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Announcements Last Updated: May 30th, 2007 - 00:37:59

Your editor is off to the Middle East
By Bev Conover
Online Journal Editor & Publisher

Apr 25, 2007, 01:39

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British journalist and Middle East specialist Linda Heard and her husband have graciously provided me with the opportunity to see a bit of that part of the world firsthand. It�s an offer to expand my horizons that I can�t refuse. With the exception of possibly posting to the Editors� Blog, Online Journal will be on hold starting April 27 and will resume publishing on or about May 30.

Writers may submit articles beginning May 25.

As a traveler and not a tourist, this is a trip I am very much looking forward to. In addition to seeing the wonders of ancient Egypt up close, I intend to soak up as much of the culture and realities of today�s Egypt as I can.

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