There are a few things in life that one can count on: death,
taxes, and people wanting to rewrite your play. And, for our purposes today,
the famous dictum from the noted British historian Lord Acton (1834-1902):
" . . . Where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too
frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven
that. . . . Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
It doesn't seem to matter whether those power-wielders are
liberals or conservatives, Democrats, Republicans or Independents, civilian or
military, decent or warped, whatever. There are exceptions, of course, but the
tendency certainly is there for power to corrupt, and the reality that absolute
power corrupts absolutely.
There seems to be something inherent in the holding of power
that goes to peoples' heads. The resulting misrule seems especially egregious
for those leaders who were installed in power via the electoral process.
Somehow, against all expectations, we assume -- we want to assume -- that
elected leaders will be more "pure," less likely to abuse the power
at their command, will be less prone to corruption, will be more accessible to
ordinary citizens.
And then our hopes are dashed when the old crew is defeated
and the new bunch turn out almost or just as bad, or sometimes even worse. (The
only saving grace is that democratic elections, provided they are honest, do
make it somewhat easier to remove bad officials -- at least in theory.)
Again, we're not surprised when a dictator behaves
atrociously -- Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Amin, Mugabe, Saddam
Hussein, et al.; indeed, we'd be surprised if they conducted themselves in any
other way. Dictators dictate and go wild with the power they have at their
command. Eventually, either their own brutalized populations revolt and
overthrow them, or their neighbors or the world community finally decide
they've had enough and engineer their downfall. (It usually takes years for
this revulsion to build to action; in the meantime, during their reigns of
terror, millions have died, economies and institutions are in tatters, and
countries' souls have been strangled.)
So where am I going with this? In case you haven't sussed it
out, I'll be talking here about CheneyBush, the Democratic Party, and Pervez
Musharraf. Lord Acton would have a field day with these guys as negative role
models for how not to lead.
CheneyBush & authoritarianism
Cheney, ever since his days in the Ford Administration, has
been consumed with the desire to expand the powers of the presidency --
presumably as long as he's in proximity to the Oval Office. Candidate Bush
appointed Cheney to go find him the best vice presidential running mate; after
a nationwide search, Cheney reported back that he found the perfect V.P. for
Bush: himself. The rest is (bad) history.
Bush has been quoted at least three times expressing,
supposedly in jocular fashion, that dictatorships are much preferable to
clunky, messy democracy -- "as long as I get to be the dictator." Ha,
As they've clearly demonstrated, neither Cheney nor Bush has
any affinity for the give and take of democracy. Certainly they've evidenced
very little patience for the way the country's Founding Fathers, in their
genius, doled out pieces of power to the three branches of government so that
no one person or faction easily could abuse their limited authority. If the
three branches couldn't come to compromise agreements, there would be
governmental deadlock for awhile and then the people would have a chance to
rectify and alter the situation with their pressure or with their votes in the
next election.
That separation-of-power arrangement worked reasonably well
for more than 200 years, but Cheney and Rove and Bush much preferred a more
authoritarian approach. They put democracy on hold and took matters into their
own hands in order to push their domestic and foreign agendas. The Founding
Fathers, and today's citizens, never imagined the scenario of "men with
the quality of gangsters" in the executive branch amassing all control in
their hands, and acting ruthlessly to maintain that stranglehold on power by
crushing all opposition.
Short version: They relegated the then-minority opposition
party, the Democrats, to non-entity status with the aim of making them
irrelevant to government and, with the help of some electoral dirty-tricks and
vote-manipulation, creating one-party rule for at least a generation or two.
(The result of keeping all power in the hands of the Republicans was that
virtually all bribes and lobbying money went to GOP politicians -- which, given
the truth of Lord Acton's dictum, resulted in numerous corruption indictments
of Republican officeholders a few years later.)
