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Special Reports Last Updated: Sep 24th, 2010 - 00:30:04

Assassination of Pakistani political figure in London linked to CIA, Mossad, and RAW
By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Sep 24, 2010, 00:18

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(WMR) -- The assassination on September 16 of exiled Pakistani Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) [United National Movement] leader Imran Farooq outside of his Edgware, London home has been linked to the ongoing joint CIA-Israeli Mossad-Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) Pakistan destabilization program, according to WMR�s Asian intelligence sources who have been closely monitoring the attempts by the three foreign intelligence agencies to bring about chaos in Pakistan.

The subsequent blaming of Farooq�s stabbing death on the Pakistani Taliban has been linked to a global media disinformation network that includes such media outlets at Rupert Murdoch�s Sky News, CNN, IBN-CNN of India, NBC, Pakistan�s GEO-TV, India�s Aaj Tak TV, and the Voice of America (VOA) whose �news� operations are being coordinated by the State Department.

The disinformation operation, which sees independent news blogs as �national security threats,� has also been linked to the American Jewish Committee and the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, led by Cass Sunstein, a proponent of draconian Internet controls.

The media outlets are attempting to blame the terrorist attacks and assassinations in Pakistan, as well as the hit on Farooq in London, on the Pakistani Taliban, when in fact the attacks are being planned and carried out jointly by CIA-Mossad-RAW teams using local Pakistani intelligence assets.

The assassination of Farooq, who had been granted political asylum in Britain, was almost immediately blamed by the Counter Terrorism Command of Scotland Yard on the Pakistani Taliban.

WMR previously reported that the Pakistani Taliban was being blamed for a spate of terrorist attacks in Pakistan that were actually carried out by Blackwater/Xe personnel operating under the aegis of the CIA.

The destabilization operation is intended to weaken the Pakistani governments control over the country to the point Western military forces, as well as those of India and Israel, will have a reason to seize Pakistan�s nuclear arsenal.

The murder of Farooq had its desired effects. Seventeen people, including two MQM officials, were killed by targeted gunfire amid rioting in Karachi, the major base of MQM support, after news of Farooq�s assassination reached the city.

Blackwater/Xe teams are known to be operating in Karachi.

Pakistan has faced a growing rebellion in the Sindh province, for which Karachi is the capital, and the assassination of Farooq has exacerbated tensions in the province.

The MQM party originally represented the interests of the Mujahirs, Musliims who left India for the Sindh regioj of Pakistan after the 1947 partition of British India into India and Pakistan.

The CIA-Xe-Mossad-RAW alliance has also been stoking tensions in other restive provinces, including Baluchistan, the Northwest Frontier Province, Azad Kashmir, and the Federally-Administered Tribal Area (FATA).

Previously published in the Wayne Madsen Report.

Copyright � 2010

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required).

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