�A lost infant in the ashes, lost faces in the dust, a
lost finger in the garbage dumps, a lost mother in the debris, a nation lost in
the fire, a country lost in the greed . . . and eyes lost in that endless
tunnel of helplessness, anguish and despair . . . lost in the total emptiness,
in the void of the living dead.� --Layla Anwar, �Ashes
& Dust�
Sometimes I wonder if Americans are unaware of the malicious
devastation the Bush administration is wreaking upon this good earth and its
inhabitants, or if they just don�t give a damn. I wonder if they ever put a �face�
on even one of the hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children
who are lost forever -- victims of arrogance, lust for power, insatiable greed.
And lies . . . all lost because of evil, deliberate lies.
I wonder why so many denizens of this �Christian� nation
seem unable or unwilling to wrap their minds around the reality that Iraqi
people are human beings just as they, themselves, are -- not rabid dogs to be
hunted down and slaughtered. Perhaps it�s because, in order to remain sane or
to avoid being targeted by the Bush administration, they traded their
Christianity for Religion, their Love for Hate -- their Life for Death. For
alleged protection from the �Butcher of Baghdad,� far too many Americans far
too easily traded their souls to the Werewolf of Washington.
They don�t want to know what it�s like for families to cower
in terror as their doors are kicked in, mothers and daughters raped, fathers
and sons dragged off, never to be seen again. They don�t want to know about
prisoners being humiliated and tortured, secretly �rendered� to countries for
more torture, held captive for endless years without charges, without hope,
without life. They don�t want to know about Iraq�s rich culture, its secular
society, its formidable institutions of learning. According to the late
Columbia University Professor Edward Said, all of this, along with Iraq�s �long-suffering
people were made invisible, the better to smash the country as if it were only
a den of thieves and murderers.� (Al-Ahram Weekly, 24-30 April 2003)
Even if it were possible to know how many innocent civilians
have been needlessly murdered, it wouldn�t matter. Because America�s leaders
don�t know and they don�t care. As General Colin Powell, then chairman of the
US Joint Chiefs of Staff, retorted to an April 1991 question about Iraqi
casualties -- �That�s not really a number I�m terribly interested in.� And,
following the assault on Afghanistan, General Tommy Franks, CENTCOM commander
and architect of both the Afghanistan and Iraq killing sprees, quipped at a
March 2002 news conference at Bagram Air Base, �We don�t do body counts.�
Even President George Bush, the commander-in-chief -- the
Energizer Bunny Decider -- pleaded ignorance and apathy when asked on Dec. 12,
2005, about the number of iraqi
civilians slain since the March 2003 invasion. �How many
Iraqi civilians have died . . . in this war?� he asked. �Um . . . I would say
about 30,000 -- more or less . . .�
Reporters in the room knew that more than a year before, the
British medical journal, The Lancet, had reported for the period March 2003-Sept.
2004, an excess mortality of nearly 100,000 civilian deaths. Yet none dared
challenge Bush then, nor in October 2006, when the journal released an
indepth study that an estimated 655,000 Iraqis had died since
the invasion, with more than 600,000 due to violence.
Is politics really more important than life? Of course, when
you consider the gandy-dancing, moon-walking and flip-flopping that�s gone on
within the political axis -- the administration, the Congress and the media --
since the November elections. If there were doubts that this axis considers the
nation�s military anything more than �dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns
for foreign policy,� the spectacle that has unfolded since Bush was backed into
a corner with the release of the James Baker/Les Hamilton Iraq Study Group
(ISG) report put them to rest. Its 84 pages boiled down to
one sentence in the Executive Summary, �The United States has long-term
relationships and interests at stake in the Middle East, and needs to stay
engaged,� which was another way of telling Bush not to cut and run until the
oil law was passed which will legalize US corporate plunder of Iraq�s oil fields
via 35-year contracts.
The ISG was nine months in the making, March through October
2006, during which time 556 coalition �troops� were killed -- 515 of them
American. For political reasons, Baker and Hamilton waited until after the
election to release it, hardly noticing that 77 servicemen and women were
killed in November. On Dec. 13, when Bush tossed the report on the table with
the rest of the options and announced he�d make his decision after Christmas,
US casualties stood at 2,937. On Christmas Day, when he bowed his head to thank
God for making him The Decider, 2,975 Americans would never open another
The overwhelming vote in November 2006 was a national demand
to stop the war. Bush responded in January 2007 by announcing not only that he
was staying the course, but that he was �surging� an additional 21,500 military
in a �New Way Forward� plan. Since that time, with the surge underway,
Democrats and Republicans have sparred in a shameful display of shadow-boxing
oratory and endless debates on debates, resulting in a single limp, non-binding
resolution designed to do little more than give political cover to those voting
for it. With the surge nearly complete, House Democrats now say they�re working
on a plan to restrict Bush�s ability to wage war, with the stipulation, of
course, that he can continue to kill if he �publicly justifies� his position.
With cruel indifference this pack of werewolves, led by a
creature who deserted his post in a time of war, continue to fund a surge they
claim they are against while shouting, �Support the troops!� They neither know
nor care that, above all things, support means full force protection --
sufficient training, proper equipment -- and medical care for those who return
broken in body, mind and spirit.
Like their more than 650,000 Iraqi counterparts, the 3,185 US victims of the Iraqi
inferno have no individual form or substance in the minds of the general public
-- certainly not in those of the media or the Congress. One is merely �collateral
damage,� the other a heap of body bags labeled �troops.� Senators John McCain
and Barack Obama were exactly right when they said that so many lives in this
illegal war have been �wasted,� rather than sacrificed. Victims of this war --
Iraqi and American -- are little more than debris scattered in the wake of the
werewolves� lust to dominate the world and control its resources.
They are, as described so eloquently by Iraq�s Layla Anwar
-- �lost faces in the dust.�
Samples is an Oklahoma writer and a former civilian US Army Public Information
Officer. She is a regular contributor for a variety of Internet sites. Contact
her at rsamples@sirinet.net.