�Our past efforts to secure Baghdad failed for two
principal reasons: There were not enough troops to secure neighborhoods that
had been cleared of terrorists and insurgents. And there were too many
restrictions on the troops we did have.� --President George Bush, Jan. 10, 2007
So our great leader assures us all will be well in Iraq once
we no longer restrict our troops, increase their number and allow them to kill
more people. And raise greater threats to Iran and Syria, thereby pleasing
evangelical Zionism and bringing the Middle East closer to total chaos.
The dithering incompetence of our mass murderer in chief, as
he faced his deserved shame and political failure, is in flagrant contrast to
the behavior of Saddam Hussein, confronting his legal assassins. Hussein was
portrayed as a fiendish monster, even if it took profound lies and incredible
distortions that treated the American public as a population of morons.
�I call on you not to hate because it does not leave a
space for a person to be fair and it makes you blind and closes all doors of
thinking and keeps one away from balanced thought I also call on you not to
hate the peoples of the other countries that attacked us and to differentiate
between the decision-makers and peoples.� --President Saddam Hussein, Dec. 27,
The dignity with which Saddam Hussein faced his lynching was
hardly in keeping with the image of him previously projected by Western mind
managers. His last moments may have been deemed out of character by his
enemies, but it was their abysmal lack of character which created the whole
sordid affair.
The pornography of his execution was accompanied by claims
of justice having been done, along with some of the most tasteless political
cartoons since the Mohammed caricatures. That last indulgence of alleged
Western freedom helped bring about the Tehran conference on the Holocaust,
which clearly revealed the hypocrisy of the West's claim to free speech, both
in its treatment of criticism of the Holocaust story as heresy punishable by
imprisonment, and its blatantly biased coverage of the conference itself, which
paralleled its slanted reporting of Hussein's show trial.
Saddam's much heralded brutality was really small time by
comparison to the mass slaughters of Bush and Blair. These butchers wade ankle
deep in Iraqi blood, all the while proclaiming their humanitarian search for
justice and end to terror. They achieve a perverse level of coordination in
raping language and poisoning logic, while they murder people and destroy
How does the West look when it massacres in the name of
humanitarianism, and attacks freedom to speak, think or even, in the case of
Palestinians, vote? Societies practicing Western values are revealed as
dishonest at their very core, and when real democracy raises its head it is
immediately decapitated. It is called fundamentalist or terrorist by an
oppressive force which makes fundamentalism or terrorism inevitable.
On those occasions when the voice of the people has actually
been heard, the West has worked to smother it now, and strangle it later. The
example of Hamas in Palestine is most glaring, but throughout the Arab world
where it, the Muslim Brotherhood and Hezbollah increasingly represent the
common people against their tyrants, the empire depicts them as antidemocratic
forces. This, as it murders with impunity, arms local despots who keep their
people in physical and mental bondage, and sucks the earth dry of the poisoning
petroleum that propels its crippled civilization towards ecological doom.
The same is attempted, though with far less success, in
Latin America, where predominantly Christian communities react to centuries of
domination by minority rulers and elect governments of their own. These are immediately
dubbed extremist, communist and any other negative label empire can find to
denigrate an emerging counter force. But the people vote to survive by using
the material abundance of their societies to better their own lives, rather
than watch foreigners and homegrown elites gorge themselves while majorities
live in poverty.
How can they call their systems democratic, when they
haven't learned the simplest and most important rule of American democracy?
Which is: Fundraising! The recent canonization of a new House speaker mentioned
almost as an afterthought that she had served her party as its financial king,
long before she was made its congressional queen.
Democratic power is rising at a time of the most serious
threats to the planet's future. It is given great lip service in our own
founding myth, but is violently suppressed when it attempts to counter those
threats. They are posed by an economic regime which practices without regard
for humanity's future, but only concentrates on creation of profit in the
present. When market capitalism denies global warming or climate change and is
joined in unholy alliance with doctrines of racial and religious supremacy, the
world faces a terror emanating from its internal substance and not any
imaginary external force.
The distortions that motivate consumption at the near speed
of sound and spending at the near speed of light could bring an ominous
darkness to the planet. Menaces to our environment are often blamed on
individuals who pursue greedy policies, but they are the only policies that can
be pursued in a system that does not recognize the possibility of long-range
detriment to all of humanity, but only operates on the short range creation of
wealth for some of humanity.
The crisis of our time may not be any clearer than in the
brief quotes of two leaders, both in our minds and in their words. One was
demonized as evil, by the West, while the other represents real evil, to the
rest. When the assassinated villain speaks with a more humane sense of reality
than the leader of the world's most powerful nation, we should all think twice
about what we are told about anybody, and what we believe about anything.
Copyright � 2007
Frank Scott. All rights reserved.
This text may be used
and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law,
and it may be archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that the
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Scott writes political commentary which appears in the Coastal Post, a monthly
publication from Marin County, California, and on numerous web sites.