�Lewis Libby . . . appears to have been trying to cover
up a smear campaign that was orchestrated by his boss (VP Dick Cheney) against
the first person (Joe Wilson) to unmask one of the many untruths
(Saddam-sought-uranium-from-Niger) that President Bush used to justify invading
Iraq.� -- From a New York Times editorial, March 7, 2007
To claim Joe Wilson�s July 2003 New York Times op-ed, �What I didn�t
find in Niger,� was the first successful knock on the Bush administration�s
bogus case for war seems more than a little self-serving.
Consider the exculpatory symmetry: The Times publishes Judith Miller�s
fanciful stories about aluminum tubes and Iraq�s nuclear program and her even
more absurd tales about bio weapons labs hidden under Saddam�s palaces, all of
which boost the administration�s deceitful case for war. Now the so-called �Newspaper
of Record� tries to redeem itself by claiming to have been the first, with Joe
Wilson�s help, to unmask the administration�s lies. The only problem with this
balancing act, apart from where on the Times� ledger to put 3,200 dead GIs, is
that it just isn�t right. Every major element of the Bush administration�s case
for war was known to be false, fabricated or highly disputed before the invasion of Iraq.
For example, President Bush claimed (State of the Union Address, January
8, 2003) in those now famous 16 words, �The British government has learned that
Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa,� even though the deputy director of
the CIA had warned the administration back in October of the previous year: � .
. . the one thing where I think they (the British) stretched a little
bit beyond where we would stretch is on the points about Iraq seeking uranium
from various African locations. We�ve looked at those reports and we don�t
think they are very credible.�
The State Department�s
Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) agreed: � . . . the claims of Iraqi
pursuit of natural uranium in Africa are, in INR�s assessment, highly dubious.�
(National Intelligence Estimate for Iraq, October 2002) As if these warnings
weren�t enough, and, ultimately they weren�t, CIA Director George Tenet
intervened directly with the White House to keep a reference to uranium from
Africa out of a speech the president was giving in Cincinnati that same month.
Nevertheless the president decided to include the Niger claim in his
State of the Union address, a reckless act even by the standards of the Bush
administration, no doubt believing that the thought of Saddam with nuclear
weapons would frighten the American people. The president�s whooper quickly
unraveled when the documents upon which the claim was based were turned over to
the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), they were quickly revealed to be
artless forgeries.
Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the IAEA, reported to the United Nations
Security Council, March 7, 2003: �The IAEA has made progress in its
investigation into reports that Iraq sought to buy uranium from Niger in recent
years. The investigation was centered on documents provided by a number of
States that pointed to an agreement between Niger and Iraq for the sale of
uranium between 1999 and 2001. . . .
�Based on thorough analysis, the IAEA has concluded, with
the concurrence of outside experts, that these documents - which formed the
basis for the reports of recent uranium transactions between Iraq and Niger -
are in fact not authentic. We have therefore concluded that these specific
allegations are unfounded.�
was not the only public figure to speak out. In a letter to President Bush
written March 17, 2003, just before the president ordered American forces to
enter Iraq, Representative Henry Waxman concluded: � . . . a key part of
the case you have been building against Iraq is evidence that your own
intelligence experts at the Central Intelligence Agency do not believe is
credible . . .
� . . . at the same time that you, Secretary Rumsfeld, and
State Department officials were citing Iraq�s efforts to obtain uranium from
Africa as a crucial part of the case against Iraq, U.S. intelligence officials
regarded this very same evidence as unreliable. If true . . . it would mean
that your administration asked the U.N. Security Council, the Congress, and the
American people to rely on information that your own experts knew was not
credible . . .�
Other key elements in the administration�s case for war were also false.
For example, although Condi Rice was saying (CNN, September 8, 2002), �We do
know that there have been shipments . . . of aluminum tubes . . . that are only
really suited for nuclear weapons programs, centrifuge programs,� the National
Intelligence Estimate for Iraq quoted the US Department of Energy, the
intelligence community�s paramount authority on matters nuclear, which said: �
. . . tube diameter . . . is only marginally large enough for practical
centrifuge applications, and other specifications are not consistent with a gas
centrifuge end use. Moreover, the quantity being sought suggests preparations
for large scale production of centrifuge machines, for which we have not seen
related procurement efforts . . . we assess that the procurement activity more
likely supports a different application, such as conventional ordnance
Similarly, on October 7, 2002, in Cincinnati, President Bush highlighted
the threat from Iraqi drones: �We�ve also discovered through intelligence that
Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be
used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas. We�re
concerned that Iraq is exploring ways of using these UAVs for missions
targeting the United States.�
Yet, in the same month, the US Air Force stated in the National
Intelligence Estimate: �Iraq is developing UAVs primarily for
reconnaissance rather than delivery platforms for CBW agents. The capabilities
and missions of Iraq�s new UAV remains [SIC] undetermined, but in this view its
small size strongly suggests a primary role of reconnaissance. CBW delivery is
an inherent capability of UAVs but probably is not the impetus for Iraq�s
recent UAV programs.�
And so it went. The �Iraq has mobile bio weapons labs�
accusation was based essentially on a single source, �Curve Ball,� whose German
intelligence handlers regarded as nuts: �You don�t want to see him [Curve Ball]
because he�s crazy.� But his story was highlighted in the administration�s case
for war.
The �Iraq has an operational relationship with al Qaeda�
charge also rested on a single source, one Ibn al-Shaikh al-Libi who, having
been tortured by the Egyptian security apparatus, fabricated a story about al
Qaeda operatives from Afghanistan traveling to Iraq for instruction in chemical
and biological warfare. The Defense Intelligence Agency didn�t believe
al-Shaikh and decided (DIA TS # 044-02, October 2, 2002): �[he was] likely . .
. intentionally misleading the debriefers. Ibn al-Shaikh has been undergoing
debriefs for several weeks and may be describing scenarios to the debriefers
that he knows will retain their interest . . . Saddam�s regime is intensely
secular and is wary of Islamic revolutionary movements.�
aside all doubt and all honesty, the Bush administration took the country to
war on a pack of lies. Those responsible have never been held to account and
are now in the process, with the complicity of the majority party, of serving
up another and even more dangerous conflict with Iran.
Taylor, a life long Republican, received an AB in Near Eastern Languages from
The University of Chicago. He is a US Army veteran. As a young man he served in
the Middle East as a civil servant, archaeologist and banker. Prior to
retirement he worked in the energy business in Texas for 20 years.