"You [President Paul von
Hindenburg] have just handed over our sacred German Fatherland to one of the
greatest demagogues of all time. I prophesy to you this evil man will plunge
our Reich into the abyss and will inflict immeasurable woe on our nation . . ."
--German General Erich Ludendorff, 1933
"He that is the author of a war
(of aggression) lets loose the whole contagion of hell and opens a vein that
bleeds a nation to death." --Thomas Paine
"[I can't see] how you can be president, at least
from my perspective . . . without a relationship with the Lord. Believing in
God gives you the confidence to make those tough decisions." --George W.
Bush (Washington Times, January 18, 2005)
The neocon hierarchy in Washington, D.C., has
been, for more than a decade now, the main proponent of deliberate imperial and
colonial wars of aggression by
the heavily armed United States.
They persuaded an inexperienced George W. Bush, out of sync
with history, that he would be on a mission to save the world for democracy if
he became a colonialist and an imperialist. Belligerent
Vice President Dick Cheney was
their point operating man within the administration. This oilman, supported by
his pro-Israel deputy secretary of defense, Paul Wolfowitz, and a confrerie of
other neocons, was convinced that by occupying militarily a foreign country,
his Republican government would not only please the Israeli government, large
Zionist campaign contributors and big defense contractors, but could also
guarantee cheap oil for decades to come, while opening the Iraqi territory to
oil exploration by American companies.
They were supported in this by
neocon think tanks, such as the American Enterprise Institute, which provided the blueprints for such imperial and
colonial wars. In the neocons' minds and in Cheney's mind, this was a
win-win proposition, no matter how many lives and disruptions such a coldly
calculated bloody aggression would cause in the Middle East and around the
world. I think they are misguided.
That is, in a nutshell, how the Bush-Cheney administration
stumbled upon a militarist, imperialist and colonialist foreign policy in the
Middle East.
Desperate and already labeled the "worst American
president ever," George W. Bush chose to push aside the wise advice of the
Baker-Hamilton Commission and
drank once more the neocons' potion of a military 'surge' in Iraq.
After the hanging-lynching of prisoner of war Saddam
Hussein, an illegal act under the Third Geneva Convention of 1949, Bush II
fired the top generals who
opposed his "fuite en avant" strategy -- General John Abizaid, the
top U.S. commander in the Middle East, and General George Casey, the chief
general in Iraq -- and replaced them with Adm. William Fallon and Lt. Gen.
David Petraeus.
Last November, Gen. John
Abizaid rejected maverick senator John McCain's and
pro-Israel senator Joe Lieberman's calls for increased U.S. troop levels in
Iraq. General Abizaid said that he had "met with every divisional
commander and had asked them if bringing in more American troops now
[would] add considerably to our ability to achieve success in Iraq and they
all said 'no.'" But Bush, as amateur commander-in-chief, knows better
than the generals in the field and he 'decided' to side with apprentice
generals John McCain and Joe Lieberman.
Gen George Casey, as US ground commander in Iraq, had also
proposed that American troop levels -- now 138,000 -- could be reduced
by 30,000, in order to give the Iraqis a greater role to play
in stabilizing their own country. But George W. Bush thinks Iraq is 'his'
country, (remember, he stole it at gunpoint, didn't he?), and he sacked General
This is eerily reminiscent of what Adolf
Hitler (1889-1945) did in early 1938, around his fifth anniversary
of coming to power, when he replaced his top generals by more amenable ones.
Indeed, on January 25, 1938, Hitler sacked Field Marshal Werner v. Blomberg,
the commander in chief of the German Armed Forces, and, a few days later,
General Werner v. Fritsch, the commander in chief of the German Army. During
the risky and illegal march into the Rhineland a few years earlier, the top
German generals had repeatedly urged Hitler to withdraw his troops out of fear
this would plunge Germany into a new European war with catastrophic
consequences. They were right; 100 percent right.
I also think general Abizaid and general Casey are right and
amateur Bush II and opportunist McCain are wrong, dead wrong.
Amazingly, it was then said about Hitler what is being said
today about Bush Jr., i.e. that he "never trusted his generals, preferring
to rely on his own gut instincts while surrounding himself with weak-willed yes-men."
Bush II is doing the same thing, surrounding himself with supporters
who agree with him about his policy of increasing the
numbers of troops in Iraq, even though such a reckless move is largely opposed
on Capitol Hill and among the American public at large.
It was also then said about
Hitler that "any attempts to get him to change
his mind were a complete waste of time. The generals didn't realize they were
dealing with a man who never changed his mind once he made a firm decision and
would do anything to achieve a desired goal." Sounds familiar! If you
think so, then brace yourself because the worst is still to come.
In an obvious
attempt to salvage his accidental and disastrous presidency, and save face
during the next two years by avoiding a military withdrawal from Iraq, a
country he invaded illegally in 2003 and subsequently completely destroyed,
Bush Jr. is throwing the dice by increasing American troops there, hoping to
temporize until his successor can start with a clean slate and clean up the
mess left behind. The next American president and the American people, not
counting the thousands of Iraqi people set to die under Bush's hand, will pay
the price for this ineptitude.
It does not matter that under the terms of the War Powers
Act of 1973 [Section 4(a)(3)], President George W. Bush is formally required to
obtain Congress's authorization before "substantially [enlarging] United
States Armed Forces equipped for combat already located in a foreign
nation," since Bush II has already indicated that he needs not respect
either international or domestic law. Of course, this is an impeachable offense
when a president does not respect the law. But will the new
Democratically-controlled Congress find the fortitude to act? Not likely,
considering the establishment Democrats
are pro-Israel neocons who stand solidly behind Bush's imperial wars.
To summarize, things could easily get messier in the coming
months, and in the coming
years, because Bush's neocon hierarchy also wants him to
partition Iraq and to attack Iran.
This way, so the neocons think, Israel could feel safer and the U.S. could more
easily control Iraqi oil when it is in regional Kurdish and Shi'ite hands, and
if Iran is distracted from the Iraqi front. And, since Bush II thinks like the
neocons, he will do what Hitler did in 1939, he will escalate the conflict and
create a larger conflagration.
So far, the
neocons have got what they wanted from George W. Bush,
because the American president much prefers to listen to their siren song of
empire than to hear cool-headed advice that such a course of policy leads to
chaos and disaster. Bush II will follow his mentor, Dick
Cheney, all the way down. Even though a large majority of the
American people, 70
percent, are outraged by such callous behavior and disapprove
of Bush's wars, and even though a similar majority of Iraqis want Bush's troops
to leave
their country, and even though Congress
may want to deny him funds for his pet wars,
Bush II does not care because he is answering to a higher call.
Rodrigue Tremblay
lives in Montreal and can be reached at rodrigue.tremblay@yahoo.com.
He is the author of the book 'The New American Empire.' Visit his blog site at thenewamericanempire.com/blog.