The entire Middle East is in danger of exploding into a horrific inferno
as the situation in Iraq escalates and grows more intense every day. When the
Bush administration invaded and occupied Iraq they initiated a chain of events
that conceivably could lead to complete chaos and open warfare involving any
number of Middle East countries. If the escalation and intensity we witness
today is drastically magnified, it may well jump-start this Middle East
What prompted that ill-conceived, reckless and insane invasion? Forget
about the weapons of mass destruction, toppling a savage dictator, bringing
freedom and democracy to Iraq and the entire Middle East. By now, the vast
majority of Americans know that all those so-called justifications were part of
a carefully planned program of misinformation, actually blatant lies -- and,
tragically, it worked for more than three years. But now we have reached the
point where the people of America have seen through the smoke and mirrors and
will not buy into any more of this swill.
Yes, Bush & Co. are totally responsible for what they have done and
for what they continue to do in turning Iraq into a never-ending nightmare. And
so they must bear the direct responsibility for the death and maiming of many
thousands of our military and more than a half-million Iraqis. But what
actually prompted them to take such drastic actions to invade and occupy a
sovereign country? What was the real reason for this illegal, immoral invasion?
Here is what I believe it is all about. The world's daily consumption of
petroleum is about 84 million barrels per day. America (5 percent of the
population of the world) consumes about 21 million bpd or an astounding 25
percent of all the oil produced in the world. Iraq is a relatively small
country in an area of our planet where just five countries have about 63
percent of the world's oil reserves. Saudi Arabia (25 percent), Iraq (11
percent), United Arab Emirates (9 percent), Kuwait (9 percent) and Iran (9
percent). And Iraq sits exactly in the heart of all that black gold that fuels
our entire planet. There is no doubt in my mind that Iraq was specifically
chosen as the central launching pad, the most strategic focal point, by which
to control the rich petroleum resources of the Middle East.
But who and what else contributed to this current bloodbath that Bush
and his cohorts created but now have no idea of how to bring under control? It
is our American society, the American people. America has a ravenous,
insatiable appetite, a complete addiction to oil, the resource that in one way
or another affects almost every facet of our lives. We are, without a doubt,
hooked on oil. We are so very much in love with our automobiles. The bigger the
better; the more horsepower the better. Yes, of course, there are exceptions to
the rule, such as that enlightened minority of Americans who are buying hybrids
and other higher mileage autos.
More than 200 million passenger cars and trucks of all types dominate
and clog our highways, streets and Interstates. Millions of trucks deliver not
only essential goods but also untold millions of tons of plastic junk and other
useless products that fill up our big-box retailers. Our economy is totally
based upon continuous consumption and so these millions upon millions of autos
and trucks, and the staggering quantities of fuel that they consume, are the
major reason why we now must import more than 60 percent of our annual
petroleum requirement.
Is there any evidence that our government and our leaders have either
the will or the desire to initiate programs of conservation or the development
of alternative fuels that would greatly reduce our dependence on foreign oil
imports? Little to nothing is being done or even attempted. The oil industry is
such a huge part of our overall economy and it exerts such great influence on
Washington that our leaders have no real motivation or desire to try to solve
this massive, growing problem. So, they continue to "stay the course"
that leads to nowhere except to deepen our dependence on oil as our population
continues to increase.
Think about just how deeply we as a nation are addicted to oil and how
we continue to remain in a state of denial about this issue even as our
addiction grows each and every day. And that one day, if we cannot find the
ways to cure this addiction, our lifestyles and habits will cause great damage
to this nation and to the entire world. As world consumption of petroleum
continues to rapidly increase, outstripping the world's production
capabilities, the United States could become involved in more and more military
actions against other nations over that critical resource.
Most of America has finally awakened to the fact that the Iraq war is
totally bogus, is a complete disaster and that we need to stop this madness and
bring our troops home. But I contend that most of these same Americans just do
not understand or comprehend that their habits and lifestyles are fueling this
potential Middle East inferno and keeping our military caught up in a quagmire
so deep that we know not how to extricate ourselves. That it is our society's
intense love of SUVs, high-horsepower pickups, the ever-growing incidence of
the 4-5-car family, together with longer and longer car commutes that has
created our current dilemma.
And a further problem is simply this. We as a society clearly do not
want to change; we want to continue our current lifestyles that create such
massive problems and result in sending our children into wars of aggression. We
do have choices. We could say, "Enough is enough, we must and will change
how we live," and back off our excessive lifestyles. We could demand that
our government, our leaders bite the bullet and find ways to greatly reduce our
dependence on foreign oil to stop the carnage by which our children and
innocent citizens are dying for no good reason.
Regardless of those naysayers who dispute it and are in a state of
denial, there is a civil war going on in Iraq. The intensifying flames of
hatred between the Iraqi Shiite and Sunni sects are reaching greater and
greater levels, to the point that the entire Middle East could explode. Here's
just how that may happen. Saudi Arabia and Jordan, both being largely Sunni,
are more and more vocal in stating that they will not just allow the minority
Iraqi Sunni population to be beaten into total submission by Shiites. And
Shiites in Iran and Syria say they will stand in full support of their fellow
Shiites in Iraq. Israel and Turkey, with huge interests of their own, are also
warily watching this unfolding scenario.
If the Shiite-Sunni civil war in Iraq continues to rapidly escalate and
spin out of control, it could quickly create a huge flashpoint in the entire
Middle East. The result may well be the ignition of a Middle East
inferno. And our military and other personnel will be exactly in the middle of
it. If Turkey and Israel then enter into such a conflict, the Middle East will
become a literal hell on earth.
And so we will be witnesses to just how one of the most critical periods
in the history of America and the entire world will develop. These are
critical, very dangerous, and ominous times that will shape the future of the
world. The Middle East is now under siege; it stands at a crossroads. Will the
Middle East explode?
Is there any way that we Americans can somehow find a
way to cure our obscene addiction to oil? If the Middle East does explode into
an inferno of hell-like dimensions, we will then have the answer to this
question. Much of the supply lines for oil distribution from this rich area of
production and reserves will be destroyed and the effect on Americans will be
that our lifestyles and our entire lives will be drastically changed. We will
then not need to decide whether we want to seek a cure for our addiction to oil
because that Middle East inferno, if it happens, will make that decision for us
in a most brutal way.