Why all the shocked surprise that the FBI
was found to have grossly violated Americans� civil liberties under the
revised so-called �PATRIOT� Act, and lied to Congress about how often its
agents broke the law in doing so?
History has shown us that if you grant more police and
surveillance powers to those in charge of law and order -- and if there is no
effective oversight mechanism in place -- those powers will be abused. This is
as true under the Bush administration as it was in ancient Rome and in Hitler�s
In other words, if you build an authoritarian structure,
they will come.
If ignorant and/or insecure bullies are appointed as
administrators, or as prison guards, or as surveillance experts, you should not
be shocked when they exceed their authority and run roughshod over the rights,
civil liberties and privacy of citizens under their control.
That�s what authoritarian types do -- and, as key
experiments have shown, even non-authoritarian types on occasion when they are
put into similar positions of untrammeled power. (�Power tends to corrupt, and
absolute power corrupts absolutely.� --Lord Acton)
Breaking power up into pieces
The fact that CheneyBush have nearly a full two years to go
until the next president is inaugurated (unless they�re impeached and removed
before that) is creating political frustration and tension in the body politic:
If truth be known, a great majority of Americans, Democrats and Republicans,
would be happy if Bush and Cheney and Rove just resigned now, disappeared,
left, vamoosed into the night.
But that is not likely to happen. In the period until they
are gone, they can carry out further depredations on the Constitution and
launch more military wars abroad, and seem determined to do both. And in their
back pocket is their statutory authorization
to declare martial law whenever they see fit. Shame on those who voted to
give the administration such police state powers!
Some reasons for hope
But the news is not all bad. Current events offer some
encouragement and issues to use in helping turn this ship around:
1. The Opposition. The Democrats, after more
than six years divorced from the reins of power, are slowly, fitfully, almost
reluctantly at times, moving toward becoming an actual �opposition party.� But
they seem unsure how far and fast to proceed in righting the balance among the
three branches of government, both in terms of ending the Iraq War (and
prohibiting a likely attack on Iran) and, domestically, in restoring many of
the protections guaranteed under the Constitution and Bill of Rights -- such as
habeas corpus-- that have been ignored or decimated by the Bush
True, the Dem leadership is moving in fits and starts in
such directions -- almost as if they aren�t willing to admit to themselves how
desperate the situation really is in this country -- and can�t seem to shake
their timidity-addiction, but they face enormous obstacles within their own
ranks, and from an Executive that doesn�t mind fighting back and fighting
Still, despite their slow-as-molasses progress, the Dems are
beginning to move in the right direction on some issues and should be thanked
and encouraged to do more. Corollary: The Dems should be slammed upside the
head on other issues where they become enablers of CheneyBush�s reckless,
dangerous policies, especially with regard to Iraq and Iran.
The U.S. attorneys scandal
2. The Fired U.S. Attorneys. When the Democrats do
manage to unite on key issues, and bring enough moderate Republican allies
along with them, the Bush administration has shown that it will back down. Case
in point: They�ve backtracked on aspects of the fired U.S. attorneys scandal.
After one of the most embarrassingly contorted spin campaigns ever about why
the U.S. attorneys were fired, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales finally said
the Bush administration will alter its way of appointing new U.S. attorneys,
and will accept limitations on its ability to appoint interim ones.
It did the heart good to see Gonzales get roughed up by both
Democratic and Republican senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and for
him to eat some humble pie in public, admitting to gross mistakes. Doesn�t
happen often with this crew, which makes the rare times when they do own up to
their bad policies all the more delicious.
However, despite Gonzales being yelled at, I don�t believe
he will be forced to resign or that any of the recent firings and replacements
will be reversed (unless unrelenting pressure forces them to), not even that of
Tim Griffiths, the newly-appointed U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District in
Arkansas. The former aide to Karl Rove may have
engaged in illegal activities, in a scheme to wipe out the voting rights of
70,000 citizens, many of them African-American, prior to the 2004 election.
Under a little-noticed Patriot Act provision slipped into the bill, he and the
other new U.S. Attorneys can be appointed to fill out terms of the those fired
and Senate confirmation is not required.
Speaking of Rove, it�s quite possible that a more thorough
investigation, supported by Dems and Repubs, will reveal the details of his and
the White House�s dirty hands on many of the politically-motivated firings,
especially in getting U.S. Attorney David Iglesias canned in New Mexico. (Rove
reportedly leaned on GOP heavies in that state to get Iglesias removed because
he wasn�t indicting more Democrats. Senator Pete
Domenici, who put partisan pressure on Iglesias to indict some Dems before
the 2006 election, has lawyered up, and Rep. Heather Wilson, also of New
Mexico, may choose to do so shortly.)
�Signing statements� aid law-breaking
3. FBI Lawlessness. In yet another violation
of provisions of the revised �PATRIOT� Act, the Justice Department�s inspector
general revealed that the FBI for years has been breaking the law in
surveilling citizens, and in not reporting accurately to the Congress, as
required, the number of times this has happened.
The Democrats seem eager to continue digging into this
scandal, joined by a number of appalled GOP moderates, to see how high this
law-breaking goes, up to and including Bush himself.
Bush signed the revised �PATRIOT� Act in a public ceremony
last year, but after everyone had left the premises, he issued a complementary �signing
statement.� Glenn
Greenwald reminds us that in that signing statement, Bush indicated �that
he did not consider himself bound to tell Congress how the Patriot Act powers
were being used and that, despite the law�s requirements, he could withhold the
information if he decided that disclosure would �impair foreign relations,
national security, the deliberative process of the executive, or the
performance of the executive�s constitutional duties.�� These exceptions
parallel the violations the FBI is shown to have committed.
