To refute the
laissez-faire capitalism often ascribed to Adam Smith, it is only necessary to
quote . . . Adam Smith
It would be nearly impossible to quantify the number of
times that pro-corporate, laissez-faire activists have used the phrase
�invisible hand� to justify all manner of unjust and brutal economic policies
and their outcomes. This concept has provided to the pro-corporate right an
enormous intellectual legitimacy and advantage over their liberal and leftist
opponents who seek to limit the excesses of private corporate power. Faced with
the unquestioned assumptions implied in the idea of the �invisible hand,� the
arguments of liberal opponents often draw little more than scorn, derision, or
The legitimacy of unregulated corporate power is further
entrenched by largely unchallenged claims that laissez-faire capitalism is the
closest incarnation of the Enlightenment values of rationality, freedom, human
rights, and political self-determination. For example, Andrew Bernstein,
writing in Capitalism Magazine, states �The Enlightenment upheld three
fundamental principles: the rational mind, the rights of the individual,
political-economic freedom. These principles form the essence of capitalism.
Capitalism is -- historically and philosophically -- the political/economic
system of the Enlightenment.�[1]
Indeed, the success of such propaganda seems to have
permanently distorted the thinking of leftists and made many of them hate the
Enlightenment, the philosophic movement that provides the basis for values of
reason, freedom, and human rights. As a result, a profound state of confusion
exists among many supporters of these values, who are then easily manipulated
into embracing suicidal and self-destructive post-modernist philosophies, in
which objectively provable facts are regarded as mere social constructions.[2]
The purpose of this article is to consider constructive ways
in which opponents of undemocratic private power might counter the arguments
put forth by laissez-faire activists. In particular, it is useful to consider
what Adam Smith, the Enlightenment philosopher, actually thought about
capitalism, political and economic freedom, and human rights. Did he really
describe capitalism as the promoter and protector of Enlightenment values? The
answers will surprise those who have never questioned the corporate-funded,
laissez-faire activists who have constructed the popular image of Adam Smith.
Even so, it would be a distortion to ignore legitimate
points raised by the Right as they read Smith. Smith became chair of logic at Glasgow
University in Great Britain in 1751, and then chair of moral philosophy in
1752. He was appointed commissioner of customs in 1778,[3] two years after the American
colonies declared independence from King George III.[4] In 1776, he published his famous
economics tome, An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
commonly referred to as Wealth of Nations, to which the remainder of
this essay will refer.
Smith opens Wealth of Nations with a lengthy
description of how the division of labor, or specialization, benefits and
increases trade. Many anti-capitalist workers and philosophers, such as Marx,
objected to the division of labor and the wage system, claiming that they
alienated producers from their work. In contrast, Smith seems to approve of the
division of labor wholeheartedly. He writes in the first paragraph of the first
chapter that �The greatest improvement in the productive powers of labour . . .
seem to have been the effects of the division of labour.�[5] Division of labor
makes workers more efficient,[6]
but specialization is limited by the size of the market.[7] Higher wages are
the product, not of the total wealth of a society, but of the rate at which
wealth is expanding.[8]
One of the early advocates of free trade, Smith deplores the
use of tariffs and other protectionist measures. He argues, for example, that
constraining imports sacrifices the good of the consumer to the profit of
Smith rails against regulations meant to enhance domestic industries, claiming
that they actually harm the nation. He objects especially to subsidies and
monopolies. Trade conducted freely is always beneficial. �That trade which,
without force or constraint, is naturally and regularly carried on between any
two places is always advantageous . . ."[10]
Subsidies hurt the economy because they force trade into
much less efficient channels than if there were no subsidies.[11] Other types of
regulation hurt the economy because they enforce monopolies that misallocate
resources. The private interests of individuals naturally lead them to allocate
resources most efficiently.[12]
Because workers and laborers are the most susceptible to a drop in, or stagnation
of, economic growth, they suffer because of misguided regulation.[13]
While Smith believed it was better for the nation if
individuals did employ their investment capital nearer to home than far away,
Smith was adamantly opposed to regulating such deployment of capital: �What is
the species of domestic industry which his capital can employ, and of which the
produce is likely to be of the greatest value, every individual . . . can, in
his local situation, judge much better than any statesman or lawgiver can do
for him.� Favoring domestic industry with regulation interferes with private
individuals� right to deploy their own capital as they see fit. Such regulation
�must, in almost all cases, be either a useless or a hurtful regulation.�[14]
Smith inveighs at length against mandatory apprenticeships,
and he regards regulations requiring apprenticeships as infringement upon the
rights of both employers and employees. The mandatory apprenticeship is �a
manifest encroachment upon the just liberty both of the workman, and of those
who might be disposed to employ him.�[15]
Smith also argues against restrictions on the movement of labor. �The policy of
Europe, by obstructing the free circulation of labour and stock both from
employment to employment, and from place to place, occasions in some cases a
very inconvenient inequality . . ."[16]
Smith does not particularly object to the inequality between
laborers and proprietors; he believes that proprietors suffer greatly if
general prosperity declines, stating �The order of proprietors may, perhaps,
gain more by the prosperity of the society, than that of labourers: but there
is no order that suffers so cruelly from its decline.�[17]
Now, let us consider some of Adam Smith�s arguments that
contradict the modern message of conservative laissez-faire capitalism.
