It was called the Thomas Project. When its principal
investigators -- Stanton Jones of Wheaton College and Mark Yarhouse of Pat
Robertson University -- published Ex-Gays?
A Longitudinal Study of Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation
(InterVarsity Press, 2007), the Christianist
Right hailed the
study as �scientific proof� sexual orientation can be changed:
�While we�ve known all along that
long-term change is possible for people with unwanted same-sex attractions,
it�s interesting to note how high the
percentage of reported change was,� said Melissa Fryrear, director of Focus
on the Family�s gender issues department. [italics added]
Press is a Christian publisher. James Dobson�s Focus on the
Family runs its own �ex-gay� program.
No surprise about IVP, no surprise about the FOF spokeswoman�s comments, but
what is surprising -- even for the Dobson organization skilled in spinning
things to suit their Dominionist
agenda -- is the irrationality of �how high the percentage of reported change
The Thomas Project included a pool of only 98 people, all of
whom had been referred to various Exodus ministries for �treatment.� Exodus International claims to
be �the largest information and referral ministry in the world addressing
homosexual issues.� Exodus is not a medical or science-based organization. It�s
a ministry. �Freedom is possible
through Jesus Christ!� is their mantra and they, like Dobson�s Focus on the
Family, are well known for exaggerations.
Toscano�s August 21, 2007, comments
bear repeating:
I first heard of a five year study from Alan Chambers
[President of Exodus International] when we sat for a taping of the Faith Under Fire TV program back in
February 2005. (The show aired in April of that year. Read transcript here.
See video here.)
In March of 2006 some of us were discussing the fuzzy math of how many ex-gays
there were in the world. Thousands? Tens of thousands? More?
On my blog I
shared an exchange that took place on Faith
Under Fire that never got to air: �When I appeared with Chambers on the
Faith Under Fire TV show, he insisted that millions and millions of people have
found freedom from homosexuality through Jesus Christ. I questioned him,
�Millions and millions?!? Do you have data to back this up.� He proceeded to
tell me about a five-year study they started with 100 people. I asked, �What
happened to millions of millions?��
Perhaps the Thomas Project will have more than just 100 subjects and perhaps
most of them won�t be people who work for ex-gay programs.
It didn�t, and all participants in the Thomas Project were
clients of and counseled by Exodus International.
Focus on the Family�s Melissa Fryrear chirped about the
�high . . . percentage of reported change.� But look at the numbers reported in
the study:
- 33
people reported change in the desired manner (from gay at time 1 in the
heterosexual direction at time 3)
- 29
reported no change
- 8
reported change in the �undesired direction�
- 3 were
unsure how to describe their experience
- 25
dropped out of the study.
Add up those numbers: 33 + 29 + 8 + 3 + 25 = 98 (72 men
and 26 women). A study claiming such global conclusions was based on a subject
pool -- selected from Exodus clients -- of fewer than 100 people. The �high percentage�
Ms. Fryrear chirped about is less than the combined percentage of those
reporting �no change� and those who were �gayer� than when they entered the
Even more suspicious, only 73 participants completed the
project. One has to wonder why 25 people -- one quarter of the total
participants -- decided to drop out. According to the study, these people quit
because A) they believed they had successfully changed and didn�t want to
participate anymore, or B) they no longer wanted to change.
Group A sounds like Ted Haggard wannabes. Group B sounds
like honest people who decided to be who they are and not what someone else
thought they should be.
Some participants reported that they were still
homosexual, but were living a �chaste life.� As noted in �What
on earth is ex-gay �success�?�
If �change� means one is constantly fighting off
same-sex urges, then that sounds more like �ex-gay� means ticking time bombs
(Bob Allen, Larry Craig, and the like, who truly believe they are straight but
seek out sex with men) or chaste individuals suppressing their orientation than
it does a true conversion. Sexual orientation is not simply about sex acts,
something the ex-gay movement continually fails to acknowledge when touting
Even some of the providers of �ex-gay� therapies admit
that what such programs teach is repression. Witness
the executive director of Love in Action, another �ex-gay� ministry: �Rev. John
Smid . . . is married to a woman and claims to have left behind �the homosexual
lifestyle,� if not same-sex attractions�
[italics added]. From Christianity Today�s
about the Thomas Project: �Most of the individuals who reported that they were
heterosexual at Time 3 did not report themselves to be without experience of
homosexual arousal, and did not report heterosexual orientation to be
unequivocal and uncomplicated.�
Acknowledging and accepting one�s homosexuality are major
steps toward mental health and living an honest life of self-respect. Denying
one�s sexual orientation leads to a disingenuous life of repression and the
psychological problems that usually follow.
Ex-Gay Watch offered
further insights into how the Thomas Project was conducted:
An anonymous source said they have
contact with someone participating in the study, called the Thomas Project, out
of Wheaton College, and the study consists of questions asked once a year by
phone. This participant also noted that the questions were oversimplified,
requiring basic responses where they felt detailed explanations were needed. We
have good reason to trust this contact, though we will respect their request
for anonymity.
There are unconfirmed reports that the study has a sample of as few as 100 to
150 participants. While we don�t know what work was done during selection or
preparation, we now know that the data was collected via annual phone calls. A
picture is forming of some weak methodology . . .
A weak methodology that included only participants likely to
yield the desired results: junk science encouraging potentially harmful
�therapeutic� practices.
At its October 2007 meeting, the American Academy of Family
Physicians will discuss a resolution opposing �ex-gay� therapies. The American
Psychological Association�s official website states, �The reality is that
homosexuality is not an illness. It does not require treatment and is not
changeable.� The APA further warns that �conversion therapy� is poorly documented
and could cause potential harm. The American Psychiatric Association�s website
notes that there �is no published scientific evidence supporting the efficacy
of �reparative therapy� as a treatment to change one�s sexual orientation. The
potential risks of �reparative therapy� are great, including depression,
anxiety, and self-destructive behavior.� The Thomas Project did nothing to
provide that missing �scientific evidence.� Quite the contrary.
being said, should individuals have the right to seek �ex-gay� therapy? Yes: caveat emptor. Before entering into such
programs, however, those offering such �treatments� should be required --
ethically and perhaps legally -- to tell prospective clients the scientific,
medical facts. Perhaps then those
seeking change might consider legitimate psychological counseling to learn to
accept themselves rather than opting for hocus-pocus religion-based �therapy�
designed to teach them to reject who they are and lead fraudulent,
repressed lives of denial.