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Special Reports Last Updated: Jun 4th, 2007 - 00:34:57

Egypt photo gallery
Photos by Bev Conover
Online Journal Editor & Publisher

Jun 4, 2007, 00:27

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In the following photos, I endeavored to capture the essence of the places I visited in Egypt.


Cairo, looking east across the Nile. Notice the sand at the horizon blowing in from the desert.

Cairo, looking southeast across the Nile.

Pollution, sand and the threat of a rainstorm that never materialized cast a haze over Cairo seen from the highest point: Moqattam. Notice the pyramids barely visible in the distance.

A felucca sailing on the Nile.

One of the many colorful boats that cruise the Nile at night.

A Cairo traffic jam.

A Cairo produce vendor.

More Cairo street vendors.

The Arkadia Mall, Cairo.

The Khan el-Khalili market.


A harbor view of Alexandria.

An older Alexandria street.

Postcard: The new Alexandria Library.

Across the harbor, the massive new Alexandria Library (slightly left of center) is totally out of character with the surrounding buildings.

An interior view of the new Alexandria Library

A man riding on a donkey-drawn cart takes his produce to market in Alexandria.

In this old section of Alexandria, craftsmen make intricately carved furniture.

Mediterranean beachgoers in Alexandria.

Carrefour in Alexandria.


The pyramids of Giza.

The queens' pyramids, Giza.

Camels and riders, Giza.

The Giza tomb of Hemom, believed to have been the architect of the Great Pyramid.


Framing in the rich Nile Delta, between Cairo and Alexandria.

Threshing wheat on a Nile Delta farm between Cairo and Alexandria.

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