1. Adam Smith was pro-labor
Adam Smith discusses the relationship between workers and
owners, or labor and masters, respectively, stating �It is not, however,
difficult to foresee which of the two parties must . . . have the advantage in
the dispute, and force the other into a compliance with their terms. The masters,
being fewer in number, can combine much more easily; and the law, besides,
authorises, or at least does not prohibit their combinations, while it
prohibits those of the workmen.�[18]
This statement describes the legal environment which has dominated US labor
history, where the courts repeatedly sided against labor both in the enactment
of workplace protection and through the issuance of injunctions to break
The U.S. labor movement struggled for over a century to
obtain the right to collectively bargain. Smith anticipates the vigor with
which the masters would oppose the workers, noting that in labor disputes, the
masters �never cease to call aloud for the assistance of the civil magistrate,
and the rigorous execution of those laws which have been enacted with so much
severity against the combinations of servants, labourers, and journeymen.�[20] Smith tells us
that it is, in fact, the masters who enjoy a favorable bias in the public
arena. �We rarely hear, it has been said, of the combinations of masters,
though frequently of those of workmen. But whoever imagines, upon this account,
that masters rarely combine, is as ignorant of the world as of the subject.�[21] Smith explains the
goal of such �combinations,� and their frequency: �Masters are always and every
where in a sort of tacit, but constant and uniform combination, not to raise
the wages of labour above their actual rate.� But sometimes, the masters
determine that even the actual prevailing wage is too high, meaning, �Masters
too sometimes enter into particular combinations to sink the wages of labour
even below this rate. These are always conducted with the utmost silence and
secrecy, till the moment of execution, and when the workmen yield, as they
sometimes do, without resistance, though severely felt by them, they are never
heard of by other people,�[22]
issuing another reminder that the hardships inflicted by masters on workers
seldom receive public attention.
Smith notes that workmen sometimes �combine of their own
accord to raise the price of their labour.�[23]
While the reasons for forming such combinations may vary, �whether their
combinations be offensive or defensive, they are always abundantly heard of.�
Smith�s description of the overall situation is one where any real or perceived
imposition on the masters is abundantly publicized, whereas the hardships imposed
by the masters on the workers receives little attention. While it is true that
the workmen �have always recourse to the loudest clamour, and sometimes to the
most shocking violence and outrage,� Smith explains, �They are desperate, and
act with the folly and extravagance of desperate men, who must either starve,
or frighten their masters into an immediate compliance with their demands.� In
spite of such antagonism, however, �The workmen, accordingly, very seldom
derive any advantage from the violence of those tumultuous combinations, which
. . . generally end in nothing, but the punishment or ruin of the
Smith comments on what he thinks a fair wage might be: �It is but equity,
besides, that they who feed, cloath and lodge the whole body of the people,
should have such a share of the produce of their own labour as to be themselves
tolerably well fed, cloathed and lodged.�[25]
Such a statement dispenses with current notions that workers only deserve what
the �free market� happens to provide.
