It�s no secret that the radical Christian Right�s most often
quoted �psychologist,� discredited
Paul Cameron, has been advocating killing gays for decades.
At the 1985 Conservative Political
Action Conference, [Paul] Cameron announced to the attendees, �Unless we get
medically lucky, in three or four years, one of the options discussed will be
the extermination of homosexuals.� According to an interview with former
Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, Cameron was recommending the extermination
option as early as 1983. --Mark
E. Pietzyk, The News-Telegraph, March
10, 1995
More about Cameron�s �final solution� is available here
and here.
Of course, most the �Christian� leaders of the anti-gay
movement distance themselves from such outright murderous statement, preferring
instead to run workshops to teach children as young as 14 to hate gays. [1]
Perhaps the kids and other attendees that participate in
LaBarbera�s workshop will be treated to the �Christian� music of You Can Run
But You Can�t Hide, the frontman for which is Bradlee Dean [2]
�Muslim countries that execute LGBTs are �more moral than
even the American Christians.�� One has to assume, therefore, that Christian
fundamentalist Bradlee Dean is also okay with how Islamic
fundamentalists treat women:
The Taliban pounded on the door just
before midnight, demanding that Aisha, 18, be punished for running away from
her husband�s house. Her in-laws treated her like a slave, Aisha pleaded. They
beat her. If she hadn�t run away, she would have died. Her judge, a local
Taliban commander, was unmoved. Aisha�s brother-in-law held her down while her
husband pulled out a knife. First he sliced off her ears. Then he started on
her nose. This didn�t happen 10 years ago, when the Taliban ruled Afghanistan.
It happened last year. . . .
How does one respond to American �Christians� who call for �
or sanction � the coldblooded murder of fellow citizens? How does one respond
to people like Peter LaBarbera whose sole purpose in life is to inspire hatred
and bigotry? And how does one respond to concocted, bogus, unsupportable
statements such as �On average, they [gays] molest 117 people before they�re
found out�?
Well, click here to see how
Larry Adams of Cross Bearer Ministry in Indianapolis, Indiana responded. This
bible-thumping, �good Christian� wants to get out the nooses and hang gay
couples . . . in the name of �God,� of course. (Read the firsthand report see
the sign at The
Bilerico Project.)
One has to wonder why Mr. Adams isn�t crusading for the
other death sentences ordered by the murderous �God� of the Old Testament. You
know, all those blasphemers who work on the Sabbath, wear clothing made of two
different threads and, of course, all those non-virgin brides. Mr. Adams
couldn�t be acting on anything Jesus taught because Jesus never said a word
about homosexuality. He did, however, talk a lot about love and loving one�s
neighbor as one�s self and, of course, treating others as you would want to be
treated. Guess in his rush to buy rope for the nooses to hang gay couples Mr.
Adams missed those parts of the Bible.
Mr. Adams and his sign appeared at one of the stops of the
National Organization for Marriage�s �One Man, One Woman� bus tour. NOM claims
to be �pro-marriage,� but actually they�re anti-marriage in much the same way
Christian Right groups that claim to be �pro-family� are really anti-family
when they work as hard as they can to demean, denigrate and deny gay families
social, economic and legal recognition.
NOM�s July 26, 2010 Indianapolis �rally,� graced by Mr.
Adams, was a bust (photos tell the tale): �NOM
embarrassed (yet again): Equality supporters triple NOM turnout in Indianapolis.�
Another NOM rally turned into a real dog and pony show (with
video): �Pastor
Speaks In Tongues At NOM Rally, And Apparently It Is Suppose To Be Special.�
For other blatantly fraudulent uses of glossolalia for social,
political and financial purposes, check out Jesus
Camp and Bill Mahr�s Religulous.
Frank Schaeffer�s �Will the Right Turn (More) Violent?� and B.E.
Wilson�s �Christian Book
Touting Manly Aggression Inspires Violent Fundamentalist Meth Trafficking Cult� have
commented on the growing trend toward violence in the Christian Right. Prominent members
of the anti-gay Christian Right have been linked to and been supportive of
Uganda�s proposed �kill gays� legislation:
Research Council supports death
By James Withers, contributing editor, 365Gay Blog 06.04.2010
The Family Research Council is a
sponsor of murder. That is not Friday morning hyperbole. Joe, at Joe.My.God,
found out FRC walked the halls of Congress fighting a resolution that denounced
Uganda�s proposal to legally lynch
gays. Two lobbyists were paid $25,000 to lobby the Senate and the House.
Apparently their work wasn�t successful in the Senate because that body passed
its resolution on April 13. However, it �remains languishing in the House
almost four months after being referred to the Foreign Affairs Committee. Did
the FRC�s lobbying kill it?�
This support for state sanctioned murder should not surprise. Remember when Ugandan MP David Bahati said he
had private support from American evangelicals? More than likely he meant these
kooks. And who can forget FRC�s Peter Sprigg? He wants gay sex to be a criminal offense and
�mos deported. Sprigg is the same �scholar� who said gay rape would increase if DADT
was removed.
You have to ask yourself . . .�why?�
Why are the leaders of the Christian Right so belligerent when it comes
to recognizing the social and civil equality of gay and lesbian Americans?
Since Jesus said absolutely nothing about homosexuality, and the Old
Testament mandates death for a whole host of �offenses� -- none of which are
championed or promoted by those who use the Old Testament to advocate killing
or denying gays civil equality -- one has to consider the obvious: the power
and profit incentives of hate-mongering.
Ted Haggard (who frequented a male prostitute) and George Alan Rekers
(who vacationed with a RentBoy male prostitute) are testimonials to the tactic.
Both became rich men pontificating against gays and working against civil
equality. So too have the other leaders of the anti-gay Christian Right who
make a very comfortable living hate-mongering in the name of religion.
Money and Power. They seem to be the only answers to why leaders of the
Christian Right continue to use gays to rally the sheeple and to raise funds
for their organizations and, ultimately, themselves.
But their campaigns have, as noted above, engendered new calls for
violence against gays. To be sure, there have been previous cases in which
�God� supposedly told the righteous to kills gays. [3-4]
Where would these religious zealots get such ideas? From the Bible?
Likely. But then again, the Bible calls for the murder of a variety of
transgressors: those who work on the Sabbath, wear clothing made of two
different threads, and non-virgin brides just to name a few. So why aren�t
these murderous religious fanatics going after them?
Could it be that they were �inspired� to focus their hate
and rage against gays by the vitriolic anti-gay rhetoric of sanctimonious
Christian Right leaders?
Moreover, the leaders of the Christian Right have turned their religion
into one big dour cauldron of negativity. In explaining why she quit
Christianity, Ann Rice captured
the essence of what the Christian Right has done to Christianity:
For those who care, and I understand if
you don�t, I quit being a Christian. I�m out. In the name of Christ, I refuse
to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial
birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular
humanism. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life. . . . It�s
simply impossible for me to �belong� to this quarrelsome, hostile,
disputatious, and deservedly infamous group.
The sign Mr. Adam proudly displayed suggesting gay couple be
hanged is the �natural� result of the Christian Right�s selling and thriving on
1. Cliff Kincaid Added to LaBarbera�s Anti-Gay
2. Target�s
Financial Backing of Anti-Gay Politician
3. God Told Me To Kill Gays
4. God told me to kill them