A crib recall has been issued after the second infant death was reported. The death report prompted a renewed call to consumers that Delta Enterprise "Safety Peg" cribs have been recalled, U.S. regulators said.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said it has learned of the death of a 7-month-old girl from Colorado Springs, Colo., who suffocated between a detached drop-side of the crib and the mattress in 2009.
The commission said it learned of the death in January.
Previous to an October 2008 recall of the cribs, the commission had learned of the death of an 8-month-old girl, also trapped between the mattress and the drop-side of a crib.
In both cases, the cribs were purchased second-hand.
"Buying or accepting cribs second hand can be risky," CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum said in a statement. "Second hand cribs may not come with all the necessary parts that are needed to make sure your baby is safe," said Tenenbaum. "We urge parents to use caution."
The recall involves 985,000 Delta Enterprise cribs imported from Indonesia and Taiwan, and sold at Kmart, Target and Walmart stores between January 1995 and December 2005 for about $100.
Forty-nine models of cribs with "crib trigger lock with safety peg," are included in the recall, which was first announced in 2008.
Consumers were advised to stop using the cribs that are missing safety pegs on either leg and contact Delta Enterprise Corp. of New York for a free repair kit.
Source: UPI
Crib Recall Enforced After 2nd Infant Death
Mar 23, 2011, 13:51 by David Hope