2. Adam Smith distrusted and denounced the capitalist class
Adam Smith describes the relations of the three fundamental
groups in the economy, the proprietors of land, those whose wages support them,
and third, the owners of stock, who employ the workers and thus control the
economy due to their ownership. Smith observes that the interests of the owners
does not always match the interests of workers or even society at large. The
reason is:
�the rate of profit does not, like rent and wages, rise with
the prosperity, and fall with the declension of the society. On the contrary,
it is naturally low in rich, and high in poor countries, and it is always
highest in the countries which are going fastest to ruin. The interest of
this third order, therefore . . . is always in some respects different from,
and even opposite to, that of the public . . . to narrow the competition,
is always the interest of the dealers . . . but to narrow the competition . . .
can serve only to enable the dealers, by raising their profits above what they
naturally would be, to levy, for their own benefit, an absurd tax upon the rest
of their fellow-citizens. The proposal of any new law or regulation of
commerce which comes from this order, ought always to be listened to with great
precaution, and ought never to be adopted till after having been long and
carefully examined, not only with the most scrupulous, but with the most
suspicious attention. It comes from an order of men, whose interest is never
exactly the same with that of the public, who have generally an interest to
deceive and even to oppress the public, and who accordingly have, upon many
occasions, both deceived and oppressed it.�[26] [emphasis added]
Smith also describes a major impediment to the genuine free
trade that he advocates: the lobbyist. Public opinion is against the
establishment of complete free trade, but �What is much more unconquerable� is
the �private interest of many individuals.� The monopoly of manufactures was
�like an overgrown standing army� which have �become formidable to the
government, and upon many occasions intimidate the legislature.�[27]
3. Adam Smith argued against corporate privilege
Smith believed that the primary purpose of the corporation
was to secure special privileges. �The policy of Europe occasions a very
important inequality . . . by restraining the competition in some employments
to a smaller number than might otherwise be disposed to enter into them. The
exclusive privileges of corporations are the principal means it makes use of
for this purpose.�[28]
�[An] increase of competition would reduce the profits of the masters as well
as the wages of the workmen. The trades, the crafts, the mysteries, would all
be losers. But the public would be a gainer, the work of all artificers coming
in this way much cheaper to market.�[29]
Corporations inhibit competition, which would otherwise
lower costs through the reduction of wages and profits. In this manner, both
the workers and the owners of the corporations have a stake in maintaining the
system. Such interplay of interests explains the willingness of organized
labor, in the auto industry, for example, to band together with their corporate
employers in the early 1980�s to support the bailout of Chrysler with taxpayer
money, putting Japanese vehicles of higher quality at a disadvantage.
In the book The
Emperor�s Nightingale, Robert Monks analyzes Wealth
of Nations and argues that Smith voiced four basic concerns
about the corporation, then called a joint-stock company. These were the
tendencies to seek unlimited life, unlimited size, unlimited power, and
unlimited license.[30]
Monks first point is that Smith saw that corporations tended
to seek unlimited life, and argued that their charters be terminated upon
completion of whatever task they originally had set out to accomplish. �A
temporary monopoly of this kind may be vindicated upon the same principles upon
which a like monopoly of a new machine is granted to its inventor, and that of
a new book to its author. But upon the expiration of the term, the monopoly
ought certainly to [terminate] . . . and the trade to be laid open to all the
subjects of the state.�
Smith then explains the effects of permanent monopoly: �By a
perpetual monopoly, all the other subjects of the state are taxed very absurdly
in two different ways; first, by the high price of goods . . . and, secondly,
by their total exclusion from a branch of business . . ."[31]
Secondly, Monks argues that Smith objected to the
corporation�s tendency to increase in size seemingly without bound. �Such companies
. . . commonly draw to themselves much greater stocks than any private
copartnery can boast. The trading stock of the South Sea Company, at one time,
amounted to upwards of thirty-three million eight hundred thousand pounds. The
dividend capital of the Bank of England amounts at present, to ten millions
[sic] seven hundred and eighty thousand pounds.� Capital of such size makes it
easy for managers to neglect its management.�[32]
Monks' third point is that Smith argued against the
corporation�s tendency to unaccountable power and corruption. Speaking of the
East India Company, he writes �The great increase of their fortune had, it
seems, only served to furnish their servants with a pretext for greater
profusion, and a concern for greater malversation,* than in proportion even to
that increase of fortune.�[33]
Smith also notes the malevolent role that could be played by investors in such
corporations. He explains that a stockholder might purchase stock in the East
India Company �merely for the influence which he expects to acquire by a vote
in the court of proprietors. It gives him a share, though not in the plunder,
yet in the appointment of the plunderers of India� so that he may �enjoy this influence
. . . and . . . provide for a certain number of his friends,� even though there
may be little return on the actual capital invested.[34]
In Smith�s time, corporations often received charters to
establish garrisons and forts in the British Empire. They also often were
granted the right to negotiate peace settlements or declare war. �The joint
stock companies which have had the one right, have constantly exercised the
other, and have frequently had it expressly conferred upon them.� Of this
bestowal of war-making ability, he writes �How unjustly, how capriciously, how
cruelly they have commonly exercised it, is too well known from recent
an experience the world all too often forgets.
