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Special Reports Last Updated: Apr 12th, 2007 - 01:54:15

French presidential candidate Sarkozy says pedophilia is genetic and unmanageable
By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Apr 12, 2007, 01:52

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(WMR) -- With the French presidential election on April 22 and neocons everywhere anxious to see one of their own, Nicolas Sarkozy, garner a majority of the vote in the first of two elections, Sarkozy has, in a major blow to his fortunes, tipped his hand on a theme common to neocon politicians in France, the United States, Canada, Australia, Britain, and other countries -- their fascination with, defense of, and participation in pedophilia and pedophilic rituals. In an interview with a French magazine, Sarkozy said he is �inclined to think that people are born pedophiles, and that it is also a problem that we do not know how to manage.�

In one sentence, Sarkozy has echoed the furtive beliefs of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and its neocon adherents in the Republican Party, fraternal secret societies, and the seamier side of the Judeo-Christian fundamentalist Right that pedophilia is somehow genetic and, therefore, more common than thought and acceptable. Sarkozy goes so far as to suggest that society does not know how to �manage� pedophiles -- a signal that Sarkozy, who has demonized Muslims and African immigrants in France and has called for their �management� through registration and detention, puts them into a category lower than pedophiles. Sarkozy has done more to expose the bizarre and reprehensible sexual beliefs of the neocons than has any other right-wing politician since the Nazi racialist perverts ruled Germany.

The willful decisions of both Bush administrations, the Blair government in the UK, and the Howard government in Australia in failing to curtail pedophilia activities among top office holders, military officers, and diplomats is a result of their belief that child sex, including child prostitution, is as acceptable as less socially taboo sexual deviancies.

Sarkozy�s Socialist Party opponent, Segolene Royal, the mother of four children, said she found Sarkozy�s comments �surprising.� Par for the course is more like it. Centrist candidate Francois Bayrou was shocked by Sarkozy�s comments, finding them �chilling.� The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Paris, Andre Vingt-Trois, also condemned Sarkozy�s comments.

The global corporate media, which is already celebrating Sarkozy�s ascension to the Elysee Palace, is largely and ominously ignoring Sarkozy�s prurient quote. It would come as a surprise to many WMR readers at the number of corporate journalists right here in the nation�s capital who have been linked to pedophilia over the past two decades.

One question for those who support Sarkozy is: �If Sarkozy becomes president of France, what about the children?�

When we look over the cover-ups of Henry Kissinger- and G.H.W. Bush-endorsed Operation Condor�s links with Colonia Dignidad pedophilia in Chile in the 1970s, U.S. government awareness of pedophilia at Jonestown in Guyana, the Georgetown Club, the Franklin/Omaha pedophile scandal, midnight tours of the White House for underage male prostitutes during the G.H.W. Bush administration, Mark Foley and Dennis Hastert, sexual molestation of children at Abu Ghraib, child prostitution in U.S. military occupation zones in the Balkans, and molestation of teens at Texas and Florida youth detention facilities involving political appointees of the Bush family, including a cover up in Texas initiated by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and his U.S. Attorneys, �loyal Bushies,� in the state, we must, again, ask the question: What about the children?

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Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributedcolumnist. He is author of �Jaded Tasks: Big Oil, Black Ops & Brass Plates.� He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report.

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