Headlines: �Ford eulogized for big heart and decency.� �
Decision to pardon Nixon praised as necessary balm for nation in pain.� Nuts. The
only pain the nation was feeling was Nixon. He was a first class pain in the
butt and a criminal. Remember that Ford was also on the Warren Commission that
so obfuscated the assassination of President Kennedy no one knows who did what.
The same goes for Watergate. Now Bush would have us do the same for his crimes.
Thanks in part to Gerald Ford, there was no public hearing
on what happened in Dallas and, thanks totally to Gerald Ford, there was no
public trial for Nixon. Many, many questions about both were never answered,
and conspiracy theories grew out of the questions until today nobody trusts
anybody, especially those in the Bush administration.
It is my opinion that Nixon and his cronies should never
have been allowed to go free. Admittedly, the lower echelon members of the
administration did do some time, but Nixon was never even tried. He should have
been tried, and if found guilty of crimes, punished. To accept the pardon, he
had to have committed a crime to be pardoned for. This makes him a criminal.
But Bush has gone even beyond anything Nixon did.
It was suggested Bush and his cronies be tried by one of the
secret military tribunals they created. I disagree. I believe they should be
tried in a public court as guaranteed by the Constitution, which they have done
so much to destroy. Let the world know that in America no one is above the law.
Even avoiding a trial, Bush and Cheney should be impeached for high crimes. I
can�t think of anything they�ve done that is a misdemeanor.
On December 27, 2006, Congresswoman McKinney of Georgia, the
one who was falsely accused of assaulting a capitol security guard, acted with
courage and intelligence. She introduced Articles of Impeachment against George
Walker Bush, listing three charges: �I. Failure to ensure the laws are
faithfully executed; II. Abuse of office and of executive privilege; III.
Failure to preserve, protect and defend the constitution.�
Each article is supported by specific instances of Bush�s
violations. Under the first she lists Bush�s �Self-Exemption From Laws Upon
Signing,� �Suspension of Basic Legal Proceedings,� �Promoting illegal war,�
�Promoting Torture,� �Promoting Kidnapping and Renditions for Torture� and �Use
of Illegal Weapons.� And for each of these she supplies specific examples, the
fact that torture is illegal and the use of such illegal weapons as depleted
uranium, white phosphorous and napalm in his wars.
Mckinney also points out that �Under Article II, Section 3
of the Constitution of the United States of America, the President has a duty
to �take Care that the Laws are faithfully executed.� In her Article I,
McKinney covers his arrogant explanations for flouting these laws with the
impunity of a dictator, which is in line with a statement he made on December
18, 2000: �If this were a dictatorship, it�d be a heck of a lot easier . . . just
as long as I�m the dictator . . ." He has dictatorial powers now, just
read on.
The other articles are just as thorough but the one that
should really make the American people angry and insist upon impeachment is
�Failure to preserve, protect and defend the constitution.�
It lists, and supports with examples, �(1) Suspension of Due
Process� in violation of Amendments 5 and 6 of the Bill of Rights; �(2)
Unreasonable Searches and Seizures� in violation of Amendment 4 of the Bill of
Rights; (3) �Non-Cooperation with Congress.� McKinney gives examples of his
obstruction of investigations, like resisting the formation of the 9/11
commission and then its investigation. For example, he refused to testify under
oath and had to have �Shotgun� Cheney with him to tell him what to say.
Bush has established in item (4) �an Unconstitutional,
Parallel Legal System� with the military tribunals in violation of our
Constitution, which is our only shield against a dictator who holds himself
above the laws he is sworn to �protect and preserve.�
These Articles of Impeachment, as presented, should be
followed through by the legislative branch of our government.
The USAPATRIOT Act, the Military Commissions Act, and other flagrant
acts giving Bush absolute power, are reason enough to impeach the man. Remember
that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Bush is ignoring the message sent in the mid-term elections
and going right ahead with his so-called vision for America, particularly in
the wars he started. To disguise what he is doing, the words are changed. Sending
more Troopies into Iraq is not an �escalation� of the war, it is a �surge.� �Stay
the course� has now become �moving forward.�
When Nancy Pelosi, now the speaker of The House, said that
impeachment was off the table, she gave Bush carte blanche to do anything that
he can get away with. He will continue to thumb his nose at our Constitution --
which he has done all six years of his presidency -- without fear of any
punishment. The Democrats will complain and make all sorts of noise, but won�t
do a damn thing to stop him or his neocon war strategists. Those people are
still in charge! The Bush War in Iraq is a disaster they created and they
demand that more of our American Troopies die to fulfill their fantasies. None
of those people are veterans and they are playing video war games with the
lives and blood of our people!
authority. It�s the American way.