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Commentary Last Updated: Oct 30th, 2006 - 02:18:15

Skilling: An epitaph
By Jerry Mazza

Jeffrey Skilling, 52, former CEO of Enron, now faces 24 years plus four months in prison for fraud, conspiracy and insider trading. This as a decade ago he transformed an unknown pipeline company into an energy-trading tsunami, driven by the accounting scheme he signed off on hiding huge debt and cash flow problems. And then the wave hit the wall.

Oct 30, 2006, 01:02

The politics of delusion and crisis denial
By Rodrigue Tremblay

On May 1, 2003, President George W. Bush stood on an aircraft carrier off the coast near San Diego, California. In order to take full advantage of the plethora of TV crews present (even the education network PBS was there), his propaganda machine had erected a large sign behind him that said "Mission Accomplished." Bush II had decided that the "major combat operations in Iraq are over.'' The American politician had invaded another country illegally, and used military force at his own discretion, with the potential of hundreds of thousands of deaths, and he was crowing about it. In fact, even though Bush did not realize it at the time, Iraq could turn out to be to the United States what Afghanistan was to the Soviet Union, from 1979 to 1988, i.e. a colossal failure.

Oct 30, 2006, 00:55

American voters must not reward failure
By Ramzy Baroud

How critical is the situation in Iraq? It depends on who you ask and when. Common sense tells us that the situation there has always been critical. In fact, one could dare claim that the country has been stricken with political and social upheaval since the early 1990s, when the US led its �coalition of the willing� to liberate Kuwait.

Oct 30, 2006, 00:49

Foreclosure USA
By Joel S. Hirschhorn

We the people once owned our democracy. We elected �representatives� to run it for US. Have you noticed that somewhere along the way we lost our democracy?

Oct 27, 2006, 00:49

Degradation of democracy
By Frank Scott

The usual low November turnout will see some driven to vote by hysteria over a sex scandal, a kangaroo court decision on Saddam, or a North Korean nuclear test. We're lucky that Kim Jong didn't send sexy emails to teenagers, or Armageddon might have arrived even sooner than ruling fanatics imagined.

Oct 27, 2006, 00:43

Will Rogers delivers the Gettysburg Address
By Budd Saunders

I don't mind receiving mail from those who disagree with me, but it would be nice if they had the strength of character to sign their letters. The most recent started, "Like a babbling brook you make a continuous noise, saying the same thing over and over but not making sense." The writer then brings up the usual tired accusation: blaming Clinton for everything corrupt Repubs got caught doing. These accusations are offered whenever the Repubs get caught with their turpitudes hanging out and dragging them down from their self-described "moral high ground."

Oct 27, 2006, 00:41

Chickenhawks in chief
By Ashu M. G. Solo

President George W. Bush�s military record is a shameful display of draft evasion, criminal conduct, and eventually desertion while using his father�s connections to unethically gain advantage over other people and escape criminal prosecution. Vice President Dick Cheney used every trick he could to evade the draft and military service altogether. Their evasion of service has significant ramifications in their execution of the Iraq War. Americans should demand more in their president and vice president.

Oct 26, 2006, 00:55

Charnel house
By Mike Whitney

There are three things wrong with the current policy in Iraq: Occupation, occupation and occupation.

Oct 26, 2006, 00:51

Selling Satan: Iraqi war dead and the collateral damage to America's soul
By Phil Rockstroh

All human beings have a talent for the denial of the more unpalatable aspects of ourselves, but we Americans have turned denial into a form of collective genius. There is no need to burn books, if the public is too ignorant to know they exist -- or too benumbed to resonate with their content.

Oct 26, 2006, 00:46

What arrogance and stupidity?
By Linda S. Heard

What could US State Department official Alberto Fernandez possibly have meant when he blamed his own government for "arrogance" and "stupidity" in Iraq? The White House is so overcome with disbelief that its spokesmen are claiming Fernandez's words were lost in translation as he was, after all, speaking in Arabic for the benefit of Al Jazeera's viewers.