Monks' fourth point, which he calls the quest for �unlimited
license,� encompasses the other three, but includes the lack of accountability
so often found in the corporation. Monks quotes Smith, �The directors of such
companies, however, being the managers rather of other people�s money than of
their own, it cannot well be expected that they should watch over it with the
same anxious vigilance with which the partners in a private copartnery
frequently watch over their own . . . Negligence and profusion, therefore, must
always prevail, more or less, in the management of the affairs of such a
Smith saw other hazards besides error or waste inherent in
the separation of ownership and management. Speaking of the investors and
proprietors of the East India Company, referring to them at one point as
unaccountable �sovereigns� over the people of India, Smith wrote �No other
sovereigns ever were, or, from the nature of things, ever could be, so
perfectly indifferent about the happiness or misery of their subjects, the
improvement or waste of their dominions, the glory or disgrace of their
administration, as, from irresistible moral causes, the greater part of the
proprietors of such a mercantile company are, and necessarily must be.�[37]
Smith regarded the corporation as another impediment to free
trade, which needed to be weakened by removing its special privileges. �Let the
same natural liberty of exercising what species of industry they please, be
restored to all his majesty�s subjects . . . that is, break down the
exclusive privileges of corporations, and repeal the statute of
apprenticeship . . . and add to these the repeal of the law of settlements, so
that a poor workman, when thrown out of employment either in one trade or in
one place, may seek for it in another trade or place, without the fear of a
prosecution or of a removal.�[38]
4. Adam Smith argued for investment at the local or domestic
Perhaps the most often misquoted of Smith�s statements is
the ubiquitous �invisible hand.� Arguably Smith�s most famous phrase, it should
be examined in context. The full paragraph is as follows:
�But the annual revenue of every society is always precisely
equal to the exchangeable value of the whole annual produce of its industry, or
rather is precisely the same thing with that exchangeable value. As every
individual, therefore, endeavours as much as he can both to employ his
capital in the support of domestic industry, and so to direct that industry
that its produce may be of the greatest value; every individual necessarily
labours to render the annual revenue of the society as great as he can. He
generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows
how much he is promoting it. By preferring the support of domestic to that
of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that
industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he
intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an
invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Nor
is it always the worse for the society that it was no part of it. By pursuing
his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually
than when he really intends to promote it. I have never known much good done by
those who affected to trade for the public good. It is an affectation, indeed,
not very common among merchants, and very few words need be employed in
dissuading them from it.�[39]
[emphasis added]
In other words, by preferring to employ capital
domestically, traders benefit the society more than they know or intend. This
theme of giving precedence to domestic deployment (investment) of capital flies
in the face of business and financial globalization as currently practiced
under the rubric of �free trade.� For example, Nicolas Kristoff and David
Sanger described how President Clinton adopted and aggressively pushed the
policy of free-flowing international capital that preceded, and likely caused,
the East Asia financial crisis of 1997-1998.[40]
5. Adam Smith advocated taxing the rich
Smith advocated taxing the rich to support the poor by the
use of a tollway tax: �When the toll upon carriages of luxury, upon coaches,
postchaises, &c. is made somewhat higher in proportion to their weight,
than upon carriages of necessary use, such as carts and wagons, &c. the
indolence and vanity of the rich is made to contribute in a very easy manner to
the relief of the poor . . ."[41]
6. Adam Smith observed that state power could be used to
protect human rights
�The law, so far as it gives some weak protection to the
slave against the violence of his master, is likely to be better executed in a
colony where the government is in a great measure arbitrary, than in one where
it is altogether free. In every country where the unfortunate law of slavery is
