Bush Military Info


Flawed investigation into 60 Minutes and the �documents�
If they can�t get the small facts right, how can you trust the rest?

By Bev Conover
Still unreported: The payoff in Bush Air Guard fix
By Greg Palast
Clear the air, Mr. Bush
By James C. Moore

Editor�s note: The below articles have been republished in chronological order, with the oldest first.

You can't just walk away
By Martin Heldt
The spin is spinning George W. into the ground
By Martin Heldt
George W. has a dubious sense of duty
By Martin Heldt
Isikoff manages to make gone with 9 of the 12 months G.W. Bush was missing from Air Guard duty
By Martin Heldt
Shucks, George W. is a man of such integrity that he deserves the benefit of the doubt
By Martin Heldt
George W. Bush�s records raise more questions than they answer
By Martin Heldt
Four days in the fall
An investigation into the National Guard service of George Walker Bush

By Martin Heldt
Media turning a blind eye and deaf ear to G.W. Bush�s missing year of military service
By Martin Heldt
George magazine used fuzzy math, doctored and misrepresented documents to defend Bush�s military record
By Martin Heldt
Former National Guard officer says Bush aide scrubbed military records
By Linda L. Starr and Bev Conover
Burkett says he wasn�t pointing a finger, but trying to get Bush to release the pertinent documents in his military records
By Bev Conover
Is George W. Bush a deserter?
By Ollie Dawshed
What do you say?
By Bill Burkett

Turnipseed File
(Brig. Gen. Wm R. Turnipseed, ret.)

Democrats.com has assembled all the statements made by Gen. Turnipseed that he was 99 percent certain that George W. Bush had never reported for duty with the Alabama Air National Guard.

For more info, see The Smoking Jet

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