"Two things only the people anxiously desire -- bread and
circuses." --Juvenal
Searching for
masculine bliss incarnate?
Look no further than
NFL football and its myriad machismo delights . . .
Fierce armor-clad
gladiators applying wicked hits, battering each other relentlessly, engaging in
bone-jarring collisions, and performing feats of near super-human athleticism .
. .
undressed cheerleaders manifesting our culture�s ideal of feminine perfection .
. .
Rivers of ice cold
beer gushing forth to satiate our desire to numb the mind and lower inhibitions
. . .
And lest we forget,
the NFL provides us with �Man Law� to shield us from our long repressed anima,
which is constantly poised to assail our grossly exaggerated masculinity . . .
For about six
precious month s of the year, the National Football League delivers heavy doses
of testosterone, blood, adrenaline, and alcohol. Man fuel for its addicted
minions. Through the grace of our corporate gods, a host of media innovations
(including a network devoted to the NFL and painstakingly detailed year round
analyses) have significantly diminished the agony of off-season withdrawal.
What could better reflect
the collective psychosis of the American Empire than our mass obsession with
the NFL? Born through violent revolution, expanded by genocide, enriched by
slavery, and elevated to hegemony through imperialism, militarism, and economic
tyranny, the United States, like NFL football, embodies avaricious savagery
masked by a fastidiously maintained illusion of benevolent civility.
Arising from the
same fetid bogs of spiritual decay that spawned the American Way, the NFL reeks
with the stench of corporate tyranny, patriarchy, racism, superficiality,
greed, competitiveness, and materialism.
Like the Roman
emperors, our corporate overlords provide their loyal subjects with panem et
circenses. While hundreds of thousands of human beings (including Americans) are
dying to advance United States' geopolitical interests in Central Asia and the
Middle East, many Americans are more concerned with Peyton Manning�s prowess
under center, LaDainian Tomlinson�s bushel basketfuls of touchdowns, or T.O.�s
latest outrageous escapade.
In a 1992 speaking
engagement concerning his book, Manufacturing Consent, Noam Chomsky
observed, "Take, say, sports -- that's another crucial example of
the indoctrination system, in my view. For one thing because it -- you know, it
offers people something to pay attention to that's of no importance. That keeps
them from worrying about -- keeps them from worrying about things that matter
to their lives that they might have some idea of doing something about. And in
fact it's striking to see t he intelligence that's used by ordinary people in
sports . I mean, you listen to radio stations where people call in -- they have
the most exotic information and understanding about all kind of arcane issues.
And the press undoubtedly does a lot with this."
It is worth noting
that in a few weeks, about 125 million of the Empire�s citizens will settle in
for a day of hedonistic pleasure. Hallmark Cards calculated that the Super Bowl
surpasses New Year�s Eve as the biggest party day of the year. US Americans consume
more food on �Super Sunday� than any day except Thanksgiving. Super Bowl
celebrants will engorge themselves with about 15,000 tons of chips and 4,000
tons of popcorn [1]. Meanwhile, 35,000 human beings will die of starvation [2]
and our government will continue pouring half of our tax dollars into the
murder machine they euphemistically refer to as the Department of �Defense.�
In exchange for
diverting the attention of the masses from our ruling elites� horrendous
misdeeds, the obscenely opulent owners of NFL teams receive generous helpings
of corporate welfare, an exemption from anti-trust laws, and the freedom to
extort the public.
It taxes the imagination
It may seem
unbelievable, but the Daniel Snyder�s of this world are entitled to tax
benefits for a portion of the salaries they pay to players. US tax laws
actually enable NFL owners to depreciate their employees, thus classifying
football players as business capital rather than human beings.
When an owner sells his
team, his profits are taxed as capital gains. Hence these bloated plutocrats
pay a lesser tax rate than we do on our wages or salaries.
And remember those
exorbitant skybox seats that average Joes can only afford in their dreams?
Since 50 percent of the money businesses spend on NFL outings is tax
deductible, corporate elites luxuriate from �on high� for half price.
What happened to welfare reform?
In the late 20th
Century, the public spent $20 billion to subsidize the construction of new
sports stadiums [4].
Logically, one wonders
what the working people got in return for such "investments."
Here is what the
Cato Institute concluded: "The professional sports environment in the 37
metropolitan areas in our sample had no measurable impact on the growth rate of
real per capita income in those areas.
professional sports environment has a statistically significant impact on the
level of real per capita income in our sample of metropolitan areas, and the
overall impact is negative.
"For example,
the arrival of a new basketball franchise in a metropolitan area increases real
per capita income by about $67. But building a new arena for that basketball
team reduces real per capita income by almost $73 in each of the 10 years
following the construction of the new arena, leading to a net loss of about $6 per
Want more evidence
of the fatuous groupthink plaguing the United States? Take note of Microsoft
co-founder Paul Allen. He owns the Seattle Seahawks and is on the public dole
with the rest of the NFL "billionaires� club." In 2000, Allen
demanded that the state of Washington pony up 75 percent of the $425 million "necessary"
to build a new stadium for his team. His net worth at that time? $40 billion.
Despite his nearly unlimited financial means, the state feared Allen�s threats
to move the Seahawks and met his demand [5].
Who has Boardwalk and Park Place?
Operating as a 'legal'
monopoly enables NFL owners to manipulate their market and keep the demand for
professional football teams artificially higher than the supply. Refusing to
accommodate cities that desire (and are capable of sustaining) pro football
organizations allows the monopolists to inflate the values of their teams. For
example, from 1997 to 1998 the average value of a professional sports team rose
from $146 million to $196 million.