Still, though FBI Director Mueller has accepted
responsibility for his agency�s illegal behavior, he�s still in his job, and
nobody else has paid any penalty for this rape of the Constitution and
violation of laws passed by Congress.
The Libby fallout
4. Fitzmas in March. Cheney�s chief-of-staff
for five years, I. Lewis �Scooter� Libby, was found guilty of perjury and
obstruction of justice in the Plame spy-outing case. Libby is the fall guy, the
patsy, the loyal aide who falls on his sword to protect his bosses, Cheney and
Bush. But just the fact that Libby may be heading for the federal slammer is
satisfaction enough right now and whets one�s appetite for seeing his superiors
into the investigatory spotlight.
And if and when Bush pardons Libby, that act will be yet
another nail in the coffin of the GOP�s chances for 2008. (But it�s rumored
that Rove may have Bush wait until after the 2008 voting, to remove it as an
issue in the campaign.)
Bulldog Congressman Henry Waxman has already invited Valerie
Plame Wilson and Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald to testify on the Libby
case, the verdict, and perhaps the extent of known or reasonably surmised White
House involvement in the affair. This should be good, especially if Fitzgerald
chooses to reveal even a smidgen of what he has on Cheney.
5. Faux News Boycott. Candidates for the
Democratic presidential nomination, led by John Edwards, were able to force a
cancellation of the Nevada debate among Dem presidential competitors, which was
scheduled to be aired on the worst possible news-source network, Fox. The
Democrats finally wised up to the fact that consorting with the ideological Neanderthals
and unabashed bigots that inhabit the Fox Network sent exactly the wrong
Once again, as in all these stories, the liberal blogosphere
was partially instrumental in keeping this issue alive and helping to give
Democrats some informational ammunition to get the policy changed.
6. Treatment of Wounded Soldiers. The term �Walter
Reed Hospital� is this year�s �Katrina,� further evidence of cold-heartedness,
incompetent bureaucracy, meanness of spirit, and botched cover-ups in the Bush
administration. Yet another nail in the GOP coffin for 2008.
It turns out that the disgraceful treatment of wounded
soldiers at Walter Reed is just the tip of the iceberg of how the Bush
administration chants the �support-our-troops� mantra for political-propaganda
reasons, but in no way actually supports them when they come back gravely
wounded and in great need of TLC and adequate medical care. Instead, they are
shunted aside, ignored, forgotten, or buried under bureaucratic paperwork.
The wartime need for warm bodies has gotten so desperate,
and the troops are stretched so thin in Afghanistan and Iraq, that the Bush
administration is sending badly damaged soldiers (physically and mentally) back
to Iraq before they are adequately healed up. After all, cannon fodder is
cannon fodder and must be utilized to the full extent of wartime requirements.
But, don�t forget, everyone, to �support our troops.�
Local impeachment moves
7. More states and cities have either passed or are debating
impeachment resolutions against Cheney and Bush. The momentum builds. This
is not an academic exercise, as one of the ways impeachment can begin in the
U.S. Congress is by way of state demand.
The states debating the issue in their legislatures include
California, Illinois, New Jersey, New Mexico, Vermont, and Washington. Latest
news: 38 separate towns
in Vermont have passed resolutions urging the state legislature to approve
the impeachment of Bush and Cheney, thus joining other cities across the
It is inexplicable to me why the Democratic leaders in
Washington (read: Pelosi and Reid) are trying to squelch these state and local
moves for impeachment. Don�t they read the polls? More than half of the
American people are in favor of beginning impeachment hearings in reference to
the lies and deceptions that took the U.S. into war in Iraq -- and most of the
other congressional probes involving CheneyBush scandals haven�t even had
public sessions yet.
8. Iraq Escalation. Even CheneyBush�s
handpicked new leader for the Iraq campaign, Gen. David Petreaus, admits that
the military escalation in Iraq is senseless unless it�s accompanied by serious
political negotiations among the affected Iraqi groups.
�There is no military solution to a problem like that in
Iraq. Military action is necessary to help improve security. . . . But it is
not sufficient. There needs to be a political aspect,� said Petraus in his first
press conference in Iraq since Bush�s escalation began. Read between the
lines: Bush�s �surge� is destined to fail, but it being pushed for domestic
political reasons; the Pentagon has begun planning for a fallback position when
the U.S. has to abandon the �surge� plan.
Not incidentally, and as could have been predicted, Bush has
asked Congress for several more billion dollars to pay for 8,000 more troops
for the escalation, in addition to the 21,000 already in-country or in the pipeline.
One can hope that Congress will refuse to enable more deaths and turn down the
supplemental request.
Keep the momentum building
True, the positive news seems to move at a glacial pace,
while the negative seems to be growing exponentially each day. But think about
it: The past six years have been dominated mainly by bad news for the
Constitution and for those weak countries we�ve invaded.
Now at least there are positive developments, encouraging
rays of hope in the air as the CheneyBush administration continues to unravel
and collapse in on itself.
That�s why it�s so vital that we keep up and even increase
the momentum of progressive developments in our effort to restore
Constitutional government, and to end the wars in the Greater Middle East. And
as we do, we must not allow the Busheviks to catch their breath and regain
their balance and control of the political agenda.
Copyright � 2007
Bernard Weiner
Weiner, Ph.D., has taught government & international relations at various
universities, worked as a writer/editor with the San Francisco Chronicle,
and currently co-edits The Crisis Papers.
To comment, write crisispapers@comcast.net.