In the wake of
political damage caused by looming scandals, plummeting popularity, continuing
failure in Iraq, a still-unaddressed energy collapse and approaching shock
(exacerbated and hastened by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita), and a major
Republican election defeat, the desperate and hemorrhaging Bush administration
and its network are resorting to murder, death, chaos and fear to restore their
grip on power.
The US-orchestrated
9/11 provided the �new Pearl Harbor� needed to shock a nation into submission,
and into supporting (to use the infamous words of Zbigniew Brzezinski)
�imperial mobilization� -- an endless �war on terrorism,� a sequential
region-by-region conquest for oil, and a police state within the US.
Now a November 10
report published by Capitol
Hill Blue (reprinted
below in its entirety) reveals that Bush/GOP operatives are contemplating how
another �devastating attack� on US soil could do the trick for Bush again.
Fabricated terrorism
is an ancient and classic method of social control. Post-9/11, every nation and community
had had its own 9/11-type terror event at the precise moment a country�s ruling
elite needed one to justify draconian measures to paralyze communities (and
minds). From Spain (Madrid bombings) and Indonesia (Bali bombings), to London
(the 7/7 bombings) and Lebanon (the Rafik
Harriri assassination, blamed on Syria). Acts of pure terror carried out
and facilitated by Anglo-American forces, as well as �real� terrorism by
insurgencies and resistance (in response to criminal Anglo-American actions)
continue to fuel a never-ending world war.
In the past week,
Jordan got its own Pearl Harbor, its own 9/11. The same questionable
circumstances, anomalies,
and spin. The same Al-Qaeda/Zarqawi
attributions. The same Pavlovian reactions and backlash (�denunciations of
�terrorists��), followed by the same justifications for more militarization and
That the mass murder of its own citizens, and its political
rewards, are the subject of chat among US �lawmakers� merely confirms the deep
criminality that is routine and systemic throughout Washington. It also adds to
the evidence proving that Bush-Cheney neocons are not only fully complicit in
the murders of 9/11, but maintain an ongoing interest in more Pearl Harbors and
Operation Northwoods-style events, and new lies, when it serves them.
As a potentially devastating winter approaches, promising
more trouble for the Bush administration, the temptation for them to kill and
blow things up becomes even greater.
memo touts new terror attack as way to reverse party's decline
Publisher, Capitol Hill Blue
Nov 10, 2005, 06:19
A confidential memo circulating among senior Republican
leaders suggests that a new attack by terrorists on U.S. soil could reverse the
sagging fortunes of President George W. Bush as well as the GOP and
"restore his image as a leader of the American people."
The closely-guarded memo lays out a list of scenarios to
bring the Republican party back from the political brink, including a
devastating attack by terrorists that could �validate� the President�s war on
terror and allow Bush to �unite the country� in a �time of national shock and
The memo says such a reversal in the President's fortunes
could keep the party from losing control of Congress in the 2006 midterm
GOP insiders who have seen the memo admit it�s a risky
strategy and point out that such scenarios are �blue sky thinking� that often
occurs in political planning sessions.
�The President�s
popularity was at an all-time high following the 9/11 attacks,� admits one
aide. �Americans band together at a time of crisis.�
Other Republicans, however, worry that such a scenario
carries high risk, pointing out that an attack might suggest the President has
not done enough to protect the country.
�We also have to face
the fact that many Americans no longer trust the President,� says a longtime
GOP strategist. �That makes it harder for him to become a rallying point.�
The memo outlines other scenarios, including:
--Capture of Osama bin Laden (or proof that he is dead);
--A drastic turnaround in the economy;
--A "successful resolution" of the Iraq war.
GOP memos no longer talk of �victory� in Iraq but use the
term �successful resolution.�
�A successful
resolution would be us getting out intact and civil war not breaking out until
after the midterm elections,� says one insider.
The memo circulates as Tuesday�s disastrous election defeats
have left an already dysfunctional White House in chaos, West Wing insiders
say, with shouting matches commonplace and the blame game escalating into open
�This place is like a
high-school football locker room after the team lost the big game,� grumbles
one Bush administration aide. �Everybody�s pissed and pointing the finger at
blame at everybody else.�
Republican gubernatorial losses in Virginia and New Jersey
deepened rifts between the Bush administration and Republicans who find the
President radioactive.
Arguments over whether or not the President should make a
last-minute appearance in Virginia to try and help the sagging campaign
fortunes of GOP candidate Jerry Kilgore raged until the minute Bush arrived at
the rally in Richmond Monday night.
�Cooler heads tried
to prevail,� one aide says. �Most knew an appearance by the President would
hurt Kilgore rather than help him but (Karl) Rove rammed it through, convincing
Bush that he had enough popularity left to make a difference.�
Bush didn�t have any popularity left. Overnight tracking
polls showed Kilgore dropped three percentage points after the President�s
appearance and Democrat Tim Kaine won on Tuesday.
Conservative Pennsylvania Republican Senator Rick Santorum
told radio talk show host Don Imus Wednesday that he does not want the
President's help and will stay away from a Bush rally in his state on Friday.
The losses in Virginia and New Jersey, coupled with a
resounding defeat of ballot initiatives backed by GOP governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger in California have set off alarm klaxons throughout the
demoralized Republican party. Pollsters privately tell GOP leaders that
unless they stop the slide they could easily lose control of the House in the
2006 midterm elections and may lose the Senate as well.
�In 30 years of
sampling public opinion, I�ve never seen such a freefall in public support,�
admits one GOP pollster.
Democratic pollster Geoffrey Garin says the usual tricks
tried by Republicans no longer work.
"None of their old tricks worked," he says.
Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va.) admits the GOP is a party
mired in its rural base in a country that's becoming less and less rural.
"You play to your rural base, you pay a price," he
says. "Our issues blew up in our face."
As Republican political strategists scramble to find a
message � any message � that will ring true with voters, GOP leaders in
Congress admit privately that control of their party by right-wing extremists
makes their recovery all but impossible.
�We�ve made our bed
with these people,� admits an aide to House Speaker Denny Hastert. �Now it�s
the morning after and the hangover hurts like hell.�
� Copyright 2005 by Capitol Hill Blue
Jordanians Rally to Denounce Terrorists
Al-Qaida Claims Responsibility for Deadly Blasts at Three Hotels
AMMAN, Jordan (Nov.
10) - At least one American was among the 56 people killed by suicide bombers
in attacks on three U.S.-based hotels Wednesday night, a U.S. Embassy official
said Thursday. At least two other Americans were wounded. The victims were not
identified. The official spoke on condition of anonymity in accordance with
embassy rules.
Also Thursday,
hundreds of angry Jordanians rallied outside one of the hotels, shouting,
"Burn in hell, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi!" after the terrorist's group
claimed responsibility for the blasts.
In an Internet
statement, al-Qaida in Iraq linked the blasts at the Grand Hyatt, the Radisson
SAS and the Days Inn hotels to the war in Iraq and called Amman the
"backyard garden" for U.S. operations.
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