Russian women get lost in cemetery, call authorities for help

Russian authorities said two women who took a group of girls into a cemetery to visit a relative's grave ended up intoxicated and lost.

Officials with the Emergencies Ministry in the Tomsk region village of Voronino said a pair of women took four girls, ages 7 to 17, to visit a relative's grave at the cemetery Saturday and ended up calling the ministry for help when they couldn't find their way out, RIA Novosti reported Monday.

The ministry said a rescue team used flashlights and sound signals to show the group the way out. The women and girls were escorted home, officials said.

“There were external indicators that the adult women were in a state of alcoholic intoxication,” the ministry's statement said.

Officials said it is not unusual for relatives and friends of a deceased person to gather at their grave with food and alcoholic beverages.

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