It must have been Harry S. Truman, the plainest amongst our
plain presidents, who scared us all into having idiots running our government
by saying: �Whenever you have an efficient government, you have a
dictatorship.� Of course, he failed to acknowledge the possibility that we
could have the worst of both worlds: inefficient government and dictatorship.
And at this moment, we seem to be marching in step to get there soon.
Are our nation�s best and brightest so repulsed by the
bureaucracy in the public sector that decidedly prefer to take up arms running
the predatory wing of the private sector?
Maybe some of the �brightest� are doing that, but they
cannot also be called �best� while allowing themselves to be corrupted by a
heartless capitalism equally ready to reward its bright leaders as it is to
deny countless people from sharing the economic trough.
It does look more and more as if both public and private
sectors are being ran by the very same gang of thieves, all operating from a
single �carnivalesque� den, where the larcenous elite pick the lazy,
career-politicians as their lead carneys for deceit.
And these lead carneys are seldom the brightest, and definitely
never the best!
Americans have done it in the past . . . so why not again? I
mean . . . elect the village idiot to be mayor . . . well, president and CINC
for this US-village we live in. No disrespect intended, not for the sake of
disrespect; certainly not by simply calling a dumb ass who aspires to be
America�s supreme leader by a first, middle and last name, all in one. And
every village, we are told, is expected, certainly entitled, to have one. An
idiot, that is!
One would think that hitting on nine out of 10
prognostications would make most of us who are humility-challenged a bit giddy
zigzagging in haughty satisfaction; almost as if invited to a seminar
conducted, ex officio, by none other than Nostradamus � in spirit, of course.
But to me, this nine out of 10 �good guesses� that I�ve attained during this
past year lose any and all merit when the error, the incredible miss, involves
the man of the hour, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the soon-to-be standard
bearer for the GOP in the coming presidential election. And that�s how I messed
up, big time, when last May in one of my columns I prematurely called this
politician a has-been, and laid to rest his presidential ambitions with an
obituary that read R.I.W. (Rest in War) instead of R.I.P.
Foolish me! Of all the predictions I�ve made throughout the
years, this one I thought to be a cinch, a sure thing . . . an
�almost-certainty� with an infinitesimal margin of error. I was almost
embarrassed to even consider it a prediction instead of a factoid. Pleassse!
How can the Grand Old Party consent to be represented by anyone like John
McCain . . . a person irrelevant in just about every aspect of the party�s
conservative tradition; a true morbid warmonger just like the present occupant
of the White House; a phony funny-racist; an inarticulate man . . . one lacking
minimal brain power? How, may I ask?
Could it be that Americans prefer not to have anyone smarter
than their surrounding mediocrity leading them? Or that after having been
submerged at the bottom of iniquity with George W. Bush for eight years, we
might fee the need for a decompression stop presidency before our nation
resurfaces without suffering from the bends? Nonsense . . . a McCain presidency
would be no different from a Bush�s third term . . . equal opportunity idiocy,
and more thieveries of the filthy, or cleanly, rich.
One cannot fathom McCain as the next president of the United
States . . . the new scorn of the gooks and their new replacements, the
terrorist Islamo-fascists! Not this burnt scrap from the bottom of Annapolis�
kettle. But then again, Americans more often than not seem to side with the
perceived underdog, particularly when seen as a hero-patriot, and it would be
hard to find a greater underdog than the village idiot.
Don�t count McCain out . . . at least for now! It�s an
indisputable fact that in America, money is total power, and at the end of the
day power always grabs the reins.
� 2008 Ben
Tanosborn, columnist, poet and writer, resides in Vancouver, Washington (USA),
where he is principal of a business consulting firm. Contact him at