Further, if any bills passed that didn't please CheneyBush
100 percent, Bush would attach a "signing statement" to the
legislation saying he reserved the right to ignore or overturn those parts he
didn't agree with. In effect, a permanent veto power outside the traditional
way of quashing congressional legislation. It's estimated that Bush has
attached close to 1,000 such "signing statements" to laws passed by
Even more outrageous: CheneyBush got their legal counsels
(David Addington/Scooter Libby, Alberto Gonzales) to devise a theory of
governance that permitted Bush to violate the Constitution or congressional
laws whenever he claimed he was acting as "commander-in-chief" to
protect the "national-security" interests of the American people. In
short, under a cockamamie "unitary executive" theory of governance,
Bush would be permitted to act as a dictator on all matters foreign and
domestic. He warned the courts, which he has packed with his own ideological
kinsmen, not to interfere with these prerogatives, and he essentially cut the
legislative branch out of oversight of his behavior and/or ignored their
occasional objections, in effect daring anybody to stop him.
Few felt brave enough to question this misrule at the top,
especially on the subjects of the lies used to invade and occupy Iraq, or on
torture of suspected terrorists, or on the shredding of the 800-year-old
tradition of habeas corpus along with constitutional protections of the Bill of
Rights. (Bush's near-police state included domestic spying without court
warrants, rifling through one's computer, black bag jobs,
"disappearing" citizens into military jails with no access to
lawyers, etc.). With no effective opposition, and with most of the corporate
media parroting the White House spin, CheneyBush have had free reign to rampage
through the law and threaten and invade around the globe. Hundreds of thousands
have died or been maimed as a result -- American troops and Iraqi and Afghan
civilians -- and a new war is being planned for Iran.
The Democratic "Opposition Party"
And how has the ostensible "opposition party"
responded to the "stop me if you can" gauntlet thrown down by
CheneyBush and their GOP supporters in Congress? The Democrats barely take on
the issues that really matter: the ongoing Iraq war, the impending attack on
Iran, the destruction of the Constitution.
In 2006, the American people -- angry and turned off by
CheneyBush's extremism, thorough-going incompetence, and corruption on so many
levels -- voted the Republicans out of power in Congress and installed a slim
but telling Democratic majority. Polls revealed that the voters were fed up
with CheneyBush policies, especially with regard to the quagmire that is the
Iraq war and the violation of their privacy rights, and that's why they gave
the Democrats a mandate to clean out the stables.
But the timid Dems forgot who put them into power and why,
and continued to act as if they were still in the minority by rolling over on
their backs whenever CheneyBush started calling them "soft on
terrorism" or whatever. In effect, the Democrats have become enablers of
the worst policies of the CheneyBush juggernaut, and now have blood on their
The logic of the Dems' easy and constant capitulations is
baffling. Bush is now the most loathed president in modern history, even lower
in approval ratings than Richard Nixon at his lowest, a mere 24 percent, and
Cheney is even lower at 11 percent approval. The public is more than two-thirds
opposed to CheneyBush's Iraq War and Occupation and feel the U.S., in general,
is headed "in the wrong direction." And yet the Democrats behave as
if they have to snap to it whenever the administration looks at them the wrong
Perhaps the best symbol of that timidity is their refusing
to even consider impeachment of Cheney and Bush for a long list of high crimes
and misdemeanors. Because of their wimpy behavior, on impeachment and Iraq, the
Democrats in Congress are held in even less repute than CheneyBush.
Indeed, elements of the Democratic activist base, the ones
who worked so hard to get them into the majority in 2006, are threatening to
abandon the party and are denouncing Dem leaders and many of the announced
presidential candidates for the 2008 race. Many Dems are no longer sending donations
to the party coffers, and, instead, are restricting their giving to specific
candidates who demonstrate moral strength and independence in their policy
In short, as Lord Acton would have known would happen, the
ascension to congressional majority status power has tended to corrupt the
Democrats, and there is great suspicion that if they were given absolute power,
they would be only a little different from the morally-bankrupt CheneyBush
administration, with more wars of choice abroad and more willingness to misuse
the expanded powers of the presidency against their perceived political
Hypocrisy in Pakistan
The situation in Pakistan is uber-serious. If a
centrist/secular Pakisan government were to fall and militant Islamists got
their hands on that country's nuclear missiles, there is no telling what kind
of conflagration might occur in India, the Greater Middle East, or beyond.