The NFL cartel
further empowers these moneyed elites to successfully insist upon insane
television revenues. Who picks up the tab? The cost is ultimately recouped from
the fans in the form of increased cable TV rates and higher prices (to offset
retailers� higher advertising costs during NFL games).
The Football Trust
also endows men like Paul Allen with the power to extort money from taxpayers [6].
According to
economist and author Andrew Zimbalist, the Justice Department could take action
against the NFL, but it is "susceptible to political pressure not to
upset sports." [7] What a shocking revelation!
Hey, coaches, leave our kids alone!
Lamentably, the NFL
also reflects the covert, and sometimes overt, racism which still pervades our
society. In a March 2006 interview with former NFL player Anthony Prior (about
Prior�s book, The Slave Side of Sunday) James Harris noted, "In the
NFL, 65 percent of the player force -- as you know and well document in the
text -- are Black. Six percent of the general managers are Black. No -- as you
noted -- no owners in the NFL are Black [8]."
Later in the
interview, Prior commented, "This is what I call 'mental slavery.' Slavery
is not limited to bondage and chains. You got parents, preachers, teachers,
coaches, fundamentally imposing these characteristics on these young Black
children in America, that without sports, you�re going to amount to nothing.
Every Black athlete we see on a professional level, he is one in 12,000. There
are two things that can�t lie: That�s God and mathematics."
Prior�s quote
underscores what is perhaps the NFL�s greatest sin. Mirroring the deeply
duplicitous Horatio Alger portrayal of upward mobility in the US socioeconomic
hierarchy, the NFL, its loyalists, and a multitude of college and high school
coaches perpetuate pernicious myths. Myths that motivate our children,
particularly those who are Black and impoverished, to pursue pipe dreams,
embrace vacuous values, and severely skew their priorities.
Contrary to the
fallacious belief that football is a viable route to a free college education,
only 20 percent of college athletes receive full scholarships. At least 55
percent play with zero financial assistance. A 1996 study determined that a
mere 45 percent of Black college football players attained their degrees.
Another study
revealed that 66 percent of Black teenagers believe that they will become
professional athletes; 33 percent of White teenagers share the same
Here are some
sobering statistics which reveal the virtual impossibility of their dream:
The US population is
300 million. In 2000 the US Census indicated there were 10 million males of
typical NFL draft age. Each individual�s odds of experiencing life as an NFL
player drop precipitously when one considers that there are only 15,000
football players eligible for the draft each spring. Of those 15,000, 160 young
men secure NFL roster spots. 160 out of 10 million!
While it is
understandable that many Black teens facing significant structural barriers to
escaping a life of poverty aspire to be the next Michael Vick, Harry Edwards, a
Black sports sociologist, put their false hopes and vain efforts into
perspective: �Statistically, you have a better chance of getting hit by a
meteorite in the next ten years than getting work as an athlete.� [9]
Infantile self-absorption
Imagine what our
youth (and the rest of us) could accomplish if we focused more of our time,
energy, resources, and efforts on attainable goals and socially redeeming
Right here in the
United States over a million people are homeless at any given moment. Tens of
millions lack proper nutrition and access to health care. Our infant mortality
rate is the highest amongst industrialized nations. Untold numbers caught in
Katrina�s Diaspora are still scattered to the four corners of the Earth. One in
seven Americans live below poverty level.
And if enough of us
amongst the poor and working class united, it would be within our collective
power to alleviate the suffering of those in need.
Yet we choose to
subsidize billionaires like Paul Allen and to immerse ourselves in NFL
football, the product of an entity that embodies nearly all the reprehensible
traits of predatory American Capitalism.
Our unitary
executive has run roughshod over our Constitution, caused the deaths of
hundreds of thousands of innocents, and blatantly violated the Nuremberg
Principles. In his recent television address, the Decider informed us that he
will defy the will of the American people by sacrificing more of our own and
escalating the genocide against the Iraqi people.
And it would not be
beyond our capacity to end these horrendous crimes against humanity. Without
the complicity of the masses, Bush, Cheney, et al would be rendered impotent.
Yet, we choose to
remain transfixed by the alluring seductions of the NFL and its corporate
Regrettably, it
appears that many of us in the United States suffer from the delusion that the
rest of the world exists to provide for our comfort, pleasure, and prosperity.
Pity we�re too busy �living
NFL and drinking Diet Pepsi� to notice the staggering numbers of emaciated,
mutilated, and obliterated human beings we are leaving in our wake as we
�protect our way of life.� . . .
*Author�s Note: Tragically
ironic, isn�t it, that a nation obsessed with cutting �entitlement programs�
for the poor is so eager to dole out freebies to those wallowing in excess
(1) Super Bowl Sunday Partying
(2) Starvation.net
(3) Public Teams, Private Profits
(4) Taxes: Blitzed by Team Owners
(5) Public Teams, Private Profits
(6) Ibid
(7) Luxury stadiums
point up problems with pro sports monopolies, economist says
(8) The �Slave Side� of
NFL Sundays
(9) Upward
MobilityThrough Sport?
Miller is a wage slave of the American Empire who has freed himself
intellectually and spiritually. His essays have appeared widely on the
Internet, he volunteers at homeless shelters, and he is recovering from his
addiction to the NFL. He welcomes constructive correspondence at willpowerful@hotmail.com
or via his blog, Thomas Paine's