We have screamed at the heavens and cried bitter tears.
We�ve marched and picketed and gone to jail. And we are sick. Sick of the
corruption . . . sick of the liars . . . sick of this war!
On March 19, the day the U.S. invaded Iraq five years ago,
we�ll be sick of it yet again. But on that revolting day we can do something
nonviolently revolutionary. We can withdraw our consent from this sick system
by calling in sick.
People are signing up to do just that at the �Sick Of It Day� website. With passion
and eloquence they�re saying why they are �sick of it.�
�Because over a million innocents have died. Because the
Democrats, who promised to end the war, have been in control of the budget now
for almost a year and a half, and they have continued to fund the war. Because
I'm disgusted with Bush, Cheney and the Democrats.� --David Lindorff, Amble,r
�The lies, the deaths, the brutality, the sheer hubris and
arrogance, and the obscene profits from it all.� --Ron Jacobs, Asheville, NC
�Because Lavena Johnson is dead and she should not be and
her parents are broken-hearted. Because Ken Ballard is dead and he should not
be and his parents are broken-hearted. Because James Curtis Coons is dead and
he should not be and his parents are broken-hearted. Because there are
"officially" 3,960 young men and women who are dead and they should
not be and their parents, wives, husbands, children, grandparents, siblings,
friends, lovers, and communities are broken-hearted. Because the wounded will
live with their own broken hearts, hopes and dreams. And so will their
families. Because the collective heart of Iraq . . . that is beyond words.�
--Peggy Daly-Masternak, Toledo, OH
�Like hamsters we run the wheel, never getting ahead. While
our leaders kill, bomb & torture for fun and big profits. These soldiers
are our sons & daughters and our government turns them into monsters . . . War
is not glory it's horror . . . This is not life! It's death described as life.�
--Michael McKinney, Bay Village, OH
�My daughter is an Iraq Vet and on Inactive Ready Reserve . .
. and risks another Iraq deployment. Our congresswoman is on the OUT OF IRAQ
Caucus, but continues to fund this occupation every other time it is presented
to her. My x son-in-law is a disabled, Purple Heart Iraq Veteran. We have to
stop drinking the kool-aid, wake up America!� --Dinah Mason, Santa Barbara, CA
�I am sick of hearing people lose hope and say there's
nothing that can be done . . . we can start change now. Being sick of it is
only the first step. We must . . . believe again that we really do have the
power to make an impact, and put our conscience into action.� --Susan Burky,
Reading, PA
�I am sick of seeing another generation of young men and
women get betrayed and destroyed by their country. I am sick of feeling again
each blow a mother gave me when I told her that her only son was killed in
Vietnam . . . I am sick of having the visions of little knee high kids maimed
by bombs in another never should have happened war . . . I am sick that we
never learned the lessons of Vietnam and are repeating them again in Iraq.�
--Paul Appell, Altona, IL
�I am sick of all the killing. I am sick of the lies. I am
sick of the apathy . . . I am sick of feeling ashamed of my country.� --Peggy
Love, Rock Island, WA
�I am sick of seeing America in denial about how much we
have been lied to.� --Adam Kokesh, Washington, DC
�I'm sick of seeing The American People fall for scum bag
propaganda and disempowering their own ears, eyes, brains, and hearts.� --Susan
Galleymore, Alameda, CA
Sick enough? Then sign up here: www.sickofitday.org. And when you call
in sick on March 19, before going back to bed or out to protest, check out this
link to the document that started a revolution against another King George.
Note where it says �Governments are instituted among Men (sic), deriving their
just powers from the consent of the
governed . . . �
We no longer consent. We are sick of it.
Ferner is a member of Veterans For
Peace, the sponsor of �Sick Of It Day.