Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Downing Street Papers reveal psychopathology of criminal mass murderers 

More evidence continues to emerge, adding to proof ad nauseum that the Bush administration had its mind made up on taking Iraq at least as early as March 2002, if not sooner. (On 9/11, Donald Rumsfeld gave the green light to “go massive…sweep it all up…things related and not”—which included attacking Iraq).

The new corroboration is clearly presented across no less than seven memos (comprising the “Downing Street Memos”) and a secret memo from Bush to Blair (from Bush's Crawford, Texas, ranch, in preparation for Bush-Blair summits in April 2002).

The memo by Blair's chief foreign policy adviser David Manning confirms that in dinner conversations with Condoleezza Rice, she was “enthusiastic about regime change,” and focused primarily on cleverly devising ways to justify and sell the invasion (knowing that it was a criminal act, in absolute violation of international law), and create a plan of falsification to “produce the right result.” Rice was also concerned with eliminating political fallout that could result in the administration “bombing Iraq, but losing the Gulf”—-proof that the so-called “liberation of Iraq” is a bald-faced lie, while “the Gulf” (Persian Gulf oil) is, and has always been, the only goal.

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