established, the magistrate, when he protects the slave, intermeddles in some
measure in the management of the private property of the master; and, in a free
country . . . he dare not do this but with the greatest caution and
circumspection . . . But in a country . . . where it is usual for the
magistrate to intermeddle even in the management of the private property of
individuals . . . it is much easier for him to give some protection to the
slave; and common humanity naturally disposes him to do so.� Smith concludes, �That
the condition of a slave is better under an arbitrary than under a free
government, is, I believe, supported by the history of all ages and nations.�[42]
7. Adam Smith looked to government-supported education to
mitigate the effects of the division of labor
While Adam Smith expounded upon the virtues of the division
of labor early in the book, he simultaneously abhorred the effects of the
division of labor, upon which capitalism is founded, and recommended government
sponsored education to compensate for its deleterious effects. Smith eloquently
describes the effects of the division of labor upon the largest portion of
society, the labourers, whose work becomes �confined to a few very simple
operations, frequently to one or two.� Unfortunately, people derive their
understanding of the world from their everyday experience, which is largely
their daily work. This means that:
�The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few
simple operations . . . generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is
possible for a human creature to become. The torpor of his mind renders
him, not only incapable of relishing or bearing a part in any rational
conversation, but of conceiving any generous, noble, or tender sentiment, and
consequently of forming any just judgment concerning many even of the ordinary
duties of private life. Of the great and extensive interests of his country he
is altogether incapable of judging; and unless very particular pains have been
taken to render him otherwise, he is equally incapable of defending his
country in war. The uniformity of his stationary life . . . renders him incapable
of exerting his strength with vigour and perseverance, in any other
employment than that to which he has been bred. . . . in every improved and
civilized society this is the state into which the labouring poor, that is, the
great body of the people, must necessarily fall, unless government takes some
pains to prevent it.�[43]
[emphasis added]
A comprehensive interpretation of Wealth of Nations
Many who might agree with Smith as he criticized capitalists
and corporations may be hesitant to accept his defense of free trade. However,
it is important to understand that trade and capitalism are not synonymous.
Trade, ingenuity, and the entrepreneurial spirit existed for millennia before
capitalism. What Smith criticized was not economic activity, prosperity, or
initiative, but the effects of concentrations of power and wealth. He argued
that such concentrations actually hurt society, because those who accumulated
such power re-engineered society for their own benefit. While Smith
acknowledged that government policies may be counterproductive or even stupid,
Smith claimed that it was private power that acted in a truly malicious
Nevertheless, much of what Smith says against the
institution of the corporation applies equally well to the institution of
government. For example, when discussing how the management of large
corporations were managing �other people�s money,� and thus likely to waste and
squander it, such a moral hazard runs rampant in government. Statements he made
against war-mongering corporations that operated the forts and garrisons in his
time apply equally well to oppressive, war-mongering governments.
Smith does not address a crucial difference between the
corporation and the government. Governments, however imperfect, can be brought
under a degree of democratic control. In principle, voters can remove corrupt
or ineffective politicians. The public has no direct input as to how powerful
private individuals or businesses deploy their capital. Consumers may choose
what to buy from whom, but multinational corporations receive income from the
sales of goods, services, interest income and even currency speculation.
Consumers have little ability to check the political and economic power of
multinational corporations because of the corporations� enormous diversity of
income sources. As Smith described, those who profit from such corporations also
have a disproportionate influence on the legal system. Only the legal
institutions of governments can challenge excessive private power. If one
desires a great weakening of government, one must also advocate the
abolishment, at a minimum, of corporations that enjoy unlimited life and power.
