid.
[33] Tabb, William K. �The Two Wings of the Eagle� Pox
Americana Ed. Foster and McChesney Monthly Review Press, NY, 2004.
[34] Carroll, James. House of War -- The Pentagon and the
Disastrous Rise of American Power . Houghton Mifflin Company, N.Y. 2006. p. 346
[35] Ibid, p. 412.
[36] Ibid, p. 360
[37] Ibid, p. 428
[38] Bacevich, Andrew J. American Empire -- The Realities and
Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy . Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.
2002. p. 44.
[39] Wolfowitz cited in
[40] Buchanan, Patrick J. �Whose War?� The American
Conservative, March 24, 2003.
This essay was first published in the Palestine Chronicles 2007 04 16
Miles is a Canadian educator and a regular contributor/columnist of opinion
pieces and book reviews to Palestine Chronicles. His interest in this topic
stems originally from an environmental perspective, which encompasses the
militarization and economic subjugation of the global community and its
commodification by corporate governance and by the American government.
Published articles and book reviews may be viewed on the Palestine Chronicle.