Iraqis have long suspected the finger of the occupying
forces has stirred the pot of sectarian violence with the ultimate aim of
splitting their country into three separate provinces.
Suspicions were particularly heightened in 2005 when British
military agents in Arab garb were caught at a checkpoint with explosives in
their booby-trapped vehicle, which, according to a member of the Iraqi National
Assembly Fattah El-Sheikh, was destined to explode in a marketplace.
We can never know the truth of this claim since following
the agents� arrest and detention, the British Army used tanks to topple the
walls of the jail and extricate their men before they could be interrogated.
Now Iran is making similar claims. According to an article
in the Sunday Telegraph, titled �US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran,�
the CIA is supplying cash and weapons to �militant ethnic separatist groups in
Iran� thought responsible for the recent bomb attacks in the Iranian province
of Sistan-Baluchistan.
The veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh continues
this theme in an explosive article, �The Redirection: Is the Administration�s
new policy benefitting our enemies in the war on terrorism?� published in the
March 5 issue of the New Yorker magazine. He asserts the US has taken part in
clandestine operations targeting Iran and its ally Syria and is bypassing
Congress to fund Lebanese jihadist groups �with ideological ties to Al-Qaeda�
as a buffer to Hezbollah.
He quotes a US government consultant and former senior
intelligence official as saying: �In this process, we�re financing a lot of bad
guys with some serious potential unintended consequences. We don�t have the
ability to determine and get pay vouchers signed by the people we like and
avoid the people we don�t like. It�s a very high risk venture.�
Hersh says the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah,
believes the Bush administration is working with Israel to deliberately
instigate �insurrection and fragmentation within Islam.�
It�s the same story within the Palestinian territories when
prior to the Saudi-brokered plan for a Palestinian unity government, the US
upped the ante by supplying Fatah with weapons with which to fight Hamas.
Thankfully Palestinian leaders had the sense to step back
from the brink of civil war, refusing to play into the hands of the US and
Israel, which do not want a unified Palestinian entity. They would be morally
obliged to negotiate a Palestinian state with such an entity.
The US is also thought to have been behind the successful
Ethiopian attempt to oust the Islamic Courts fighters from the Somali capital
in December and was accused by the Arab League of killing many innocent civilians
by launching airstrikes on southern Somalia under the pretext of targeting �Al-Qaeda�
Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte, formerly national
intelligence director, was the US envoy to Honduras during 1981-85 and together
with Elliott Abrams, Oliver North, Michael Ledeen and John Poindexter was
implicated in the illegal war against the government of Nicaragua by Contra
rebels based in Honduras.
Elliot Abrams was pardoned and is today a special assistant
to President George W. Bush and senior director for Near East and North African
Affairs. Oliver North is a regular commentator on the pro-Bush Fox News
John Poindexter briefly headed the Bush administration�s
DARPA Information Awareness Office. Michael Ledeen is a resident scholar at the
American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, involved in crafting
the administration�s policies.
Who said that crime doesn�t pay?
The depths to which successive US governments will stoop for
their own ends is illustrated perfectly by the Iran-Contra affair, which
involved members of the Reagan administration who sold weapons to the Khomeini
regime and used the profits to fund guerrillas opposed to Nicaragua�s leftist
Sandinista leadership.
In 1988, the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, headed
by Sen. John Kerry, found that members of the Reagan State Department, who
supported the anti-Sandinista Contras, paid drug traffickers with funds
earmarked by Congress for humanitarian assistance. Reagan and Vice President
George H.W. Bush were later to disavow any knowledge of the scandal.
CIA involvement in the overthrow of the
democratically-elected Chilean government of Salvador Allende in the early
1970s and in the ousting of the democratically-elected Iranian Premier Mohammad
Mosaddeq in the 1950s are just two examples among many of America�s
Both Allende and Mosaddeq were replaced with repressive and
cruel dictators, but as long as they are considered �our dictators� that�s
In light of America�s less than attractive history of covert
interference in other nations� business, I never cease to wonder how some
people still consider Washington a global force for good.
Following the 1991 Gulf War, President George H.W. Bush told
Iraqi Shiites and Kurds to rise up against Saddam and then abandoned them to
their fate. More recently, his son promised Iraqis democracy and freedom only
to deliver fear and bloodshed.
And due to US and British pressure, the Iraqi government has
signed off on a new hydrocarbon law that, if approved by parliament, will hand
over Iraq�s oil reserves to foreign oil giants for 35 years or more.
Isn�t it about time that the leaders of this region took
note of history and wised up? How long will they go on allowing foreign powers
to set nation against nation, ethnicity against ethnicity and sect against sect
so they can steal their assets and further their own global hegemony?
Instead of division there must be healing. Instead of petty
squabbles there must be unity.
Instead of mutual suspicion the groundwork for trust must be
Unless this region comes together, speaks with one voice and
breaks the pattern as the Palestinians have just managed to do, it is likely to
end up broken up into feuding territories hanging on to Uncle Sam�s coattails
and vulnerable to his mood swings forevermore.
S. Heard is a British specialist writer on Middle East affairs. She welcomes
feedback and can be contacted by email at