Oct 25, 2006, 00:34

Hitchens hitches his future to the Death Star
By Jerry Mazza

Ian Parker�s recent New Yorker Profile of Christopher Hitchens, �He Knew He Was Right,� aptly subtitled �How a former socialist became the Iraq war�s fiercest defender� is the fastidiously told tale of Christopher Hitchens hitching himself to the Death Star of the administration and its preemptive, unilateral, war on Iraq. May the force wake him up!

Oct 25, 2006, 00:27

Political prestidigitation: The Illusion of a two-party system
By Ben Tanosborn

There appears to be a political pearl of wisdom, one of considerable luster, adorning the forthcoming election. Something like: �If after the non-stop self-flagellation, led by their Dodo-In-Chief, the inept Republicans don�t lose control of Congress -- at the very least the House -- then, the wimpy Democrats, after being comatose for 12 years, will be formally declared a party brain-dead.�

Oct 25, 2006, 00:21

The woman who would be speaker says, "Impeachment is off the table"
By Bev Conover

How does Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who may become Speaker of the House of Representatives if the Democrats win control on Nov. 7, propose the US regain any standing in the world, much less any honor, if George W. Bush and his whole administration are allowed to skate on their criminality?

Oct 24, 2006, 01:02

Putin gets mugged in Finland
By Mike Whitney

Most people didn't pay any attention to last week�s energy summit in Lahti, Finland, but they should have. It was particularly instructive for anyone who is interested in the latest developments in the global resource war.

Oct 24, 2006, 00:51

Israel, Palestine and Canada
By John Chuckman

Canada's 30 Percent Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, just made a speech at a B'nai Brith banquet. Normally, there would be nothing notable in this, but his words this time reinforced controversial statements he made while Israel savagely bombed Lebanon. He also continued driving an ugly new Republican-style wedge into Canada's national politics after calling Liberal leadership candidates "anti-Israel."

Oct 24, 2006, 00:49

Godzilla vs. the Condoleezzard (Celebrating Halloween in the United States of Anxiety)
By Mickey Z.

Halloween is an odd holiday. The ostensible concept, as it has evolved to become, is to shock, startle, frighten, petrify, horrify, and/or terrify . . . all while consuming enough high fructose corn syrup to keep the American Dental Association content for another century or two.

Oct 24, 2006, 00:46

America is no longer free
By Paul Lehto

Habeas corpus -- it's your most fundamental legal right, your right to go to a court and get an order requiring the government to prove that it is holding you in prison with proper legal authority to do so. Without that right, one necessarily lives in a dictatorship. President Bush on Tuesday, October 17, 2006, signed a bill repealing that law, meaning that the administration need not comply or show compliance with law any more with regard to who goes to prison or Gitmo.

Oct 23, 2006, 00:54

The nuclear arms race and national sovereignty
By Rodrigue Tremblay

Are we moving towards a lawless world in which only countries with second-strike nuclear capability will have real national sovereignty? Some countries seem to think that the only way a country can be protected from the actions of international (nuclear) bullies is to acquire the deterrence that having nuclear weapons offers.

Oct 23, 2006, 00:44

One crime too many
By Mike Whitney

Iraq is the great tragedy of our generation. Every day men and women are brazenly killed in their own homes or cities by foreign troops who occupy the country without justification.

Oct 23, 2006, 00:40

Iraq's Orwellian calamity
By Abbas J. Ali

Whether one views the recently reported Iraqi death count statistics (650,000 dead) as shocking or predictable, the fact remains that the unfolding events are indeed dark. For those who are intimately familiar with the neoconservatives� design for Iraq and the region, the scope of the Iraqi deaths and the depth of inflicted tragedies are just an early outcome of the initial implementation of a well-orchestrated plan. What might come, in latter stages, could be even more distressing.

Oct 19, 2006, 00:40

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