But certain lessons can be drawn from the situation there.
And, lo and behold, Condi Rice and George W. Bush delivered some of them,
calling for Musharaff (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) to return to democratic
institutions, guarantee an honest voting process, support a free-wheeling
investigatory press, respect an independent judiciary and oppositional
elements, etc.
Trouble is, the CheneyBush vision of what's wrong is sharp
when it refers to Pakistan but they seem incapable of seeing the mote in their
own eyes. You can't pretend to be an admirable democratic country when you
violate your Constitution and deny citizens their rights, and you can't
denounce torture and mistreatment of protesters and prisoners when you sanction
such in your own behavior, and you can't decry a political leader also being
the head of the military when your country operates that way, too. The American
double standard reeks.
(Catch this quote from White House Press Secretary Dana
Perino when asked about the situation in Pakistan. Question: "It is ever
reasonable to restrict constitutional freedoms in the name of fighting
terrorism?" Her unequivocal answer: "In our opinion, No." Oh,
but I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.)
Limited choices in Pakistan
In a way, what's happening in Pakistan, with Musharraf
proclaiming martial law and arresting his political enemies, is reminiscent of
the era of Cold War politics. The U.S. supported with gobs of money and
military aid any country that professed "anti-communism"; this policy
meant that the U.S. lost popular international support around the globe because
we were backing the worst sort of dictators who repressed their peoples (Marcos
in the Philippines, the Shah of Iran, the apartheid regime in South Africa,
etc. etc.). And here we are again: If you claim you're
anti-"terrorist," America will supply you with billions in cash,
police "training," and loads of high-tech weaponry.
Musharraf, who assumed office in a military coup, always has
been in a delicate position with his own people. He has to mollify the U.S.,
his major benefactor, while not losing the support of his more nationalist,
Islamic population. Eventually, of course, by being so tightly allied to Bush,
he antagonized the nationalists and the Islamist extremists, the latter of whom
began suicide bombing in Karachi, Islamabad and beyond. By stomping on his
political opposition, Musharraf, who continued to head the military while
serving as president, nearly destroyed the moderate middle of the political
spectrum. Now what does he do?
(If he loses the election he promises to hold in January or
February, and militant Islamists were to move into power, would the U.S. honor
the democratic will of the Pakistani citizenry? Or, as happened in the
Palestinian territories, would the U.S. denounce the result of the election and
refuse to deal with the popularly elected victors? For CheneyBush, democracy is
a bitch when the "wrong" people get elected.)
CheneyBush have few decent choices with regard to Pakistan.
They could cut Musharraf loose and support Bhutto, but she has yet to
demonstrate that she can command the allegiance of the people, that she can
govern from the middle, that she would be any more welcome by fundamentalists
in her country. How to arrange all this without greasing the tracks for the
militant Islamists to ride into power -- that's the trick.
A talented diplomatic magician is needed to help arrange
this trick, and the U.S. should be in the thick of it. But Bush, Cheney and
Rice (fixated as they are on the catastrophe they've unleashed in Iraq and now
on how and when to attack Iran) have demonstrated time and time again over the
past seven years that they are not skilled at the kind of nuanced diplomatic
negotiations that are required.
My guess is that we'd better prepare ourselves for what's
about to hit the giant fan in South Asia. Break out the umbrellas.
Copyright � 2007
Bernard Weiner
Weiner, Ph.D., has taught government & international relations at various
universities, worked as a writer/editor with the San Francisco Chronicle,
and currently co-edits The Crisis Papers.
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