If anyone still harbors any illusions that the lame-duck
CheneyBush administration will taxi relatively harmlessly to its departure gate
in January 2009, recent events suggest otherwise. It's been made abundantly
clear that in the next 10 months, these guys are going to behave even more
brutishly in amassing and misusing their power, and in screwing things up, than
they've already done in the past seven-plus years.
In essence, the message emanating from the White House to
the country can be summed up this way: "You want us? You come and get us.
Otherwise, get out of our way! We've got a whole lot of unfinished business to
In foreign policy, we should expect CheneyBush to continue
locking-in agreements with the Iraq government that will permit permanent
stationing of troops and aircraft and missiles on that country's soil, which in
effect means a continuation of the war perhaps for decades -- or, in the
approving estimate of John McCain, for 50 or 100 years or more. (But you can
bet that CheneyBush will withdraw some troops from Iraq, for partisan reasons,
just prior to the election.) Then there's the prospect they will bomb Iran's
military/scientific installations from the air, something Cheney and Bush and
the other neocons, in and out of government, are salivating about.
In domestic policy, one can expect even more bad policy:
placing a whole lot more incompetent ideologues into positions of
administrative power and onto the courts, selling off more of America's public
lands for energy exploitation, giving more sweetheart deals to their
contributors (such as the one the EPA just cut with big agriculture so they
don't have to report their factory-farm toxic-gas
emissions, cutting more vital social and infrastructure programs as the
economy continues to tank -- thanks to Bush policies of spending upwards of three trillion dollars on
the wars and associated costs), etc. etc.
Consider just four examples from last week:
1. Enjoy your "downer" burgers
Americans were justifiably horrified when they saw recent
hidden-camera footage on the nightly news of emaciated, scabrous cows being
dumped into the food supply that winds up as hamburger meat in schools and
prisons and who knows where else. According to Department of Agriculture
regulations, those so-called "downer" cattle (those too sick or weak
to stand) are not permitted to be placed into the public food-supply chain, for
fear of passing on "mad cow" or other horrific diseases.
Nearly 145,000 million pounds of such potentially tainted
meat from the slaughterhouse in question had to be recalled, 37 million pounds
of which already had been consumed in school lunches and other nutrition
Good, the meat-processors in question were shamed and
embarrassed. The government's regulatory system was in place and all was well
in the world. Right?
Wrong. CheneyBush and their GOP enablers in Congress are in
hock up to their eyeballs to their corporate benefactors, and ideologically
opposed in any case to the concept of regulating a free market. So, how did the
administration handle this black-eye episode?
Were the fines increased for meat-processors that skirt the
rules? Their corporate owners shunned and contracts canceled? Nope.
Instead, last week, the CheneyBush administration officially
authorized the use of "downer" meat as fit for human consumption.
A few more random inspections were ordered at meat processing plants, but no
systemic overhaul of the limited inspection protocols were devised to increase
protection for the public.
"So you caught us red-handed bowing to the
meat-processing industry," Bush&Co. seemed to be saying. "What
are you going to do about it? Bugger off and get out of our face."
2. Who watches the watchers?
The CheneyBush administration is probably the most secretive
in U.S. history. It doesn't like anybody looking over its shoulder and knowing
what it's up to, mainly because so much of what it's up to is either immoral,
illegal or the result of massive corruption, often all three at the same time.
CheneyBush have been especially secretive about the many and
various ways they've mangled and decimated the Constitution, especially in how
the massive intelligence-gathering techniques available to it have been
marshaled to data mine and spy on American citizens. New technologies have
enabled federal agents to secretly enter citizens' computers, read their
personal email, tap their telephones, etc., without those victimized ever
knowing. Such privacy violations are done, of course, in the name of
"fighting the war on terrorism."
Just like authoritarian governments all over the globe, the
CheneyBush regime keeps its illegal operations top-secret, and fights like the
devil to keep them that way. One way they do this is to make sure nobody -- no
court, no congressional committee, and certainly not the public -- is privy to
their shadowy operations. To have total control of the inflow of information,
they had to figure a way to avoid the post-Nixon law establishing the FISA
Court as the one legal entity for oversight of all executive requests for
wiretapping and the like.
Even though the FISA Court has been a virtual rubber-stamp
for whatever Bush&Co. chose to do, CheneyBush don't want to be compelled to
seek official "permission" to listen in on phone calls of American
citizens. But they especially don't want to admit that the president can be
reined in by any other institution. And so, shortly after CheneyBush
took office, but before 9/11, on their own order they had the NSA begin massive
wiretapping and eavesdropping. After 9/11, they asserted an even greater desire
to have all intelligence in their hands, always using the "national
security" excuse, and, in effect, maneuvered the FISA Court out of any
meaningful say in their intel-mining programs.
But one final institutional outlet needed to be made
toothless. It's called the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
(PFIAB), established in 1993, which had the power to question the legal
authority of intel decisions made by the administration. By executive order
last week, it has been renamed (taking the word "foreign" out of its
title) and its most important committee, the Intelligence Oversight Board
(IOB), was effectively stripped of its oversight responsibilities. Most notably
removed was the requirement that abuses of executive power "shall be
reported" to the attorney general and that investigations can be carried
out by the IOB to determine how bad the situation is. The IOB now merely
reports to the director of National Intelligence.