In his argument for unregulated global capitalism, referred
to at the beginning of this article, Bernstein claims � . . . Adam Smith, as
fully of the Enlightenment in his thinking as in his lifespan, advocated a system
of �natural liberty. . . . On grounds of both economic utility and the rights
of man, Smith endorsed economic liberty -- the rights of the individuals to
compete freely and peacefully, free of coercive interference from the
government. . . ."[44]
can now begin to formulate a Smith-based rebuttal to this oversimplified and
inaccurate portrayal of Adam Smith. Regarding economic utility, Smith showed
that the capitalist class and the corporation could undermine economic
efficiency and utility because of their propensity to form �combinations� and
limit or eliminate their competition. Government could undermine efficiency and
utility by protectionist policies, which also reduce competition. Yet sometimes
the state (the �arbitrary� government) is necessary to protect human rights,
and sometimes the capitalists, the �third order of men� would �deceive and even
. . . oppress the public.� He described how corporations were likely to foment
wars instead of preferring free and peaceful competition. The capitalist and
the corporation are just as susceptible to the corruption of power as is a
despotic government. Smith implied that �economic liberty� should not include
the right for capitalists, working through government, to issue unlimited
corporate charters, and that limiting the scope and lifetime of the corporation
could restore the free and peaceful competition that Smith thought would keep
capitalist self-interest in check.
The American public would surely be receptive to such
arguments. Confidently argued and disseminated, such discussions and analysis
could appear in op-eds and web sites and build intellectual support for more
fair and equitable economic policies, whatever such policies might later look
like in detail.
1 Andrew Bernstein, �Global Capitalism: The Solution to
World Oppression and Poverty,� Part 2 of 3, Capitalism Magazine,
September 29, 2005
2. Alan D. Sokal, �Transgressing
the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity,� Social
Text #46/47, 217-252 (spring/summer 1996)
Alan D. Sokal, �A Physicist Experiments With Cultural Studies,� Lingua
Franca, May/June 1996, 62-64,
3. The Library of Economics
and Liberty, Biography of Adam Smith (1723-90), Liberty Fund, Inc.,
4. Britannia Home,
Monarchs, House of Brunswick, Hanover Line, George III (1760-1820 AD), LLC
5. Adam Smith, An Inquiry Into the Nature
and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, rev ed (1776; repr., New York: Random
House, 1994), 3
6. Ibid., 7
7. Ibid., 19
8. Ibid., 79
9. Ibid., 715-716
10. Ibid., 521
11. Ibid., 541
12. Ibid., 680
13. Ibid., 286
14. Ibid., 485
15. Ibid., 140
16. Ibid., 155
17. Ibid., 286
18. Ibid., 75-76
19. The history of government injunction
against labor in the U.S. is long. See, for example, Foster Rhea Dulles and
Melvyn Dubofsky, Labor in America A History, 4th ed.
(Arlington Heights, Illinois, Harlan Davidson, 1984) 169, 189, 228-229, 253,
339 and more.
20. Ibid., 77
21. Ibid., 76
22. Ibid., 76
23. Ibid., 76
24. Ibid., 77
25. Ibid., 90
26. Ibid., 287-288
27. Ibid., 501
28. Ibid., 136
29. Ibid., 142
30. Robert A.G. Monks, The Emperor�s
Nightingale: Restoring the Integrity of the Corporation (Oxford: Capstone
Publishing Limited, 1998), 27
31. The Wealth of Nations, 814
32. Ibid., 800
33. Ibid., 811
34. Ibid., 812
35. Ibid., 814
36. Ibid., 800
37. Ibid., 812
38. Ibid., 501
39. Ibid., 484-485
40 Nicholas D. Kristoff and David E.
Sanger, �How U.S. Wooed Asia To Let Cash Flow In,� The New York Times,
16 February 1999.
41. The Wealth of Nations,
42. Ibid., 634
43. Ibid., 840
44 Bernstein, �Global Capitalism�
Pyland is a resident of Houston, Texas. Trained as a mechanical engineer, he
also reads, studies and researches history, economics, globalization, and
politics. He has taught and facilitated local globalization and economics
related seminars, has been involved in local anti-globalization groups, and has
a website at