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Social Security Last Updated: Oct 30th, 2006 - 02:18:15

Social Security
Bush bounces back for more on Social Security
By Jerry Mazza

For my last birthday, somebody gave me an inflatable Bush punching bag (I wonder why). I used a foot pump to make his shape and image unfold with his game face and large boxing shorts and gloves. And then, when the feeling came over me, whomp, I could deal a left hook or right cross to that blank expression and watch him bounce back in my face. Yet I thought the thrill of a good one-two, three-four or even a workout around the house was fleeting. In fact, even if you invited the neighbors over, left it on the deck for the deliverymen to whack away at, it always popped back.

Jun 29, 2006, 00:48

Social Security
When journalists manufacture a crisis: What decline for Social Security and Medicare?
By Seth Sandronsky

The 2006 Social Security Trustees Report, which includes the Medicare program, was recently released. The trustees projected the year 2040 as the depletion date of the Social Security trust fund versus 2041 in the 2005 report.

May 25, 2006, 00:53

Social Security
Happy 70th anniversary, Social Security
By Jerry Mazza

Sunday, August 14, will mark the 70th birthday of the signing of the Social Security Act in 1935 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was surrounded at the signing by a group of 19 fellow Democrats plus one Progressive.

Aug 9, 2005, 23:13

Social Security
Victory over Bush�s Social Security plan
By Seth Sandronsky

The PR blitz of the Bush White House on the taxpayers� dime to �save� Social Security from running out of funds �is on life support,� according to a recent article in the Washington Post. Who put the president�s plan there? Many people from all backgrounds and walks of life with no name recognition.

Jul 27, 2005, 23:07

Social Security
Younger workers and Social Security: Privatization of the program undermines their future
By Seth Sandronsky

These are tough time for many younger workers in the U.S. Real wages, what they can actually buy with their pay, are falling. The costs of gas, health care and shelter are climbing. Student loans to attend college are fueling debt for younger workers.

Apr 12, 2005, 23:02

Social Security
Viguerie's army attacks Social Security
By Bill Berkowitz

(WorkingForChange)�In their new book, America's Right Turn: How The Conservatives Used New And Alternative Media To Take Power, Richard Viguerie�the right wing king of direct mail�and co-author David Franke describe how the printing press played a pivotal role in the battle between Lutherans and Catholics in the 16th century: "The revolution of 1517 did not begin . . . when Martin Luther posted his controversial 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg . . . The revolution came in the weeks following Luther's posting . . . as his arguments spread across Europe with a rapidity never before seen, and reached the lay public�beyond the clerical community�that until this point had been precluded from involvement in theological issues. . . . That was the revolution, and it was a revolution wrought by the printing press."

Apr 12, 2005, 22:48

Social Security
Untrue colors: Social Security in black and white
By Seth Sandronsky

Can you fool all of the people all of the time? The politics of Social Security suggest not in 2005.

Mar 26, 2005, 22:30

Social Security
Social Security and the lesson of the dot-com bust
By K�llia Ramares

March 10, 2000, marked the end of the dot-com boom. The NASDAQ index closed that day at 5048.62. On Friday, March 11, 2005, the NASDAQ index closed at 2041.60. That�s only 40 percent of what it was five years earlier. In other words, stocks can go down; and stock indexes can stay down. Remember that when you hear about how much better off you will be by putting part of your Social Security taxes into private investment accounts for retirement.

Mar 15, 2005, 22:09

Social Security
Over 55 in the U.S.? Get back to work!
By Seth Sandronsky

Who took one of every two new jobs created in the U.S. over the past 12 months? Give up?

Mar 15, 2005, 22:02

Social Security
�Weading� out the truth on USA Next�s anti-AARP ad
By Jerry Mazza

Just picture it. The ad USA Next displayed February 1 on its website, featured, in the left panel, a young, handsome soldier cradling his automatic rifle with a large red X drawn on him and, in the right panel, two gays in tuxedos, with flowers in their arms, kissing and a large green checkmark drawn on them. Across the bottom of the ad, the words: �The REAL AARP Agenda." Get it?

Mar 11, 2005, 21:55

Social Security
An alternative to the destruction of social security
By William John Cox

George W. Bush has just launched an aggressive propaganda campaign in his battle to destroy Social Security, the only compensation many of us can ever expect to count upon when we are no longer able to work.

Mar 9, 2005, 21:44

Social Security
Selling Social Security reform, Team Bush-style
By Seth Sandronsky

George W. Bush�s push to sell Social Security reform to a wary U.S. public has shifted gears. The second leg of his sales effort has begun with a repeated warning that the popular program faces a crisis, plus a challenge to Democratic opponents to offer their alternative.

Mar 9, 2005, 21:27

Social Security
A 9-year-old shills for Social Security privatization
By Jerry Mazza

Step right up, it�s the greatest carnival on earth. As reported originally in The New York Times, and carried as far as the China Daily, 9-year-old Noah (ain�t he cute)? McCullough of Texas has agreed to shill (stump) for George W. Bush�s Social Security privatization proposal.

Mar 5, 2005, 21:21

Social Security
Bankrupting Social Security to finance fascism
By Jerry Mazza

In 1935, the year Social Security was created, Sincliair Lewis created his amazingly prescient novel, It Can�t Happen Here. In it, a Bible-quoting, folksy politician, Senator Buzz Windrip, backed by ruthless power brokers, uses the democratic electoral process to make himself dictator. He promises "a chicken in every pot" and then some to a country gutted by civil unrest, racism, anti-Semitism, high unemployment, financial scandals, and a fear of foreigners.

Feb 26, 2005, 21:10

Social Security
Bush to Social Security: drop dead
By Harvey Wasserman

(�Let's cut the actuarial doublespeak: Bush comes not to save Social Security, but to bury it.

Feb 9, 2005, 21:01

Social Security
Defend Social Security; defeat bogus �reform�
By Dennis Rahkonen

Let�s make one thing clear at the start. When politicians promote �reform��as in welfare, tort, or Social Security reform�it isn�t justice they�re seeking.

Feb 5, 2005, 20:56

Social Security
Social insecurity
By Frank Scott

A lavish inaugural under police state conditions reminds us that 2005 began with the immoral war and disputed election that ended 2004. And we have other problems. The conditions of our political economy and our cultural arrogance could get much worse, and they will if our social intelligence and collective morality don�t get much better. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Feb 5, 2005, 20:50

Social Security
Bush would inflate the deficit to �piratize� Social Security
By Jerry Mazza

I suppose it�s convenient and easy to call George Bush and his administration reckless and crazy, what with racking up a $524 billion deficit in 2004, the largest portion of it is a consequence of tax cuts for the wealthy. On the other hand, there is a method to the madness of King George & Court.

Jan 14, 2005, 20:37

Social Security
The Idiot's Guide to Securing Social Security
By Jerry Mazza and Dale Coberly
Online Journal Contributing Writers

Since the New York Times reported on December 10 that "Bush Says He Won't Raise Taxes for Social Security Overhaul," we see the president posing once more as Protector of the People's Income. What a laugh!

Dec 17, 2004, 20:31

Social Security
Destroying Social Security to save it
By Seth Sandronsky

Officially, the people of Fallujah, Iraq, are being �saved� with bombs and bullets by the Bush White House. The flattened city, roughly the size of Sacramento, is proof of that. Meanwhile, the administration is pressing forward to �save� the Social Security system for Main Street America. Presumably, introducing personal savings accounts will preserve this program of social insurance.

Dec 10, 2004, 20:24

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Bush bounces back for more on Social Security
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Victory over Bush�s Social Security plan
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