Here's the sum-up, as explained by Daily
Kos' Sminthius: "The Bush administration is engaged in an epic struggle
with Congress to keep its illegal domestic intelligence activities secret. That
is what the battle over the FISA bill is all about. The last thing Bush,
Cheney, and Addington would wish to do would be to leave the IOB in a position
to start investigating or exposing that illegality -- now, or in a future
What are CheneyBush hiding in their all-encompassing
intel-mining of U.S. citizens? It could involve listening in on their political
enemies, or it could be something huge in the works (an attack on Iran?) that
they feel would require a nationwide clampdown on intel collection and
dissemination. Stay tuned.
3. True contempt of Congress
Another way of avoiding scrutiny and oversight is to ignore
and neuter the other branches of government. Given how many HardRight judges
they've appointed, CheneyBush more or less can count on getting their
questionable actions approved by the appellate courts and even by the Supreme
Court. In addition, they control the Department of Justice through the
ideological toadies they appointed as attorney general, most notably Alberto
Gonzales and now Michael Mukasey.
Recently, the House voted to hold two key administration
figures (White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolton and former White House Counsel
Harriet Miers) in contempt of Congress for their failure to honor a subpoena by
the House Judiciary Committee requiring their testimony and relevant documents
relating to the matter of the fired U.S. attorneys. They were informed by the
committee that they could assert a claim of "executive privilege" as
a justification for not answering questions and not providing the documents,
but they had to do that by appearing and making that claim in front of the
committee. They were not simply free to ignore a lawful subpoena to appear. In
short, nobody was above the law.
The committee gave the administration all sorts of extended
deadlines and opportunities to comply, but all they got back was silence from
the White House. CheneyBush didn't want their aides to appear and so they
didn't; for them to appear, in this twisted theory of governance, would be to
acknowledge the validity of congressional oversight and the separation of
powers under which the U.S. has operated for more than 225 years.
Congress cannot challenge the authority of the president,
this White House reasoning essentially is: "We will not submit to your
requests or demands or subpoenas, so go stuff yourself." (Of course, it's
easier to strike this tough guy 'tude when you know that the Democrats in
charge of Congress have taken impeachment "off the table.")
Eventually, the House leadership had had enough and Miers
and Bolton were cited for contempt, which could earn them jail time. But the
citation is meaningless unless it can be enforced and guess who is in charge of
referring those contempt citations to a grand jury for possible indictments?
Right, Michael Mukasey, CheneyBush's handpicked lackey as attorney general.
And, sure enogh, Mukasey refused to refer.
Democratic Senators Dianne Feinstein and Charles Schumer
voted to confirm Mukasey because, they said, he promised to be an objective
independent AG. It didn't take long, as was demonstrated last week, to figure
out that Mukasey, like Gonzales, is little more than a trained poodle willingly
and energetically doing the White House bidding whenever called upon to protect
Cheney and Bush from possible legal problems.
And, even if Muksasey had sent the contempt citations to the
criminal court, the U.S. Attorney for the D.C. District, Jeffrey Taylor, would
have to sign the request in order for criminal indictments to be delivered.
Taylor is another made man, one of Bush&Co.'s handpicked U.S. attorneys,
and he's made it clear that he would not enforce Congress' contempt citations
against administration officials.
4. You've got (no) mail
Another way Bush&Co. hide what they're really up to is
to make sure there's no evidence lying around. Rove and his minions, to keep
their less savory projects secret, used both White House email addresses and
Republican National Committee email addresses. The White House claims that
several million of its requested emails have gone "missing. When Congress
subpoenaed the tens of thousands of RNC emails to the White House, they were
told that, glory be, those emails likewise had somehow "disappeared"
and couldn't be found. Angry Democratic chairmen said look again. The
Republicans said they would try to restore computer backup tapes.
Many months have now gone by and last week, the RNC told
Congress that it has no intention of trying to restore the missing White House
emails. No explanation. That's it. "Up yours. Whaddya goin' to do about
it, suckers?"
Unless somehow the Democrats can bring more power to bear,
the RNC move, writes Lambert at the Corrente
blog, "increases the likelihood that an untold number of RNC emails
dealing with official White House business during the first term of the Bush
administration -- including many sent or received by former presidential
adviser Karl Rove -- will never be recovered . . ."
Maybe the Democrats should ask Attorney General Mukasey to
look into the likely destruction of email evidence pointing to illegal activity
in the White House. That should take care of the matter.
Follow the politics
The secrets of how and why CheneyBush fired those U.S.
attorneys and replaced them with their own loyalists will remain hidden away
from public view, even though it's clear to all what was going on. CheneyBush
needed to get rid of independent-minded U.S. attorneys and replace them with
those who would do what they're told, especially harassing and indicting
Democrats on trumped-up "vote fraud" and other phony charges prior to
the November 2006 election, and protecting corrupt officials and GOP
dirty-tricks operatives working to suppress hundreds of thousands of minority
voters from exercising their franchise in the November elections.
So shutting down Congress' contempt citations is par for the
course for this administration that makes sure that it is never held
accountable for its reprehensible and often illegal actions. That's the way
autocrats rule.
House Speaker Pelosi said she's now entertaining taking
those contempt citations into civil court, thus bypassing the U.S. attorney. We
shall see.
Or, given the CheneyBush penchant for secrecy -- aided and
abetted by their enablers in Congress, the corporate media, and the courts --
maybe we won't see.
Copyright � 2008
Bernard Weiner
Weiner, Ph.D., has taught government & international relations at various
universities, worked as a writer/editor with the San Francisco Chronicle,
and currently co-edits The Crisis Papers.
To comment, write crisispapers@comcast.net.